Free Grammar Check Online MCQS English Quiz

Free Grammar Check Online MCQS English Quiz


Free Grammar Check Online MCQS English Quiz,Class &Grade 9th Book Preparation Material,Alghazali pdf free download English,The Scholar Uptoda

I feel the delightful velvety texture of a flower:
a) Structure

b) Craving

c) Detect

d) Observe
Correct Answer

 The addicts die due to lack of timely treatment and counselling:
a) Conversation

b) Agreement

c) Signature

d) Habit
Correct Answer

English Synonyms Mcqs Free Grammar Check Online 

Drug addiction is a common problem all over the world today:
a) inclination

b) Fall up

c) Fall to

d) Free
Correct Answer
 That people may also resort to drug addiction:
a) Escape

b) recourse

c) Solution

d) Problem
Correct Answer
He would try to awaken their dormant and sluggish faculties:
a) Active

b) Inactive

c) Intelligent

d) Lazy
Correct Answer
46. The Holy Prophet had arisen to proclaim oneness of God.
a) Work

b) Declare

c) Tell

d) Pray
Correct Answer

Mcqs &Quiz Free Grammar Check Online Answers

Sometime I have thought:
a) An idea

b) Planet

c) Defeated

d) Detected
Correct Answer
An idea
Patriotism means devotion to one’s country.
a) Loyalty

b) Disloyalty

c) Joy

d) Grief
Correct Answer
The Sultan Mosque is one of the most impressive monuments. The underline word antonym is:
a) Ugly

b) Unimpressive

c) Remarkable

d) Beautiful
Correct Answer
They got furious.
a) Happy

b) Sad

c) Very angry

d) Angry
Correct Answer
Very angry
A few important environmental factors are bad peer influence ,domestic pressure etc.
a) charges

b) bands

c) elements

d) events
Correct Answer
That is the first sign of awakening nature after her winter sleep:
a) Indication

b) Matter

c) Useful

d) Pleasant
Correct Answer
In vacant or in pensive mood.
a) look

b) stare

c) imagined

d) without any worry
Correct Answer
without any worry
You are made of sterling material.
a) Worse

b) Good

c) Highest quality

d) Weak substance
Correct Answer
Highest quality
This response shows the wisdom and courage.
a) Answer

b) Question

c) Problem

d) Solution
Correct Answer

Online English Preparations Class 10 

 For a patriot sovereignty and honor of the country are supreme values.
a) Glory

b) Desultory

c) Appoint

d) Request
Correct Answer
One day standing at the besides of a young bus accident victim:
a) Front of

b) At the side of

c) Back of

d) Chair side
Correct Answer
At the side of
We will have to recruit more nurses to attend to other patients:
a) Look after

b) Take to

c) Engaged

d) Hold
Correct Answer
Look after
The ideology of Pakistan was based on fundamental principle.
a) Unimportant

b) Very important

c) Difficult

d) Unnecessary
Correct Answer
Very important
This gives them unnecessary mental and physical tension:
a) Happiness

b) Sadness

c) Worry

d) Sorrow
Correct Answer
I am delighted to have the coat waters of a brook rush through my open fingers:
a) River

b) Ocean

c) Stream

d) Canal
Correct Answer
Patriotism gives people strength and courage.
a) Power

b) Food

c) Water

d) Determination
Correct Answer
The ideology of Pakistan was based on fundamental principles.
a) Unimportant

b) Important

c) Creative

d) Uncreative
Correct Answer
She did not make a statement that would give him a clue.
a) Problem

b) Answer

c) Hint

d) Report
Correct Answer
You are absolutely right.
a) Incompletely

b) Normally

c) Fully

d) Likely
Correct Answer
Patriotism is not just a feeling.
a) Emotion

b) Guard

c) Benefit

d) Sentiment
Correct Answer
The waves beside them danced.
a) At front of

b) At side

c) Behind

d) Close
Correct Answer
At side
 I made up my mind to risk my career:
a) Endanger

b) Save

c) Continue

d) Stop
Correct Answer
There is coverage of all important events of the world.
a) Incidents

b) Destination

c) Occurrences

d) Facts
Correct Answer
Time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and month and years to come:
a) Scene

b) Style

c) Seeing

d) Stage
Correct Answer
Many brave soldiers gave their life.
a) Fear people

b) Strong

c) Courageous

d) Coward
Correct Answer
By following the Quaid’s golden motto.
a) Slogan

b) Principles

c) Talk

d) Theory
Correct Answer
 Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently.
a) Politely

b) Slowly

c) Forcefully

d) Angrily
Correct Answer
55 Dec of noise level residential areas and 75 decibel in commercial areas:
a) Industrial

b) Profession

c) Large

d) Actively
Correct Answer
We will discuss the role of media and its impact.
a) influence

b) Effect

c) Profit

d) Both A & B
Correct Answer
Both A & B
 It is therefore a need to acquire more civic sense:
a) Lesson

b) Awareness

c) Shut off

d) Generally
Correct Answer
 Now and then I have tested any seeing friends to discover what they see:
a) Checked

b) Rejected

c) Refused

d) Welcomed
Correct Answer
 Hazrat Asma (R.A) was amongst the early few who accepted Islam.
a) Embraced

b) Disbelieved

c) Refused

d) Ready
Correct Answer
She sold the garden inherited after the death of her sister.
a) Receive from forefather

b) Receive from friends

c) Receive from neighbor

d) Receive from uncle
Correct Answer
Receive from forefather
Along the margin of a bay, I walked.
a) inside

b) beside

c) up

d) down
Correct Answer

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