

Allah blessed the milk seller ... then a sore came on his neck

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Malik Meraj Khalid was the Director of International Islamic University, Islamabad. Call it the Vice-Chancellor. I was a second-semester student of MA English in International Islamic University. The university increased its fees by 200%. I wrote a column in a local newspaper against Malik Meraj Khalid. I wrote that when a milk seller becomes a director, he gets a sore throat and forgets his past. I don't remember what else he wrote but it was very irrational writing.
(malik Miraj Khalid, malik Miraj Khalid story, malik Miraj Khalid prime minister of Pakistan, malik Miraj Khalid history, malik Miraj Khalid son,

When I reached the class the next day, Mr SM Rauf, the Head of the Department, called me to his office and said that you have been summoned by the Director. I remember walking out of his room, he said angrily: Gentleman go and face the music.

I walked towards the director's office and on the way, I kept thinking that this is my last day at the university, but the question is that if I am expelled from the university today, what excuse should I make from my family as to why I was expelled? Û”

When I reached there, I told the director KPS Ismail Sahib that my name is Asif Mahmood, I have been called by the director. I was shocked when a smile appeared on Ishmael's spotted face and said he was waiting for you. But the world of wonders that entered was waiting for me. Malik Sahib was sitting alone. I said in fear: Asif in the head, did you call?
Did you write the column?

Yes, sir, I wrote.
Come on, I have some things to say to you ... and I sat down reciting Jal To Jalal To.
It's been a long time.

Malik Sahib kept turning the box of Wells. One moment was heavy on the nerves. Then Malik Sahib broke the silence and said: You wrote the column well but your information was poor. I wasn't just a milkman. I had another affair. That's why I called you to correct your information. I didn't just sell milk. I also had the problem of not having shoes.

 I would sell milk and go to school and park my bicycle there. There was only one pair of shoes in the house that Dad used. My father and I worked out a solution together. It was decided between us that I should wear these shoes in the morning and when I come back, I should wear these shoes and go and sit in my father's chopal. Now I was afraid that cycling would break my shoe. So I used to hang them with a bicycle. When the milk was delivered to the houses and reached the gate of the college, I would put on my shoes. On the way back, he would hang out with the bicycle and ride home barefoot.


Malik Sahib then became silent. This period was very long. Then he smiled and said: You have said the right thing. Indeed, when Allah blessed the milk seller, he got a sore throat. Repeatedly repeated: Allah blessed the milk seller but a rash came on his neck.

He then called Ismail and asked him if he could withdraw the increase in fees as per the rules and regulations. Ismail said that the head was not under the authority of the director. They said it is not in my power but if I issue a notification then what? Ismail said: Sir, if you issue a notification, then obviously it will be implemented. Malik Sahib said to make a notification quickly, the fees will not be increased. When I came out of the room, I had a copy of this order with me, but my heart was left there.

When he reached the department, SMA Rauf asked, "Yes, what happened?" I put the notification forward, sir it happened. I still remember the surprise in Rauf's eyes. Today, if someone asks me: What should a Vice-Chancellor look like? So I would say it should be like Malik Meraj Khalid. He held the highest position in the country. When he passed away, he lived in a rented house. May Allah Almighty grant him a high position in Paradise. Amen.

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