Chapter No 9 Kingdom Plantae Test Biology 1st Year

 Chapter No 9 Kingdom Plantae Test Biology  1st Year

Test : Bio-I   Ch:  NO.9           Name:_____________________________  

 MCQ.   Select the Correct answer       10

1. Angiospermic seed is formed from the:

            a)   Ovary            b)   Ovule      c)   thick tip of stem            d)   Carpel

2. In which of the following, endosperm develops only after double fertilization:

a)   Gymnosperms    b)   Angiosperms c)   Both of this d)   None of these

3. The primary endosperm nucleus formed after fertilization in angiosperms embryo sac is generally:

a)   Diploid           b)   Triploid   c)   Haploid           d)   Any of these

4. Which of the following part of the angiosperms plant represents the megasporophylls?

a)   Flower            b)   Gynoecium -   c)   Carpels           d)   Ovary

5. The -------dyes are obtained from Indigo fera & Butea monosperma yielding dye from stems

 (a) Indigo (b) orcine (c) hematxylin (d)  none

6. Which of the following structures in angiosperms represents the megasporangium?

a)   Ovary            b)   Ovule     c)   Embryo sac       d)   All of these

7. Clitoria ternatea is used against ------bite

(a) wasp (b) bee  (c)   cat  (d) snake

8. Which of the following is not a fruit?

a)   Tomato            b)   Potato c)   Pumpkin         d)   Cucumber

9. The bark of Bauhinia and Tamarindus  indica are used for 

                (a)   tanning   (b) medicine   (c) stuffing  (d) all

10. Glycyrrhiza glabra is used for

  1. Whooping cough b) yellow fever c) cough and cold d) leprosy.

Short questions     5 x2 =10

1.  How pollination and fertilization occur in Pinus.     

2. What are the essential and non-essential parts of a flower?                 

3. Distinguish between subclasses Monocotyledonae and Dicotyledonae.

4. How do ovules of gymnosperms differ from those of angiosperms?         

5. Define placentation.

Q:3. Describe the evolution of seed                                                                                     10    

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