English 9 Class English Medium Paper Guess

 English 9 Class English Medium Paper Guess

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English 9 Class English Medium Paper Guess,alghazali Smart Syllabus and Guess Paper,Scholar uptodate & Guess papers Matric& Fsc  English pdf

Q1.Choose correct form of verb English 9

i. She----French at present


(b) learning

(c) is learning

(d) learns

ii. He -----me waiting

(a) not keep

(b) keep not

(c) does not keep

(d) no keep
iii. They—tea every morning

(a) take


(c) takes

(d) was taking
iv. I---book when bell rang

(a) read

(b) reads

(c) am reading

(d) was reading
v. It ----to rain an hour ago

(a) begin

(b) beagan


(d) begins

Q.2Choose words with correct spelling English 9

(i) (a)Vilently (b) voileantly (c) violently (d) vilantly

(ii) (a) stedfast (b) steedfast (c) steadfast (d) studfast

(iii) (a) Dilemma (b) dilamma (c) dilumma (d)dilima

Q.3:English 9 Choose correct option of underlined word

i. Proclaim means (a) request (b) forbid (c)declare

ii. Spirit means (a) reality (b) humility (c)enthusiasm

iii. Ripe means (a) nice (b) mature (c) tiny (d)rich

Q.4Choose correct option according to grammar English 9

i. Always speak the truth :underlined word is:

(a) noun phrase

(b) material noun

(c) abstract noun
ii. You---be punctual.

(a) might to

(b) should

(c) must be

(d) would have
iii. Courageous is

(a) adjective

(b) noun

(c) adverb

(d) none

Q.5 Translate into Urdu:

Read in the name of thy Lord who created, created man from clot of congealed blood.Read and thy Lord is most bountiful, who taught the use of pen ,taught man that which they knew not.

Q.6 Write a letter to your sister congratulate her on birthday

Q.7Answer following question

(i) What was mission of RASOOL (SAW)?

(ii) how will you define patriotism?

(iii) how did Hazrat asma console her grandfather?

Q.8Use following words in sentence.

(i) Tropical (ii) mad with anger (iii) fit of fury

Q.9Change voice any five

(i) We shall have finished our work by march next

(ii) he had told me to do it.

(iii) why were they beating boy?

(iv) who broke rope? (v) let me plough the field

(vi) do not let bad boys influence your son.

 Q.10.Translate the Following Sentence 

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