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I was sitting on the bank of the canal with a dead heart waiting for tea. The heart was strangely heavy and there were twelve bells ringing on his face.
A Babaji from the village comes to me and sits down and says, "Abrar's son is fine. He looks very upset."
I say in a weak voice that just tell Baba Ji, I have come from home fighting.
My wife doesn't know why she doesn't understand me. It is said that a woman's intellect is in her knees.
Babaji smiled and said, Jhallia, you are not in any condition.
But the son who has set the example, not the woman's intellect is in the knees, he himself will be a madman.
I said, Neither Baba Ji nor you know these women.
Babaji did not say, Abrar son, you do not know the dignity of a woman.
This is the one with whom the Lord is mixing His love.
So the boy comes with tea and I take a sip of tea and then turn to Babaji.
Babaji puts his tea in the perch and starts cooling.
Babaji sipped his tea from the perch and said, "Wow, I enjoyed the tea."
After praising the tea, Babaji says that Sun Putar Rabb is the essence that lacks nothing. He had to tell about his own love, how much he loves man, so he took the name of mother that he loves more than seventy mothers. While the mother is a woman.
The daughter declared her mercy, while the daughter is also a woman.
My son, I believe that we cannot compete with men and women. Where a woman possesses a high vessel and an empty heart and where we are a low vessel and a narrow hearted man.
I was fascinated by Babaji's words.
Baba ji said that woman is the entity under whose feet heaven has been placed, just by this one can judge the glory of a woman.
When she is hopeful, she leaves everything she likes for her children. When a child is born, it is in a life-and-death struggle, not knowing whether it will live or die.
It is known that a son suffers the pain of breaking twenty-two bones at the same time when giving birth to a child. Have you ever felt so much pain?
I was getting overwhelmed by Babaji's words and today I was finding out the real place of the woman.
Babaji said, "Listen, son, put your hand on your heart and listen, lest your heart is torn. Listen to this bitter truth of yours."
You know what is the greatest virtue of a woman. She does not show masculinity like a man in words. She does not slap a man.
She does not abuse a man in front of her children. She does not kill men in the name of honour. She doesn't rap at anyone like a hungry wolf.
She does not divorce the man in anger. She doesn't shout at men in the street markets.
Listening to Babaji's words, I began to feel embarrassed and my eyes narrowed. Drops of sweat began to appear on my forehead.
Babaji may have felt ashamed of me, so he was silent for a while.
Then Babaji called out to the demolition man to take back the cup of tea.
And then they turned to me again and said, "Son, you are a wise boy." Just get a little emotional.
Understand the nature of the matter and then make decisions.
The name most often used daily in a household is that of a mother or an older sister, and they are both females.
Our homes are made up of women. Men do not settle in the house, sons settle in women. The colours of the house are through women only, son.
Everything is neat, the clothes are clean, the dishes are washed, we have the best food.
If the care of small children is done well, then the son performs all this magic only by a woman, otherwise, even a true father does not tolerate his small child for a long time.
If the baby cries a lot, the husband tells his wife to take him out of the room. My sleep is disturbed.
The daughter is a very sweet thing. It does not raise a finger at the man's character, it does not ridicule the man for his past.
If a son or a daughter is a daughter, then it is the Lord's mercy. If she is a mother, she goes to heaven under her feet.
Listening to Babaji's words, one could know how invaluable a woman is in the world
What a wonderful way to screw people over
Existence is the colour of the universe
Then Baba Ji said go home, your face is telling you that you have understood everything and now your heart is trying to go home quickly.
I sat at Baba Ji's feet and kissed Baba Ji's hand and said thank you, Baba Ji, you made my mistake
There was no punishment for seeing but corrected my mistake and made me realize that I am wrong
I must respect everyone
Babaji smiled and put his hand on my head again and said son, and now go home, the family will be waiting for you.
On my way home, I had confidence in my footsteps and contentment.
May Allah help us all to do good deeds. Amen
* Girl who ran away from home *
He dialled the number with trembling hands.
Turn Turn ... A coughing voice picked up the phone and said, "Hello."
"Hello, who's that?"
No one speaks.
He dropped the call, then a few moments later he called again with courage and then the same voice picked up the phone. Hello, who are you?
Dare you dare What Suddenly a voice came from the "Nazi" letter ????
How are you So why did the father leave us and why did he leave the honour of his parents in the dust? Brother, I am thirsty for your blood. You are right, father.
Where do you come from
The Nazis were crying and in bad shape. Without saying anything, his mother started talking and asked ... But the Nazis stood as helpless as they could. "
Then the question was asked by the mother, "Where is the letter? Are you happy after so many years?"
After all, the mother was mother's love does not end.
That's all the Nazis said. Yes, mom, I'm happy
At that moment, Nazi's husband entered the house through the door. Nazi hung up the phone in a panic and got scared. As soon as the husband entered, he asked who was on the phone. In my absence, you gossip with other men. You have run away with me, you intend to run away with someone else, distrustful woman ... !!!
The girl who ran away from home
The true love of "Jan Nisar".
The stick of "blind law" ...
The pleasure of every religion in the "world"
"Forced" parental consent.
Temporary compromise of "honourable" brothers.
The "heartfelt" joy of "friends"
May the voice of "your" conscience be satisfied
But !!!
* He never gets "honour". Not even at the cost of your whole life. Not even in front of future generations. *
It only has to compromise. The compromises from which he took this extreme step to escape.
* Listen! My sister *
* This cycle of life can only be understood by living it all one's life. *
* "Honor" is the most precious and rare thing in the world that we get for ourselves in the eyes of others and in the eye of our heart *.