• The molecular formula of butane is?
  • a) C4H8
  • b) C4H9
  • c) C4H10
  • d) C4H12


  • The organic compounds containing at least one benzene ring are called?
    • aromatic compounds
    • acyclic compounds
    • aliphatic compounds
    • ketones


  • Cyclic compounds that contain one or more atoms other than that of carbon atoms in their rings are called?
    • aromatic compounds
    • alicyclic compounds
    • aliphatic compounds
    • heterocyclic compounds


  • The conversion of dead plants into coal by the action of bacteria and heat is called?
    • Carbonization
    • Catenation
    • Hydrocarbons
    • Cracking


  • "Urea" was prepared from?
    • ammonia
    • ammonium chloride
    • ammonium cyanate
    • ammonium sulfate


  • Kolbe prepared acetic acid in?
  • A) 1815
  • b) 1828
  • c) 1845
  • D) 1769


  • Synthetic fiber is?
    • Cotton
    • Wool
    • Nylon
    • Silk


  • Carboxylic compounds which do not have benzene ring in their molecules are called?
    • aromatic compounds
    • alicyclic compounds
    • aliphatic compounds
    • ketones


  • "Urea" was prepared in?
  • A) 1728
  • b) 1828
  • c) 1928
  • D) 1855


  • Frist organic compound Urea was prepared by?
    • Wohler
    • Arrhenius
    • Dalton
    • Jabir Bin Hayan


  • The first organic compound prepared in the laboratory was?
    • acetic acid
    • urea
    • ethyl alcohol
    • benzene


  • Percentage of carbon in peat is?
  •  30%
  • 40%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • Pitch is the black residue of:
    • Coke
    • Coal tar
    • Coal
    • coal gas


  • Which one is not an organic compound? 

    • ammonia
    • carbon dioxide
    • urea
    • a & b


  • Who rejected the vital force theory?
    • Koble
    • Wohler
    • Berzelius
    • Jabir-bin-Hayan


  • How many organic compounds are known by chemists today?
    • 10 million
    • 100 million
    • 200 million
    • 1000 million


  • The first organic compound was first prepared in the laboratory by?
    • Koble
    • Wohler
    • Berzelius
    • Jabir-bin-Hayan


  • The word organic signifies?
    • death
    • life
    • non-living things
    • oil


  • Does wood contain the amount of carbon?

  • 40%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 70%


  • An example of a heterocyclic compound is?
    • Benzene
    • Hexane
    • Cyclohexane
    • Pyridine


  • The main component of Natural gas is :
    • Methane
    • Propane
    • Butane
    • Propene


  • The functional group -COOH is found in?
    • Carboxylic acid
    • Aldehydes
    • Alcohols
    • Ester


  • The number of carbon atoms in a benzene ring is?
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9


  • The functional group of alcohols is?
    • -COOH
    • -C-
    • C-O-C
    • -OH


  • Open chain compounds are also called?
    • aromatic compounds
    • alicyclic compounds
    • aliphatic compounds
    • hydrocarbons


  • Coal having 60 percent carbon contents is called?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • Coal having 60 percent carbon contents is called?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • What do organic compounds contain?
    • ionic bond
    • metallic bond
    • covalent bond
    • coordinate covalent bond


  • Valency of carbon atom is?
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5


  • Inferior quality of coal is?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • The main component of natural gas is?
    • Methane
    • Propane
    • Butane
    • Propene


  • Which coal is used as household coal?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • We can get proteins from?
    • eggs
    • mutton
    • fish
    • all these


  • A hydrocarbon has a molecular formula, What is the formula of the next member. of same homologous series?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)


  • is the source of proteins?
    • Wheat
    • Maize
    • Pulses
    • Soybeans


  • Origin of inorganic compounds is?
    • plants
    • animals
    • minerals and rocks
    • seawater


  • The percentage of carbon in wood is?
    • 40
    • 45
    • 50
    • 60


  • is it the best source of carbohydrates?
  • beef
  • mutton
  • apple
  • potatoes


  • Which one of the following compounds is a ketone?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)


  • Coal having 70 percent carbon contents is called?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • The superior quality of coal is?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • The black residue of the coal tar is called?
    • matte
    • pitch
    • lignite
    • peat


  • What is the percentage of carbon in Anthracite?
    • 60
    • 70
    • 80
    • 90


  • How many types of carbon are there depending upon the extent of the carbonization process?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6


  • Origin of organic compounds is?
    • plants
    • animals
    • rocks
    • a & b


  • We can get fats from?
    • milk
    • butter
    • cheese
    • all these


  • The coal used in thermal power stations is?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat
  • Do elements show the ability of a catenation?
  • C
  • H
  • P
  • S


  • The conversion of wood into coal is called?
    • Catenation
    • Condensation
    • Carbonization
    • None of these


  • Coal having 80 percent carbon contents is called?
    • anthracite
    • bituminous
    • lignite
    • peat


  • Which one of the following is used to prepare nitrogenous fertilizers?


  • coal gas
  • ammoniacal liquor
  • coke
  • coal tar
  • 1. Which one is not a synthetic fibre?
    a) dacron
    b) silk
    c) acrylic
    d) nylon
  • 2. The energy of the Si-O bond is?
    a) 442 kJ/mol
    b) 452 kJ/mol
    c) 462 kJ/mol
    d) None of them
  • 3. The energy of Si-Si bonds is?
    a) 420 kJ/mol
    b) 355 kJ/mol
    c) 200 kJ/mol
    d) None of them
  • 4. The energy of the C-C bond is?
    a) 344 kJ/mol
    b) 355 kJ/mol
    c) 366 kJ/mol
    d) None of them
  • 5. Does Rose oil consist of a distinct smell giving organic compounds?
    a) phenol
    b) naphthalene
    c) geraniol
    d) di-ethyl ether
  • 6. Are gases present in natural gas are?
    a) methane and ethane
    b) propane and butane
    c) hydrogen and oxygen
    d) a &b both
  • 7. The energy of the C-O bond is?
    a) 400 kJ/mol
    b) 341 kJ/mol
    c) 351 kJ/mol
    d) 451 kJ/mol
  • 8. The number of functional groups in geraniol is?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
  • 9. The main component of natural gas is?
    a) methane
    b) ethane
    c) propane
    d) butane
  • 10. Organic compounds containing the -OH group are called?
    a) alcohols
    b) aldehydes
    c) ketone
    d) carboxylic acids
  • 11. The basic unit of all types of carbohydrates is?
    a) sucrose
    b) glucose
    c) starch
    d) fructose
  • 12. Natural gas is used in automobiles as?
    a) LPG
    b) CNG
    c) ENG
    d) HPG
  • 13. Which one is not a carbohydrate?
    a) cellulose
    b) glucose
    c) starch
    d) mutton
  • 14. Homocyclic compounds are of types?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
  • 15. Percentage of carbon in coke is?
    a) 70
    b) 80
    c) 98
    d) 99
  • 16. is used and reducing agent in the extraction of metal especially iron?
  • a) Coal gas
    b) Hydrogen
    c) Coke
    d) Carbon dioxide
  • 17. Each person's blood contains a unique blend of?
    a) ketones
    b) aldehydes
    c) carboxylic acids
    d) esters
  • 18. Which of the following does not contain starch?
    a) sugar cane
    b) maize
    c) barely
    d) potatoes
  • 19. Is the compound present in petroleum are separated by a process called?
    a) destructive distillation
    b) fractional distillation
    c) condensation
    d) carbonization
  • 20. Alkanes are also called?
    a) olefins
    b) paraffins
    c) aliphatic compounds
    d) cyclic compounds
  • 21. Which one is a fossil fuel?
    a) coal
    b) petroleum
    c) natural gas
    d) all these
  • 22. Which one is not a natural fibre?
    a) cotton
    b) silk
    c) acrylic
    d) nylon
  • 23. Alkyl radicals are represented by a letter?
    a) L
    b) R
    c) P
    d) a
  • 24. Ester is recognized by theirs?
    a) fruity smell
    b) rotten egg smell
    c) greenish color
    d) a &b both
  • 25. is used for the surfacing of roads and roofs?
  • a) coke
    b) pitch
    c) methane
    d) peat

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