The slogan for women's rights and irregularities in social ethics

Think .
One's husband formed a relationship with the other. The wife could not understand her husband. He went to his girlfriend with his sister and guards and beat her up. He tried to set it on fire by sprinkling oil on it and injured it.

Made a video and went viral. Now poor liberal aunts are worried about how to make a fuss about "women's rights". Both sides have their own class.

The slogan for women's rights and irregularities in social ethics

Some are oppressed and some are oppressors. There is no "bearded man" in the middle. The reason is so embarrassing how can it be defended.

 Even the worst form of liberal class life is coming to the fore. The wife goes in search of her husband's girlfriends and they are also two real sisters. The husband was caught having sex with her and the video went viral ...

Yes, this is the way of life of the liberal class. Surprisingly, even a liberal woman who tried to destroy someone's house (a woman holding a regular poster was part of the march) and a modern woman who beat her. The woman who made the video and went viral. How to play "woman card" now.

The slogan "My body is my will" was raised by these women in the Women's March. Now it will be known how much chaos there is when all this becomes "true". How vile accusations are levelled at each other and attempts are made to kill by spraying oil on houses. The video itself goes viral on social media. Another interesting aspect of this video is that even at the height of the fight, the woman scolds the girl for calling herself "Auntie" saying that I am just how old I am.

 I am a few years older than you. Not your aunt That is, these elite class women also keep age in mind in combat. To eat The injured model and movie star is also injured.

The news is that Amber Malik and Pashmina Malik, two daughters of Malik Riaz, the country's famous property tycoon, along with their armed guards broke into the house of two model sisters Azmi Khan and Huma Khan and beat them. Wounded and tried to set fire by spraying oil. Made a video of the whole incident and made it viral on social media.

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The lesson of this whole incident is that the slogans of "my body is my will" and giving everyone the right to live a "life of will" are actually hollow even among the self-proclaimed. When they fall on themselves, they create storms and do not allow their husbands to do as they please, but become bloodthirsty attackers.

 The second lesson is the stink of the liberal way of life, where such relationships and spectacles keep coming up every day.

The third lesson is that we wish that our Westernized liberals would understand that our society cannot adopt a Western way of life and thinking because the woman here has not yet become so numb that she knowingly endured her husband's luxuries.

It is important to adopt a family lifestyle to avoid family riots. Instead of making fun of yourself and your family, children should be taught the sanctity of relationships and given the idea of ​​a chaste life.

 Only then can a better social behaviour be born. The honour of families can be saved and spectacles can be avoided.

 We need to build family relationships and lifestyles-based on our religious and social traditions, rather than hollow Western slogans.


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