Paper: Biology Govt. College Chunain (Kasur)Time Allowed: 2:40 Min Class: Second Year December Test 2020 Maximum Marks: 68 Roll No: ________ Subjective Type Name: __________

Paper: Biology Govt. College Chunian (Kasur)Time Allowed: 2:40 Min     Class: Second Year                              December Test 2020              Maximum Marks: 68

Roll No: ________                                  Subjective Type                                   Name: __________


1. Attempt any Eight Parts                                                  8×2= 16

1.      Differentiate between dominance and epistasis.

2.      What is a test cross? Write its importance

3.      Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative traits.

4.      What is protanopia and tritanopia?

5.      What is MODY?

6.      How Phosphodiester bond is formed?

7.      Differentiate between co-dominance and incomplete dominance

8.      What is the difference between sex-limited and sex-influenced traits?

9.      What is codon and anticodon?

10.  How transcription is terminated?

11.  Differentiate between phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria.

12.  What is embryonic induction?

2. Attempt any Eight Parts                                                  8×2= 16

1.                  How estrous cycle is different from the menstrual cycle?

2.                  Differentiate between Prairies and Savanna?

3.                  What is the difference between Oogenesis and spermatogenesis in humans?

4.                  Differentiate between identical twins and fraternal twins.

5.                  What are test-tube babies?

6.                  What is the structure and function of the corpus luteum?

7.                  How Turner’s syndrome is caused and write its symptoms?

8.                  What is mitotic apparatus? Give its function.

9.                  Differentiate between apoptosis and necrosis.

10.              What are the important signs of old age in human beings?

11.              What are vestigial organs? Give examples.

12.              Give the concept of Neo-Darwinism.

3. Attempt any Six Parts                              6×2= 16

1.                  Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs.

2.                  What is alkaptonuria and its cause?

3.                  Differentiate between autecology and synecology.

4.                  Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.

5.                  Give the layering characteristics of grassland.

6.                  What is eutrophication?

7.                  Give the effects of ozone depletion on life.

8.                  What are the main sources of water pollution?

9.                  Describe briefly renewable and non-renewable resources.



Note: Attempt any Three Questions.                                    8×3=24

4.     (A) Write a note on Meselson and Stahl Experiment. (4)

        (B) Explain the nitrogen cycle. (4)

5.     (A) Explain the genetics of Hemophilia in detail. (4)

        (B) Describe the process of replication in DNA. (4)

6.     (A) Write a note on the menstrual cycle. (4)

        (B) Write a note on wildlife and fossils fuels. (4)

7.     (A) Explain the role of phytochromes in photoperiodism. (4)

       (B) Discuss the genetics of ABO blood group system. (4)

8.    (A) Explain briefly the role of the nucleus in development. (4)

       (B) Describe the hardy-Weinberg theorem. (4)








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