How much are one billion rupees AND HOW CALCULATED

First example:

If someone is given one billion rupees, rupees in the form of rupees and is told to count them ... and that person is supposed to start counting day and night without any break without eating and drinking and counting one rupee per second. So it will take about 32 years to calculate this amount.

billion,how much is one billion dollars,million billion trillion in crores,million,trillion,million billion trillion in rupees,one million in rupees,convert million billion trillion,

Another example:

Suppose a person is born on January 1 and starts spending Rs.1000 (1000) a day, then he can spend this amount daily for about 2740 years. That is, by December 31, 2018, he has spent about Rs. He can spend one thousand rupees a day for another 722 years.

Last example:

Suppose. One billion rupees should be deposited in the account of a 10-year-old child, and that child should withdraw Rs. 30,000 (30,000) daily from the account and eat, drink, buy toys, distribute among relatives or birds with these notes. Make and blow Then the next day he took out thirty thousand and spent generously. And then the third, the fourth, in the same way, continue to spend thirty thousand rupees a day. Even if he is young, half-aged and then reaches old age and then reaches the age of 100 years and leaves the world, still almost in the account. Rs 1.5 crore will be left.

Got something ????

Now just think. It was only a matter of one billion rupees.
In Pakistan, except for a few, everyone looted between Rs. You and I hear and read every day. So-and-so has corrupted so many billions of rupees, so-and-so has caused so many billions to the national exchequer and received commissions, and so-and-so has robbed so many billions.

I wonder if they will put so much money in the shroud and take it to the graves ???

What will you do

Needs are limited and desires are unlimited.

If all the world's papers became notes, they would die thinking of collecting these notes.

They will never be satisfied.

This is one of the factors in Pakistan's poor economic conditions.

No matter where you are, from wherever you are. All you have to do is raise money. It is not a matter of one or two politicians or officials, everyone has the same behaviour without allocating a few, is it the Noon League, is it the PPP? And is the PTI - all naked in the bathroom?

There are about 500 families in the country whose members are part of every government. They or their relatives have to come and go. They have left no stone unturned. Getting forgiven by taking loans. To make it lawful by giving, to do illegal work on the strength of one's position, to set up sugar mills, to get contracted frontmen at low bids, to sell government lands, government forests and to fill the coffers, all these and many other things like this family And their people do it out of a sense of entitlement.
these are some keywords which are under the search of the people on google.com

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Sharif is now the one whose hand is not touched.
And he is also in the cycle of turning the knife on the national treasury whenever he gets a chance. Well, there is no surprise in all of them, there are sadness and anger. But no wonder ... they must have been given a lot of haraam money.

Surprise and grief and sorrow come to those friends who support their leaders even though they know them. I repeat, it is not a matter of a single party, it is not a matter of a single servant. No party is made up of angels, but the standard of humanity can be maintained. We support those who take illegal concessions because it belongs to our party. Unfortunately, you should not even cry about bad economic conditions and inflation.

Non-political post


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