Chapter 7 Kingdom Protista Biology Ist Year Test Full Chapter

 Chapter 7 Kingdom Protista Biology Ist Year Test Full Chapter

Test: Biology class: 1st Year Chapter: 7 Marks: 50 Time: 70 Min

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________________________

Q.1 Each question has four options. Encircle the correct answer.

(I) Most of the ciliates are capable of a sexual process called:

(a)Oogamy   (b)mating       (c)conjugation   (d)copulation 

 (II) Classification of algae into phyla is largely based on the composition of:

(a)Cell wall   (b)cell membrane       (c)cytoplasm   (d)pigment 

 (III) Who in 1866 suggested creating kingdom Protista to include bacteria and other micro-organisms

(a)Ernst Haeckel   (b)Margulis and sehwartz (c)E. Chatton                 (d) Robert Whittaker

 (IV) Forminiferans and actinopods produce

(a)shells                  (b)tests                                (c)bullets                        (d)both a & b 

 (V) Which algae are known to have occasional population explosions or blooms are

(a)Dinoflagellates  (b)Zooflagellates               (c)Diatoms                     (d)both a &b

 (VI) Which is deposited in the shells of diatoms?

(a)Calcium              (b) pectin                            (c) silica                           (d) lignin 

 (VII) Some algae are edible such as

(a)Diatoms             (b) kelps                               (c) chlorella                   (d) spirogyra 

 (VIII) Marine algae are also the source of many useful substances

(a)Algin                   (b) Agar                               (c)Carrageenan             (d)All a, b, & c 

(IX) The main energy reserves of green algae are

(a) Cellulose          (b) glycogen                        (c) starch                        (d) murein 

 (X) The protists that live as symbionts in the guts of termites and help in the digestion of dry wood are

(a)Euglena             (b)Trichonymphas             (c)Trypanosoma            (d)Vorticella



Q.2 Give short answers to the following: 10

(I) what is thallus?

(II) Why kingdom Protista is regarded as the polyphyletic group of organisms?

(III) What are red tides? 

 (IV) How do algae differ from plants?

 (V) What is the difference between tests of foraminifera and action pods?

Q.3 Give historical perspective of kingdom protista. 10

Q.4 Give an account of kingdom protista (fungus like). 10

Q.5 Describe characteristics of algae. 10

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