Ghazali Model Paper 10th Class 2021 Physics Pdf


Ghazali Model Paper 10th Class 2021 Physics Pdf

This Ghazali Model Paper 10th contain Physics paper Class 9th.The Time Allowed for this paper is about 2 hours. The Ghazali Model Paper 10th consists of Mcqs from past papers, textbook and exercises. Short questions and long questions are also included in this sample test.This full can be downloaded from link of google drive .⇒Physics paper Grade 9th Download


Ghazali Model Paper 10th Class 2021 Physics Pdf

 Physics 9th (English Medium) Time Allowed:- 2 h



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Q.No.1 Select the correct answer of the followings.  (12)







A body is in equilibrium when its?

Acceleration is uniform

Speed is uniform

Speed and acceleration are uniform

Acceleration is zero


The magnitude of resultant force (F) is given by


 √(Fx+ Fy)2


√Fx2- Fy2


Moon completes its one revolution around the Earth in  

30 days

29 days

28 days

27.3 days


Formula for the orbital velocity of satellite at height h is Vo=   


√gh (R+h)

gh (R+h)

√Gh (R+h)


If the velocity of body becomes double, then its K.E will 

Remain the same

Become double 

Become four times

Become half


The K.E of a body of mass 2 Kg and momentum of 2 Ns is

1 J

2 J

3 J

4 J


Up thrust of liquid is given by 






Which of the following substances is heaviest one






The specific heat of steam is 

1760 Jkg-1K-1

2016 Jkg-1K-1

2100 Jkg-1K-1

4200 Jkg-1K-1


A bimetal strip consists of metals 

Aluminum and copper 

Steel and iron

Copper and brass

Brass and iron


The rate of emitting radiations depends upon  

Surface area

Surface temperature

Colour of surface 

All of these


What temperature is the same on Celsius scale as well as Fahrenheit scale?




212o Answer any six parts from the followings:-  (12)

(i) Define unstable equilibrium and give its example. (ii) On doubling the moment arm, find its effect on the value of torque.    (iii)Why are communication satellites stationed at geostationary orbits? (iv) What is head to tail rule? Also define resultant force. (v) A mechanics tightens the nut of a bicycle using 15cm long spanner by exerting a force of 200 N. Find torque that tightened it. (vi) Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as possible?   (vii) What is meant by gravitational field strength? (viii) Define centre of mass. (ix) What do you know about GPS? 

Q.No.3 Answer any five parts from the followings:-  (10)

(i) Define work and write its S.I unit. (ii) Write the names of any four forms of energy. (iii) A machine does 4 J of work in 2 sec, calculate its power. (iv) Write down two names of fossils fuels and why fossils fuels are called non-renewable resources of energy? (v)A motor boat moves at a steady speed of 4ms-1. Water resistance acting on it is 4000N. Calculate the power of its engine.(vi) Write down two features of kinetic molecular model of matter. (vii) State Pascal’s Law. (viii) Define principle of flotation. Why a wooden block floats on surface of water?

Q.No.4 Answer any five parts from the followings:-  (10)

(i) What is green house effect? (ii) Explain why deserts soon get hot during the day and the soon get cold after sunset? (iii) Convert 50 oC on Celsius scale into Fahrenheit temperature scale. (iv) Define heat capacity and write its unit. (v) On what factors evaporation of liquid depends? (vi) Calculate the value of latent heat of fusion of 4Kg of ice at 0 oC. (vii) Write down two applications of thermal expansion.

(viii) Define anomalous expansion of water.

Attempt any two questions.

 Q.No.5 (a) Define artificial satellites and explain the motion of the artificial satellites. (4)

(b) A force is acting on a body making an angle of 30 with the horizontal. The horizontal component of the force is 20 N. Find the force. (4)

Q.No.6 (a) State and explain Archimedes' principle. (4)    

(b) A man M1 takes 80 S in lifting a load of 200 N through a height of 10 m. While another man M2 takes 10 S in doing the same job. Find the power of each. (4)

Q.NO. 7 (a) Define and explain thermal conductivity.  (4)

(b) Find the temperature of the water after passing 5 g of steam at 100 oC through 500 g of water at 10 oC.

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