1.Who developed the first microscope?

a) Robert Hooke
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Brown
d) Zacharias Janssen

ANS:Zacharias Janssen

2.The resolution of modern electron microscope is ___________ ?

a) 0.2nm
b) 0.3nm
c) 0.1nm
d) 0.12nm


3.The photograph taken by a microscope is called?

a) Photograph
b) Tonograph
c) Micrograph
d) Cardiograph


4.All cells are formed from pre-existing cells" is the saying?

a) Rudolf Virchow
b) Pasteur
c) Robert Hook
d) Darwin


5.The process of taken in liquid in the form of droplets is called?

a) Diffusion
b) Phagocytosis
c) Exocytosis
d) Pinocytosis


6.The use of a microscope is known as?

a) Photography
b) Endoscopy
c) Microscopy
d) Micrography


7.The microscopic study of tissues is called?

a) Morphology
b) Histology
c) Physiology
d) Cell Biology


8.Magnification of the light microscope is?

a) 1300x
b) 1400x
c) 1500x
d) 1600x


9.Resolution power of the Human Eye is?

a) 0.1mm
b) 0.01mm
c) 10mm
d) 100mm


10.The name of the Scientist who described the Cell the first time is?

a) Robert Brown
b) Robert Hook
c) Newton
d) Shawan

Robert Hook

11.The cell wall of prokaryotes is composed of?

a) Lignin
b) Cellulose
c) Peptidoglycan
d) Chitin


12.Cell wall of fungi is made of?

a) cellulose
b) peptidoglycan
c) chromatin
d) chitin


13.Basically cell membrane is composed of?

a) carbohydrates and proteins
b) Lipids and carbohydrates
c) Lipids and proteins
d) Proteins and Vitamins


14.The stack of thylakoids is called?

a) Stroma
b) Cristate
c) Granum
d) Leucoplast


15.Those plastids that are colorless?

a) Chloroplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Chromoplast
d) Lipids


16.___________prepare proteins in the cells?

a) Ribosomes
b) Mitochondria
c) Golgi complex
d) Vacuole


17.Only few molecules can pass through it?

a) Permeable membrane
b) Semi-Permeable membrane
c) on-Permeable membrane
d) Cell wall


18.In chloroplast______________process occur?

a) ATP synthesis
b) Protein synthesis
c) Photosynthesis
d) DNA Replication


19.The major component of plant cell walls is?

a) Chitin
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Cellulose
d) Cholesterol


20._______ is not a component of cell walls is?
a) DNA
b) Lipids
c) Protein
d) Carbohydrates


21.Ribosomal RNA is produced in?
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleolus
c) Lysosomes
d) Golgi Apparatus

22.Solution which contains relatively more solute is called?
a) Hypotonic
b) hypertonic
c) isotonic
d) None of these


23.The movement of molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration area is called?
a) Osmosis
b) Diffusion
c) Transport
d) Active transport


24.Cardiac muscles are present in the wall of?
a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Kidney
d) Stomach


25.Which tissue makes the communication system in a body?
a) Muscle Tissue
b) Connective Tissue
c) Nervous Tissue
d) Epithelial Tissue


26._______ tissue also make the glandular tissue in animals?
a) Nervous Tissue
b) Epithelial Tissue
c) Connective Tissue
d) Muscular Tissue


27.Nervous Tissue is found in?
a) Brain
b) Spinal Cord
c) Both a & b
d) None of them


28.There are micrometers (μm) in one millimeter (mm)?
a) 10
b) 100
c) 1000
d) 1/1000


29.The plasma membrane does all of these except?
a) Contains the hereditary material
b) Acts as a boundary of the border for the cytoplasm
c) movement of material across the cell
d) Functions in the recognition of cell


30.Cell wall is found in these organisms except for?
a) Plants
b) Animals
c) Bacteria
d) Fungi


31.The __________is a major component of plant cells?
a) Chitin
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Cellulose
d) Cholesterol


32.Plant cells have and which are not present in animal cells?
a) Mitochondria, chloroplasts
b) Cell membranes, cell walls
c) Chloroplasts, nucleus
d) Chloroplasts, cell wall


33.Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where are synthesized?
a) Polysaccharides
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) DNA


34.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where-------------------- are synthesized?
a) Polysaccharides
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) DNA


35.The mitochondrion functions in?
a) Lipids storage
b) Protein synthesis
c) Photosynthesis
d) Cellular respiration


36.The thin extensions of the inner mitochondrial membrane are known as _____________ ?
a) Cristae
b) Matrix
c) Thylakoids
d) Stroma


37.Which of these cellular organelles have their own DNA?
a) Chloroplast
b) Nucleus
c) Mitochondrion
d) All of these


38.First microscope was developed in?
a) 1505
b) 1545
c) 1595
d) None of them


39.Minimum range of first developed microscope was?
a) 1X
b) 2X
c) 3X
d) 4X


40.Maximum range of the first developed microscope was?
a) 5X
b) 7X
c) 9X
d) 11X


41.Which type of microscope would you use to study the changes in the shape of a human white blood cell?
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them


42.Which type of microscope would you use to study the surface texture of human hair:
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them


43.Which type of microscope would you use to study the detailed structure of mitochondria in the cell of the human liver?

a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them


44.Organelle has its own DNA?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Mitochondria
c) Ribosomes
d) A&B


45.Organelle has its own DNA?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Chloroplast
c) Endoplasmic reticulum
d) A&B


46.Movement of amoeba can be seen by?
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them


47.The word "Animalcules" is used by?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
c) Louis Pasteur
d) None of them

 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

48.Jean Baptist de-Lamarck proposed"nobody can have a life if its parts are not cellular tissues" in?
a) 1800
b) 1809
c) 1819
d) 1829


49.Nucleus is discovered in?
a) 1811
b) 1821
c) 1831
d) 1841


50.R.Virchow is __________scientist?
a) British
b) German
c) Greek
d) None of them


51.Chromosome are composed of?
a) DNA
b) Protein
c) Both a & b
d) None of them


52.The organelle which do not have any membrane?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Ribosomes
c) Endoplasmic reticulum
d) None of them


53.Food storage is a function of?
a) Chromoplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Chloroplast
d) Mitochondria


54.Camillo Golgi awarded noble prize in?
a) 1900
b) 1906
c) 1916
d) 1926


55.Camillo Golgi given a noble prize for?
a) Morphology and Anatomy
b) Physiology and medicine
c) Physiology and Plantae
d) None of them


56.De Duve awarded noble prize in?
a) 1964
b) 1974
c) 1984
d) 1994


57.De Duve won the noble prize in?
a) Morphology and Anatomy
b) Physiology and medicine
c) Physiology and Plantae
d) None of them


58.Which of the following organelles does not belong to others in the list?
a) Chloroplast
b) Ribosomes
c) Mitochondria
d) Lysosomes


59.Human body is made up of about __________ types of cells?
a) 100
b) 200
c) 300
d) 400


60.In diffusion and filtration, only small molecules can pass across the membrane. which process would move the molecules faster?
a) Diffusion
b) Filtration
c) Facilitated diffusion
d) None of them


61.Birds fly by flapping their wings. What do you think is the type of muscle responsible for wings flapping?
a) Cardiac
b) Skeletal
c) Smooth
d) None of them


62.The tissue which is made up of a single type of cells are?
a) Simple tissue
b) Nervous tissue
c) Muscle tissue
d) Epithelial tissue


63.Basic unit of all living organisms is called.
a) Organ 
b) Cell 
c) Tissue 
d) all of these 


64.The use of the microscope is called.
a) Magnification 
b) Resolution 
c) Compound microscope 
d) Microscopy 


65.The first compound microscope was developed in.
a) Germany 1595
b) Holland 1595
c) Italy 1530
d) Holland 1530


66.The magnification of the first compound microscope ranged from.
a) 5X - 8X
b) 3X - 10X
c) 3X - 9X
d) 2X - 5X


67.The increase in the apparent size of an object under the microscope is called.
a) Microscopy 
b) Magnification 
c) Resolution 
d) None of these 


68.The measure of the clarity of the image under the microscope is called.
a) microscopy 
b) Magnification 
c) Resolution 
d) None of these 


69.Human eye can distinguish two objects placed at a distance.
a) 0.05 mm
b) 0.1 mm
c) 0.08 m
d) 0.5 mm


70.A light microscope can magnify objects only about ........ times without causing blurriness.
a) 300X
b) 1500X
c) 750X
d) 3500X


71.The resolving power of the light microscope is.
a) 0.2 um
b) 0.8 um
c) 0.1 um
d) 0.5 um

0.2 μm

72.The resolving power of the electron microscope is.
a) 0.2 nm
b) 0.8 nm
c) 0.1 nm
d) 0.5 nm


73.Who studied plant tissues in 1838.
a) M. Schleiden
b) Schwann 
c) L. Pasteur
d) Robert Brown 

M. Schleiden

74.Who studied plant tissues in 1838.
a) T. Schwann 
b) Robert Brown 
c) Schleiden
d) L. Pasteur


75.Human are examples of.
a) Unicellular eukaryote
b) Multicellular eukaryote 
c) Prokaryote
d) None of these 


76.Which of the following is an example of a unicellular eukaryote.
a) Bacteria 
b) Mushroom
c) Yeast
d) Humans


77.Cell wall is not present in.
a) Animals All 
b) Plants & bacteria 
c) All protists 
d) Animal and many animal-like protists 


78.Which of the following is non - living.
a) Nucleus 
b) Cell membrane 
c) Cytoplasm
d) Cell wall

79.The pores in the cell walls of adjacent cells, through which their cytoplasm is connected are called.
a) Cytoskeleton 
b) Plasmodesmata 
c) Lignin deposition 
d) None of these 


80.Which of the following is not part of the cell membrane.
a) Protein 
b) Minerals 
c) Carbohydrates 
d) Lipids 


81.Fluid mosaic model explains the structure of. 
a) Cell membrane
b) Cytoplasm 
c) Cell wall 
d) Mitochondria 


82.A material between the plasma membrane and nuclear envelope is called.
a) Nucleoplasm 
b) Cytoplasm
c) Plasmodesmata 
d) cytokinin 


83.Which of the following is the function of cytoplasm.
a) It provides space for the proper functioning of organelles 
b) It senses materials and chemical messages 
c) It acts as a site for various biochemical reactions 
d) both a & c


سائٹوسکیلیٹین بنا ہوا ہے
a) صرف مائیکروٹیوبیولز کا 
b) صرف مائیکروفلامنٹس کا 
c) دونوں مائیکرو ٹیوبلز + مائیکروفلامنٹس 
d) کروماٹن کا 


85.All activities of cells are controlled by.
a) Nucleus 
b) Mitochondria 
c) Cytoplasm 
d) Cell membrane 


86.Which of the following is part (s) of the nucleus.
a) nuclear envelope 
b) Nucleoplasm 
c) Nucleoli + chromosomes
d) All of these 


87.Chromosomes are made up of.
a) DNA + RNA 
b) RNA + protein 
c) DNA + protein 
d) mRNA + rRNA


88.Ribosomes are made up of.
a) Proteins + DNA 
b) Proteins + rRNA 
c) Proteins + mRNA 
d) DNA + rRNA 


89.Which of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
a) Ribosomes
b) Mitochondria
c) Chloroplast 
d) Endoplasmic reticulum


90.Ribosomes are present in.
a) Nucleus
b) Cytoplasm as free-floating organelles 
c) Attached to rough ER 
d) Both b & c


91.Which of the following is involved in the transport of materials.
a) Endoplasmic reticulum 
b) Mitochondria 
c) Ribosomes 
d) Nucleus 


92.Which of the following plastids helps in the pollination and dispersal of fruits. 
a) Leucoplasts 
b) Chloroplast 
c) Choromoplasts 
d) Neoplasms

93.Which of the following plastids store food in plants.
a) Chloroplasts
b) Leucoplasts
c) Chromoplasts 
d) all of these 


94.The specific plastids have chlorophyll and help in photosynthesis.
a) Chloroplasts
b) Leucoplast 
c) Chromoplasts 
d) all of these 


95.Which organelle is present both in plants and animals.
a) Plastids 
b) Centrioles 
c) Golgi apparatus 
d) All of these 


96.What is the diameter of the smallest bacteria mycoplasmas.
a) 0.01 --- 0.1 um
b) 0.1 um --- 1.0 um
c) 0.02 --- 0.2 um 
d) 0.3 um --- 0.7 um

0.1 um --- 1.0 um

97.The diameter of a human red blood cell is.
a) 0.5 um
b) 3um 
c) 8 um 
d) 0.2 um 


98.Which of the following is the bulkiest cell.
a) Nerve cell 
b) Muscle cell 
c) Bird egg cell 
d) Bacterial cell 

BIRD EGG CELL(ostrich)

99.Which of the following cell (s) is the longest.
a) Skin cell 
b) Muscle cell + nerve cell 
c) Blood cell + muscle cell 
d) Skin cells + bone cells 

Muscle cell + nerve cell 

100.Transport proteins help in the movement of molecules in a process called.
a) Diffusion 
b) Filtration 
c) Facilitated diffusion 
d) Osmosis 


101. Facilitated diffusion is a type of.
a) active transport 
b) passive transport 
c) some time active and sometimes passive 
d) Cytosis 


102. A solution that has relatively more solute is called. 
a) Hypertonic 
b) Isotonic 
c) Hypotonic 
d) Toxic


103. A solution that has relatively less solute is called. 
a) Hypertonic 
b) Toxic
c) Hypotonic 
d) Isotonic 


104. Which of the following process use energy to occur.
a) Active transport 
b) Passive transport 
c) Osmosis 
d) all of these 


105. The membrane of nerve cells has carrier proteins in the form of.
a) Sodium - potassium pump 
b) Sodium - calcium pump 
c) Sodium - chromium 
d) Potassium - iron pump 


106. What is 'True' about artificially synthesized membranes.
a) They are used to separate bacteria from virus  
b) Use in advanced water treatment technologies
c) To efficiently separate salts from water under pressure
d) all of these

107. The process in which liquid is taken in by cell is called.
a) Phagocytosis
b) Exocytosis 
c) Pinocytosis 
d) Active transport


108.The process in which bulky material is exported is called.
a) Endocytosis 
b) Exocytosis 
c) Pinocytosis 
d) None of these 


109.A group of similar cells specialized for the performance of a common function is called. 
a) Organ 
b) Tissue 
c) System 
d) None of these 


110.Which of the following animal tissues have the ability to contract.
a) Epithelial tissues 
b) Muscle tissues 
c) Nervous tissues 
 d) Connective tissues


111. Neurons are found in.
a) Brain 
b) Spinal cord 
c) Nerves 
d) All of these 


112. What is "true" about simple tissues. 
a) They are made up of single types of cells 
b) They are meristematic & permanent tissues 
c) They cause primary and secondary growth 
d) They conduct water and dissolved materials from root to aerial parts.


113. Secondary growth is caused by.
a) Lateral meristem 
b) Intercalary meristem 
c) Apical meristem
d) Parenchyma 


114. Vascular cambium and cork camium are types of.
a) Apical meristem 
b) Lateral meristem 
c) Epidermal tissues 
d) Collenchyma 


115.Which is "NOT" the function of parenchyma cells.
a) Photosynthesis 
b) Respiration & protein synthesis 
c) Food storage 
d) To give support 


116. Xylem tissues are made up of.
a) Tracheids and vessels
b) only tracheids
c)only vessels
d)tracheids,vessels,parenchyma,sieve tube cells



all the questions given are repeated again and again for practice test .their answers are given in the above MCQs 
1.Who developed the first microscope?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Brown
d) Zacharias Janssen

2.The resolution of modern electron microscope is ___________ ?
a) 0.2nm
b) 0.3nm
c) 0.1nm
d) 0.12nm

3.The photograph taken by a microscope is called?
a) Photograph
b) Tonograph
c) Micrograph
d) Cardiograph

4.OMNIS CELLULA E CELLULA  is the saying of?
a) Rudolf Virchow
b) Pasteur
c) Robert Hook
d) Darwin

5.The process of taken in liquid in the form of droplets is called?
a) Diffusion
b) Phagocytosis
c) Exocytosis
d) Pinocytosis

6.The use of the microscope is known as?
a) Photography
b) Endoscopy
c) Microscopy
d) Micrography

7.The microscopic study of tissues is called?
a) Morphology
b) Histology
c) Physiology
d) Cell Biology

8.Magnification of light microscope is?
a) 1300x
b) 1400x
c) 1500x
d) 1600x

9.Resolution power of Human Eye is?
a) 0.1mm
b) 0.01mm
c) 10mm
d) 100mm

10.The name of Scientist who described the Cell the first time is?
a) Robert Brown
b) Robert Hook
c) Newton
d) Shawan

11.The cell wall of prokaryotes is composed of?
a) Lignin
b) Cellulose
c) Peptidoglycan
d) Chitin

12.Cell wall of fungi is made of?
a) cellulose
b) peptidoglycan
c) chromatin
d) chitin

13.Basically cell membrane is composed of?
a) carbohydrates and proteins
b) Lipids and carbohydrates
c) Lipids and porteins
d) Proteins and Vitamins

14.The stack of thylakoids is called?
a) Stroma
b) Cristate
c) Granum
d) Leucoplast

15.Those plastids that are colorless?
a) Chloroplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Chromoplast
d) Lipids

16.__________prepare proteins in the cells?
a) Ribosomes
b) Mitochondria
c) Golgi complex
d) Vacuole

17.Only few molecules can pass through it?
a) Permeable membrance
b) Semi-Permeable membrane
c) on-Permeable membrane
d) Cell wall

18.In chloroplast______________process occur?
a) ATP synthesis
b) Protein synthesis
c) Photosynthesis
d) DNA Replication

19.The major component of plant cell walls is?
a) Chitin
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Cellulose
d) Choleserol
20._______ is not a component of cell walls is?
a) DNA
b) Lipids
c) Protein
d) Carbohydrates

21.Ribosomal RNA is produced in?
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleolus
c) Lysosomes
d) Golgi Apparatus

22.Solution which contains more solute is called?
a) Hypotonic
b) hypertonic
c) isotonic
d) None of the these

23.The movement of molecules from lower concentration to higher concentration area is called?
a) Osmosis
b) Diffusion
c) Transport
d) Active transport

24.Cardiac muscles are present in the wall of?
a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Kidney
d) Stomach

25.Which tissue makes the communication system in a body?
a) Muscle Tissue
b) Connective Tissue
c) Nervous Tissue
d) Epithelial Tissue

26._______ tissue also make the glandular tissue in animals?
a) Nervous Tissue
b) Epithelial Tissue
c) Connective Tissue
d) Muscular Tissue

27.Nervous Tissue is found in?
a) Brain
b) Spinal Cord
c) Both a & b
d) None of them

28.There are micrometers (\mum) in one millimeter (mm)?
a) 10
b) 100
c) 1000
d) 1/1000

29.The plasma membrane does all of these except?
a) Contains the hereditary material
d) Functions in the recognition of cell

30.Cell wall is found in these organisms except for?
a) Plants
b) Animals
c) Bacteria
d) Fungi

31.The __________is a major component of plant cells?
a) Chitin
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Cellulose
d) Cholesterol

32.Plant cells have and which are not present in animal cells?
a) Mitochondria, chloroplasts
b) Cell membranes, cell walls
c) Chloroplasts, nucleus
d) Chloroplasts, cell wall

33.Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where are synthesized?
a) Polysaccharides
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) DNA

34.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where are synthesized?
a) Polysaccharides
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) DNA

35.The mitochondrion functions in?
a) Lipids storage
b) Protein synthesis
c) Photosynthesis
d) Cellular respiration

36.The thin extensions of the inner mitochondrial membrane are known as _____________ ?
a) Cristae
b) Matrix
c) Thylakoids
d) Stroma

37.Which of these cellular organelles have their own DNA?
a) Chloroplast
b) Nucleus
c) Mitochondrion
d) All of these

38.First microscope was developed in?
a) 1505
b) 1545
c) 1595
d) None of them

39.Minimum range of first developed microscope was?
a) 1X
b) 2X
c) 3X
d) 4X

40.Maximum range of the first developed microscope was?
a) 5X
b) 7X
c) 9X
d) 11X

41.Which microscope is used to study the changes in the shape of a human white blood cell?
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them

42.Which type of microscope would you use to study the surface texture of human hair:
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them

43.Which type of microscope would you use to study the detailed structure of mitochondria in the cell of the human liver?
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them

44.Organelle has its own DNA?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Mitochondria
c) Ribosomes
d) None of them

45.Organelle has its own DNA?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Chloroplast
c) Endoplsmic reticulum
d) None of them

46.Movement of amoeba can be seen by?
a) TEM
b) SEM
c) LM
d) None of them

47.The word "Animalcules" is used by?
a) Robert Hooke
b) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
c) Louis Pasteur
d) None of them

48.Jean Baptist de-Lamarck proposed"nobody can have a life if its parts are not cellular tissues" in?
a) 1800
b) 1809
c) 1819
d) 1829

49.Nucleus is discovered in?
a) 1811
b) 1821
c) 1831
d) 1841

50.R.Virchow is __________scientist?
a) British
b) German
c) Greek
d) None of them

51.Chromosome are composed of?
a) DNA
b) Protein
c) Both a & b
d) None of them

52.The organelle which do not have any membrane?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Ribosomes
c) Endoplasmic reticulum
d) None of them

53.Food storage is a function of?
a) Chromoplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Chloroplast
d) Mitochondria

54.Camillo Golgi awarded noble prize in?
a) 1900
b) 1906
c) 1916
d) 1926

55.Camillo Golgi given noble prize for?
a) Morphology and Anatomy
b) Physiology and medicine
c) Physiology and Plantae
d) None of them

56.De Duve awarded noble prize in?
a) 1964
b) 1974
c) 1984
d) 1994

57.De Duve won noble prize in?
a) Morphology and Anatomy
b) Physiology and medicine
c) Physiology and Plantae
d) None of them

58.Which of the following organelles does not belong to others in the list?
a) Chloroplast
b) Ribosomes
c) Mitochondria
d) Lysosomes

59.Human body is made up of about __________ types of cells?
a) 100
b) 200
c) 300
d) 400

60.In diffusion and filtration, only small molecules can pass across the membrane. which process would move the molecules faster?
a) Diffusion
b) Filtration
c) Facilitated diffusion
d) None of them

61.Birds fly by flapping their wings. What do you think is the type of muscle responsible for wings flapping?
a) Cardiac
b) Skeletal
c) Smooth
d) None of them

62.The tissue which is made up of a single type of cells are?
a) Simple tissue
b) Nervous tissue
c) Muscle tissue
d) Epithelial tissue

63.Basic unit of all living organisms is called.
a) Organ 
b) Cell 
c) Tissue 
d) all of these 

64.The use of the microscope is called.
a) Magnification 
b) Resolution 
c) Compound microscope 
d) Microscopy 

65.The first compound microscope was developed in.
a) Germany 1595
b) Holland 1595
c) Italy 1530
d) Holland 1530

66.The magnification of the first compound microscope ranged from.
a) 5X - 8X
b) 3X - 10X
c) 3X - 9X
d) 2X - 5X

67.The increase in the apparent size of an object under a microscope is called.
a) Microscopy 
b) Magnification 
c) Resolution 
d) None of these 

68.The measure of the clarity of an image under a microscope is called.
a) microscopy 
b) Magnification 
c) Resolution 
d) None of these

69.Human eye can distinguish two objects placed at a distance.
a) 0.05 mm
b) 0.1 mm
c) 0.08 m
d) 0.5 mm

70.A light microscope can magnify objects only about ........ times without causing blurriness.
a) 300X
b) 1500X
c) 750X
d) 3500X

71.The resolving power of the light microscope is.
a) 0.2 um
b) 0.8 um
c) 0.1 um
d) 0.5 um

72.The resolving power of the electron microscope is.
a) 0.2 nm
b) 0.8 nm
c) 0.1 nm
d) 0.5 nm

73.Who studied plant tissues in 1838.
a) M. Schleiden
b) Schwaan 
c) L. Pasteur
d) Robert Brown

74.Who studied plant tissues in 1838.
a) T. Schwann 
b) Robert Brown 
c) Schleiden
d) L. Pasteur

75.Human are example of.
a) Unicellular eukaryote
b) Multicellular eukaryote 
c) Prokaryote
d) None of these 

76.Which of the following is an example of a unicellular eukaryote.
a) Bacteria 
b) Mushroom
c) Yeast
d) Humans

77.Cell wall is not present in.
a) Animals All 
b) Plants & bacteria 
c) All protists 
d) Animal and many animal-like protists 

78.Which of the following is non - living.
a) Nucleus 
b) Cell membrane 
c) Cytoplasm
d) Cell wall 

79.The pores in the cell walls of adjacent cells, through which their cytoplasm is connected are called.
a) Cytoskeleton 
b) Plasmodesmata 
c) Lignin deposition 
d) None of these 

80.Which of the following is not part of cell membrane.
a) Protein 
b) Minerals 
c) Carbohydrates 
d) Lipids 

81.Fluid mosaic model explains the structure of. 
a) Cell membrane
b) Cytoplasm 
c) Cell wall 
d) Mitochondria

82.A material between plasma membrane and nuclear envelope is called.
a) Nucleoplasm 
b) Cytoplasm
c) Plasmodesmata 
d) cytokinin 

83.Which of the following is the function of cytoplasm.
a) It provides space for proper functioning of organelles 
b) It senses materials and chemical messages 
c) It acts as a site for various biochemical reactions 
d) both a & c

سائٹوسکیلیٹین بنا ہوا ہے۔
a) صرف مائیکروٹیوبیولز کا 
b) صرف مائیکروفلامنٹس کا 
c) دونوں مائیکرو ٹیوبلز + مائیکروفلامنٹس 
d) کروماٹن کا 

85.All activities of cells are controlled by.
a) Nucleus 
b) Mitochondria 
c) Cytoplasm 
d) Cell membrane 

86.Which of the following is part (s) of the nucleus.
a) nuclear envelope 
b) Nucleoplasm 
c) Nucleoli + chromosomes
d) All of these 

87.Chromosomes are made up of.
a) DNA + RNA 
b) RNA + protein 
c) DNA + protein 
d) mRNA + rRNA

88.Ribosomes are made up of.
a) Proteins + DNA 
b) Proteins + rRNA 
c) Proteins + mRNA 
d) DNA + rRNA 

89.Which of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
a) Ribosomes
b) Mitochondria
c) Chloroplast 
d) Endoplasmic reticulum

90.Ribosomes are present in.
a) Nucleus
b) Cytoplasm as free floating organelles 
c) Attached to rough ER 
d) Both b & c

91.Which of the following is involved in the transport of materials.
a) Endoplasmic reticulum 
b) Mitochondria 
c) Ribosomes 
d) Nucleus 

92.Which of the following plastids helps in pollination and dispersal of fruits. 
a) Leucoplasts 
b) Chloroplast 
c) Choromoplasts 
d) Neoplasts

93.Which of the following plastids store food in plants.
a) Chloroplasts
b) Leucoplasts
c) Chromoplasts 
d) all of these 

94.Which plastids have chlorophyll and help in photosynthesis.
a) Chloroplasts
b) Leucoplast 
c) Chromoplasts 
d) all of these 

95.Which organelle is present both in plants and animals.
a) Plastids 
b) Centrioles 
c) Golgi apparatus 
d) All of these 

96.What is the diameter of the smallest bacteria mycoplasmas.
a) 0.01 --- 0.1 um
b) 0.1 um --- 1.0 um
c) 0.02 --- 0.2 um 
d) 0.3 um --- 0.7 um

97.The diameter of human red blood cell is.
a) 0.5 um
b) 3um 
c) 8 um 
d) 0.2 um 

98.Which of the following is the bulkiest cell.
a) Nerve cell 
b) Muscle cell 
c) Bird egg cell 
d) Bacterial cell 

99.Which of the following cell (s) is the longest.
a) Skin cell 
b) Muscle cell + nerve cell 
c) Blood cell + muscle cell 
d) Skin cells + bone cells 

100.Transport proteins help in the movement of molecules in a process called.
a) Diffusion 
b) Filtration 
c) Facilitated diffusion 
d) Osmosis 

101. Facilitated diffusion is a type of.
a) active transport 
b) passive transport 
c) some time active and some time passive 
d) Cytosis 

102. A solution which has relatively more solute is called. 
a) Hypertonic 
b) Isotonic 
c) Hypotonic 
d) Toxic

103. A solution that has relatively less solute is called. 
a) Hypertonic 
b) Toxic
c) Hypotonic 
d) Isotonic 

104. Which of the following process use energy to occur.
a) Active transport 
b) Passive transport 
c) Osmosis 
d) all of these 

105. The membrane of nerve cells have carrier proteins in the form of.
a) Sodium - potassium pump 
b) Sodium - calcium pump 
c) Sodium - chromium 
d) Potassium - iron pump 

106. What is 'True' about artificially synthesized membranes.
a) They are used to separate bacteria from virus  
b) Use in advanced water treatment technologies
c) To efficiently separate salts from water under pressure
d) all of these 

107. The process in which liquid is taken in by cell is called.
a) Phagocytosis
b) Exocytosis 
c) Pinocytosis 
d) Active transport

108. The process in which bulky material is exported is called.
a) Endocytosis 
b) Exocytosis 
c) Pinocytosis 
d) none of these 

109. A group of similar cells specialized for the performance of a common function is called. 
a) Organ 
b) Tissue 
c) System 
d) None of these 

110. Which of the following animal tissues have the ability to contract.
a) Epithelial tissues 
b) Muscle tissues 
c) Nervous tissues 
 d) Connective tissues

111. Neurons are found in.
a) Brain 
b) Spinal cord 
c) Nerves 
d) All of these 

112. What is "not true" about simple tissues. 
a) They are made up of single types of cells 
b) They are meristematic & permanent tissues 
c) They cause primary and secondary growth 

d) They conduct water and dissolved materials from root to aerial parts.
113.Secondary growth is caused by.
a) Lateral meristem 
b) Intercalary meristem 
c) Apical meristem
d) Parenchyma 

114. Vascular cambium and cork cambium are types of.
a) Apical meristem 
b) Lateral meristem 
c) Epidermal tissues 
d) Collenchyma 

115.Which is "NOT" the function  of parenchyma cells.
a) Photosynthesis 
b) Respiration & protein synthesis 
c) Food storage 
d) To give support 

116. Xylem tissues are made up of.
a) Tracheids and vessel elements 
b) Tracheids and companion cells 
c) Vessel element, tracheids, and companion cells 
d) Sieve tube cells and companion cells

117. Cells of xylem tissues that have thick secondary walls and lack end walls are called. 
a) Sieve tube cells 
b) Companion cells 
c) Tracheids 
d) Vessel elements 

118.Cells of xylem tissues which have thick secondary walls and lack end walls are called. 
a) Sieve tube cells 
b) Companion cells 
c) Tracheids 
d) Vessel elements 


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