humanity is true religion not rules

Priority "just humanity"  true sense of humanity*

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The human body is composed of ten trillion cells, each cell is a world in its place, an enemy of these ten trillion cells, called "coronavirus". The ten trillion cells are all living and each of these cells is living with their full, complete equipment. His enemy, he is also incomplete and half dead. The incomplete and paralyzed enemy somehow manages to reach the living cell, then rapidly turns ten trillion cells into existence, and the existence of ten trillion cells goes into the mouth of a deadly litter. 

Seven billion people are afraid of it today.

 The rulers of different countries, the ministers, the warlords of Italy and Poland have moved to Quarantina. The prime minister of a developed country like Britain is fighting a single virus corona with ten trillion cells in a special care ward. As if the virus is proclaiming across seven continents that you want to protect me from scolding at home. If you came together in the field, you would call me half dead! Will not leave you alive That is, it avoids being away from the gathering with groups and groups challenging it. It is an enemy that does not say anything to the royal houses. The House does not say anything about the headquarters and system of buildings of the armies of the world, such as the President, Prime Minister House, Pentagon. It does not say anything to the palaces, palaces, rooms. It has nothing to do with poor houses and rough houses. It does not say anything to the bicycle, nor does it pay attention to land cruisers, Mercedes and shaver lettuce, etc., does not pollute the gardens, the soil of the ground, does not pollute the river water, nor is it in the atmosphere. Something is called oxygen. It just kills the man, scares him. Frightens and makes a psychotic patient. Think about it! If human beings are not. May Allah not let Corona destroy man and bring him to the bottom of the earth, then all the wealth lying on the surface of the earth that we just mentioned; what has he done?

The True Religion is the Religion of Humanity Composition

Humanity is the Best Religion Essay in English

Humanity is Greater Than Religion

Humanity is the Best Religion Essay in Hindi

Readers! It is proved that the most important fact on this earth is that of man. Made it important then the creator of this earth made it. Allah sent the last messenger to all these people and made them mercy to all humanity. They informed man of the above fact. He told humans that the priority is humanity. Only and only humanity. Because of this fact, the Prophet raised the veil, then raised the veil geographically in the centre of the earth. The name of the city is "Bald-ul-Amin". Namely, a city of peace. On entering Baitullah Sharif, he mentioned the first one. I am going to present two hadiths. One of the narrators is Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr. The narrator of the second hadith is Hazrat Abdullah bin, Abbas. Both the hadiths have been called Hassan by Imam Nasiruddin Albani and Ravi are called Imam Bukhari and Muslim Ravi Come on! Let's look at the first hadith. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr says: "I saw the messengers of Allah chanting the Kaaba and addressing it as saying:" (O Kaaba) How pure are your fragrances. So how clean is that? So how great is your honour and how great is your respect, but I swear by the person who has Muhammad's life in his hand? The honour of a believer in Allaah is far greater than yours. The sanctity of his wealth and the honour of his blood are greater. The fact is that it is haraam to think badly about a believer. "(Ibn Majah: 3932) Abdullah bin Abbas says that when the Messenger of Allah looked at the Kaaba, he said:" Welcome to Baitullah. (O Kaaba) What to say of Your Majesty and to the Majesty of Your Sacredness, but the fact is that Allaah has associated with you an abomination, while associating three prohibitions with the believer; The blood of, (2 his wealth, (3) that it should be acknowledged without questioning him and interrogating him. (Bahaqi-Shu'aib-e-Ayman. Series: 3420)

The Essence Of Religion

Oh God, Today is Corona's lesson. Are we humans ready to miss this lesson? Ready to make humanity a priority? Will the rulers of the two countries of the world where Corona's fear and fear prevail, adopt the slogan of Humanity is first? Have two hundred countries agreed to write in their constitution and constitution that our Creator is Almighty Allah? And will humanity have a top priority in our state? Its rights and rights will be respected. I say that this lesson was given by the coming entity as a mercy to all humanity. Do we, 57 states of Muslims, adopt the human-friendly attitude of the Holy Prophet and the golden decree of human progress? The face of your constitution and customs. Yes! Didn't make or traditionally take care of it, but didn't really put it in front. If it is not made law then, O people of the world, especially rulers! Let's make our correction. Apologies to the Iraqi people that millions of women have been orphaned and widowed on the basis of false intelligence. Similar games continue in Burma and Syria. Afghanistan is craving peace. Palestinians have been in lockdown for years. People in occupied Kashmir have been in a curfew for the past eight months. India's Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Dalit Hindus are demanding a restoration of their identity. Oh! The world moves forward. Health-related to the UN World Health Organization

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