US and British vaccine imports banned / Public rally in Baghdad marks US defeat

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The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, referring to public gatherings in Baghdad and some other cities in Iraq on the occasion of the first anniversary of Martyr Soleimani and Martyr Abu Mehdi Mohandas, said: I thank the Iranian people.

According to the report, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, referring to public gatherings in Baghdad and some other cities in Iraq on the occasion of the first anniversary of Martyr Soleimani and Martyr Abu Mehdi Mohandas, said: I thank the Iraqi and Iranian people.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution used to meet the people of Qom every year on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Revolution. Addressing the people live on a TV channel on the occasion of the 19th, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: I salute the people of Qom and the seminary of Qom. Due to the corona virus, I have not been able to see the bright faces of the people of Qom this year. However, this is also an aspect of life. There are such ups and downs in life. The uprising of the people of Qom was, in fact, the first revolutionary uprising against the United States.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: On the occasion of the anniversary of Shaheed Soleimani and Shaheed Abu Mehdi Mohandas across the country, the people once again refreshed their souls and paid homage to the martyrs by paying homage to them. Similarly, the Iraqi people held great rallies in Baghdad and other cities to pay tribute to the martyrs, and the great public gathering in Baghdad was in fact a manifestation of the defeat and failure of the United States.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, while calling the current situation in the United States the worst situation in American history, said: The veil of so-called democracy of America has been torn and the veil of human rights of America has also been exposed by the massacre of black American citizens. One black American is killed every few days in the United States, but some people still consider the United States as their qiblah.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: Those who are worried that after negotiating with the United States, the country will turn into a paradise, they should carefully consider the situation of the United States and its allies. The United States itself has turned into hell. And in the United States, human values and human rights have no value.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: Western countries should lift sanctions against Iran, whether they lift them or not, our responsibility is to strengthen our economy at the national level so that their sanctions fail. Become

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: There is no need to negotiate with anyone regarding national and national defense. We will not compromise with anyone regarding national defense. We remember the era of Saddam Hussein when Saddam Hussein used to hit Tehran with missiles and warplanes of Western countries but today we have reached the level that even if American drones enter our airspace, they will be targeted by Iran. It will be destroyed by missiles, and the Iranian armed forces have destroyed several US drones so far.

In his address, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to the development of coronavirus vaccine in the country, said: "Vaccines developed in the United States and the United Kingdom are not reliable. If they were so effective, how could there have been so many deaths?" We also don't trust the French vaccine, so importing the US and British vaccines into the country is strictly prohibited.

The Machh Martyrs' Committee rejected the Prime Minister's demand for the burial of the martyrs

If the bodies were to be buried, why was there a need to hold a sit-in in the bitter cold? The sit-in will continue and no burial will be held.

 Holy Farooq

QUETTA: The Machh Martyrs' Committee has rejected the demand of the Prime Minister for the burial of martyrs. The protesters of the Mashh tragedy had made the burial of the bodies conditional on the arrival of Prime Minister Imran Khan but Prime Minister Imran Khan gave a clear message to the Hazara community that the Prime Minister cannot be blackmailed like this I guarantee I will go to Quetta today.

But the Martyrs' Committee has decided not to bury the dead. Machh Tragedy Committee rejects PM's demand for the burial of martyrs. Media reports say that the Machh Tragedy Martyrs Committee has decided that the sit-in will continue and no burial will be held.

He said that if the bodies were to be buried then why there was a need to hold a sit-in in severe cold.

Ahaz Raza, a member of the Martyrs' Committee, announced that if the Prime Minister did not come, he would hold a long march in Islamabad with the bodies. Aghaz Raza, a member of the Martyrs' Committee in Machh, had said in a press conference yesterday that three representatives from the government had come for talks. The families of the martyrs put their demands before the government representatives. The heirs of the martyrs brought the bodies here of their own free will.

The relatives of the martyrs will carry forward whatever they say. Agha Raza said that the sit-in will continue till the arrival of Imran Khan. If Imran Khan does not come to the sit-in, he will march to Islamabad with the bodies of the martyrs. Addressing the press conference, Amanullah said that we are against the government and not of any political party

Qom-based Pakistani students express solidarity and sympathy with Machh victims

Pakistani students in the holy city of Qom, Iran, held a grand meeting last night at the Hojjatiya Madrassa, expressing solidarity and sympathy with the victims of the Machh tragedy and urging the Pakistani government to fulfill its responsibilities in connection with the Machh tragedy. ۔

According to the report, Pakistani students in the holy city of Qom, Iran, held a grand gathering at Madrasa Hojjatiya last night in which they expressed solidarity and sympathy with the victims of the Machh tragedy and urged the Pakistani government to fulfill its responsibilities in the Machh tragedy. Follow on Addressing a gathering of Pakistani students, the speakers termed the perpetrators of the Machh tragedy as enemies of Islam and humanity. The special guest of the meeting, Ayatollah Araki, offered his condolences to the people of Pakistan on the tragedy and said that there was a massacre of workers who were serving the country. This is a great tragedy and it is our responsibility to expose the masterminds and facilitators of the murders. We need to start a media war against them.

Ayatollah Araki said the United States had formed the ISIS terrorist organization and had previously supported a dictator like Saddam who massacred two million people in Iraq from 1991 to 2003. The United States is the enemy of humanity and we must be at enmity with it.

Ayatollah Araki further said that a conspiracy was being hatched to destabilize Pakistan through the ISIS terrorist organization and that Pakistan was being punished for taking a firm stand on Israel. Pakistan's bold stance on Israel is commendable. He demanded the government of Pakistan to take stern action against the culprits and ensure the safety of its people.

Addressing the gathering, Allama Ibn Al-Hassan Haidari, a prominent religious scholar from Quetta, said that the oppressed workers in Machh were brutally slaughtered. This is not the first time our blood has been shed many times before. We ask the state who our killers are. When a relative of a politician is killed, the entire state machinery is set in motion, but the whole state is silent on our massacre. The state should protect us and it is its responsibility to arrest the killers and meet the demands of the families of the martyrs immediately or else there will be protests all over Pakistan.

Bahrain has turned into a big prison: Sheikh Isa Qasim

The leader of the Islamic Movement of Bahrain says that the persecution of the Bahraini people has turned Bahrain into a big prison.

Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qasim, leader of the Islamic Movement of Bahrain, said in a statement that the small prisons in Bahrain are full of Bahraini citizens who oppose the Al Khalifa government, which has turned Bahrain into a large prison. ۔

He said that the people of every country have the right to decide their own future but no one is allowed to speak against the government in Bahrain and the voice of the people is not given any importance in this country.

Ayatollah Issa Qasim said that a dictatorial government is imposed on Bahrain, which is not elected by the people, so it has no legal status.

Prime Minister Imran Khan's tragic statement about the Hazara community

Opposition leaders slammed Prime Minister Imran Khan

  Sameera Faqir Hussain

ISLAMABAD - Prime Minister Imran Khan, addressing a function in Islamabad some time ago today, declared the demands of the protesters against the Machh tragedy unconstitutional and also made it inappropriate to make the burial of martyrs conditional on the arrival of the Prime Minister. He is facing strong criticism from opposition leaders.

On the statement of Prime Minister Imran Khan, PPP Information Secretary Faisal Karim Kundi said that the allegation of blackmailing the victims of the Machh tragedy was shameful. The nation is at the mercy of not only the selected but also the ruthless, heartless, and incompetent Prime Minister. He said that Imran Khan should stop insulting the victims of the Machh tragedy.

If Imran Khan had been the elected Prime Minister, he would have gone to the bereaved families the next day.

Victims of the Machh tragedy should not expect justice from a ruthless and selfish person. On the other hand, Senator Maula Bakhsh Chandio in his statement condemned Prime Minister Imran Khan's statement regarding the victims of the Machh tragedy. Imran Khan has proved that he is really a puppet. The Prime Minister who comes from the people's vote does not sprinkle such salt on the wounds of the oppressed.

Illegal, incompetent, and incompetent elected have lost all legitimacy to remain in power. .  Siraj-ul-Haq said that Imran Khan had a misconception that these bodies belonged to a particular community.

It may be recalled that Prime Minister Imran Khan had said in his statement that he shared the grief of the Hazara community. He said that it was not appropriate to condition the arrival of the Prime Minister for the funeral. He said that he had accepted all the demands of the victims of the Machh tragedy. But the Prime Minister of any country cannot be blackmailed in this way. When the incident took place in March, I sent the Home Minister to Quetta. I also sent two federal ministers there. The Prime Minister further said that the martyrs should be buried today, I guarantee that I will go to Quetta today. After which he is being severely criticized on the basis of this statement.

Protests in Iran against the Machh tragedy

The zealous people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in solidarity with their Pakistani brothers, protested in unison against terrorism and condemned the Machh tragedy.

In the Iranian city of Zahedan, near the Pakistani border, Shia and Sunni people and scholars protested and expressed solidarity with the families of the martyrs.

A large number of Shia and Sunni clerics and the public took part in the protest in front of the Pakistani consulate in Zahedan, chanting slogans against terrorism and religious hatred.

Protesters also carried various placards with slogans such as "We are with the oppressed, we are with you, we are with you and we share the grief of Iran, Pakistan".

Addressing the protesters, the speakers strongly condemned sectarian terrorism and said that the people of both the countries were against terrorism and the people of both the countries were with each other to root out terrorism. The tragedy in the holy cities of Qom and Mashhad in Iran was also condemned.

It should be noted that on January 4, 2020, 11 Shia Muslim miners working in a coal mine in Machh were brutally killed by ISIS terrorists with their hands and feet tied, after which the bodies of the martyrs are still lying on the road. Protesting The families of the martyrs and the participants of the sit-in say that the sit-in will continue till Prime Minister Imran Khan comes and gives a practical assurance that such incidents will not happen in the future and the martyrs will not be buried.

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