President Trump's own party members demanded his resignation

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US President Donald Trump's demand for the resignation of President Trump by his Republican senators is gaining momentum.

Mehr News Agency has quoted the Associated Press as saying that the demand of US President Donald Trump from his Republican party senators for the resignation of President Trump is gaining momentum.

According to reports, Trump's troubles have been escalating since the recent attacks on the US Congress by President Trump's supporters and their message of encouragement to the attackers.

On the one hand, President Trump has been permanently shut down on social media accounts is a sign of provocation, and on the other hand, impeachment is being prepared, while representatives of his own party are demanding his resignation. First, Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Markowski demanded the resignation of President Trump, and on Sunday, Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Tommy also demanded the resignation of President Trump. He says Trump should step down before he is fired.

With just ten days to go before President Trump's term expires, Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to all members of the House of Representatives yesterday calling for Trump's accountability for the attacks on Capitol Hill. Was gone According to reports, an impeachment motion against President Trump may be filed on Monday. He will be the first president in US history to be impeached twice since Trump's impeachment motion.

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India's provocation on the eastern border, especially on the LOC, has increased and India has targeted the civilian population. Major General Babar Iftikhar addresses a press conference.


Mian Muhammad Nadeem

RAWALPINDI - Pakistan Army Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that there is no organized terrorist network in Pakistan, he said during a press conference in Rawalpindi. The aim is to review the overall security situation in the country, as well as the security challenges of almost a decade and other important issues.

He said that the last 10 years were a very challenging time for Pakistan in all respects. Apart from security challenges in 2020 alone, epidemics like locust heart and code 19 also endangered Pakistan's economy and food security.

He said that in the last decade, on the one hand, the Indian aggression on the eastern border and the Line of Control was going on and on the other hand, the banned terrorist organizations on the western border were destabilizing Pakistan through their maneuvering and backing. Despite all the challenges, the state, all national institutions, Pakistan's armed forces, intelligence agencies, and most importantly the Pakistani people united to face these difficulties and serve us as a nation.

He said that along with the restoration of law and order in the tribal districts on the western border, socio-economic projects have been launched, coordinated steps have been taken to secure the Pak-Afghan and Pak-Iran border, with a successful operation against terrorism. The security situation has greatly improved. Major General Babar Iftikhar said that whether it is India's nefarious intentions or the application of hybrid warfare against Pakistan, the threats are internal or external, we have always identified them through evidence and facts and successfully countered them and now The world is also believing because the truth always prevails. On the security measures taken, he said that in the anti-corruption operation, terrorist support bases, facilitators, and illegal arms and ammunition were largely eliminated. Even the structure of organized terrorists does not exist.

He said that more than 371,000 intelligence-led operations were carried out under Operation Redalfsad, more than 72,000 weapons, 5 million rounds of ammunition, and 450 tonnes of ammunition were recovered. In 2007 and 2008, only 37% of the tribal districts were under state jurisdiction. Today, all the tribal districts are fully part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Major terrorist incidents have decreased by 45% in 2020 as compared to 2019. The annual average was 90 attacks, which has dropped to 13 today.

He said law enforcement agencies had thwarted more than 50 percent of terrorist threats across the country last year, adding that the number of terrorist deaths in the last two decades had risen from 414 in 2013 to 2020. I think it's 98 which is a significant reduction. Major General Babar Iftikhar said that there was a clear reduction of 97% in suicide attacks in 2020. Karachi, which is the 12th largest city in the world in terms of population and the backbone of the country's economy, has a crime index in 2014. I was ranked sixth, ranking 103rd in 2020, which has a better law and order situation than the major capitals of developed countries.

Regarding Karachi, he said that there has been a 95 percent reduction in terrorism, 98 percent in targeted killings, 99 percent in extortion, and 98 percent in kidnappings for ransom. The law and order situation there has been greatly improved. 83% of the work on 2611 km has been completed which will be completed by the middle of the year. In addition, 37% of the work on the Pakistan-Iran border has been completed and it is hoped that next Within a year, it will be nearing completion. Of the 1,068 plant forts, more than 482 have been built. Traffic through the Border Terminal has increased by 33%, in addition to counter-narcotics operations and notified crossings The move has resulted in an increase in revenue of Rs 48 billion in just six months, in which the role of customs is also commendable.

On India and the Line of Control, he said that India's provocation on the eastern border, especially on the LOC, has increased and has targeted the civilian population, with 3,097 ceasefire violations last year, including 28. Innocent people were martyred and 257 were injured. He said that the highest increase in ceasefire violations was from 2014 to 2020. The highest number of violations took place in 2019 while the highest number of civilian deaths in 2018 was 377. Violations have been fully responded to as a result of which they had to suffer the heavy loss of life and property.

He said that after the kinetic threat, India resorted to the non-kinetic domain ie Fifth Generation and Hubbard Warfare. Evidence of terrorism in Pakistan has been brought to the notice of the world in the form of a dossier, in addition to a recent EU Information Lab report which has revealed irrefutable evidence.

He said that before examining India's disinformation campaign, it was important to know what Pakistan and India had been doing in the last two decades.

Over the past 20 years, Pakistan has fought a successful war on terror and proved to be a responsible state. More than 1,200 operations in the kinetic domain have eliminated all types of terrorist organizations, more than 18,000 terrorists. Destroyed, not only legislation was passed to eradicate extremism and terrorism in the legal and law domains, but also action was taken against these organizations.

The military spokesman said more than 1,100 al-Qaeda terrorists had been captured or killed in international peace efforts, shared intelligence with more than 70 countries, and that Pakistan had made more than 83,000 sacrifices and spent 12 126 billion. Also suffered economic losses. He said that on the contrary, India has intensified provocations on the eastern border, the worst siege in history, and severe human rights violations in occupied Kashmir for the last one and a half years, while the aggression against Pakistan in February 2019 failed. Attempts were made, but the evidence of all these incidents was put before the world by the international organizations.

Major General Babar Iftikhar said that the Financial Crime Enforcement Network, Money Laundering and Terror Financing of 44 Indian Banks, UNHRC, and Genocide Watch had turned a blind eye to India's worst state terrorism and human rights violations. Revelations have come to light that all these fake networks were run by the Shrivastava group from Delhi which had been carrying out these criminal activities for 15 years through think tanks and fake NGOs and fake media houses. Which included fake media groups.

Informing about the progress of the last three years of Operation Redalfsad, General Babar said that 50 major operations were carried out in the last three years while the number of intelligence-based operations was more than 371,000 in the tribal districts. He said that in 2007, 32 percent of the tribal districts were under the control of militants while 31 percent were under the fighting, but today all the districts have become part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Director-General of ISPR was asked that during the recent visit of the Prime Minister to Quetta, there were reports of the Army Chief going to Quetta but the Army Chief did not go, to which General Babar Iftikhar said that the Army Chief would visit Quetta this week. Replying to a question on holding a sit-in in Rawalpindi (GHQ) instead of Islamabad, he said, "I don't see any reason for Pindi to come. If they want to come, we will give them tea and water." What more can I say.

The human experiment of corona vaccine continues successfully in Iran

The human experience of the Iranian-blessed corona vaccine, which is manufactured domestically in Iran, continues in accordance with international standards.

Dr. Meno Mehrz, a member of the Iran Corona Vaccine Supervisory Committee, said that three more people were vaccinated on Sunday and four more on Monday. This vaccine will be given.

He said the seven people who had been vaccinated experimentally before were being tested daily and no significant reactions had been reported so far.

It is noteworthy that the first phase of the human experiment of Corona Barkat, a coronavirus vaccine manufactured in Iran, has been started on December 29. The first phase of the human vaccine trial will be completed in two months, during which a total of 56 people will be vaccinated.

Meanwhile, Iran's Ministry of Health has announced the registration of 5,968 new corona patients in 24 hours, of which 417 have been admitted to hospitals and the rest have been discharged after being instructed to stay at home in quarantine. Done.

Seventy-one more corona patients have died in Iran in the past 24 hours. A total of 1,286,406 people have been affected by Corona in Iran, of which 56,171 have been killed and more than 1,075,000 Corona have been defeated.

Pakistan: 32 more deaths from Corona, more than 1800 cases reported

Another 32 people have died in the country from Corona and more than 1,800 new cases have been reported.

According to the corona statistics website ( in Pakistan, 34524 corona tests were conducted across the country in the last 24 hours out of which 1877 people were confirmed to be infected with coronavirus while 32 were infected with the virus. There were killings.

According to the official portal, the corona positive rate in the last 24 hours was 5.9%.

Screenshot Official Portal
According to the official portal, the number of deaths from Corona in the country has reached 10676 and the total number of cases has reached 54293 while the number of active cases is 35246.

In addition, 1402 patients across the country have recovered from Corona in 24 hours, bringing the total number of recoveries to 458371.

The situation in the provinces
According to the official portal, the total number of Corona patients in Sindh has reached 226338 while 3699 people have died so far.

The total number of corona patients in Punjab is 145508 and 4272 people have died due to the virus while the total number of patients in Balochistan is 18412 and the death toll is 188.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the number of corona patients has been 61424 and 1740 deaths while in Azad Kashmir, 8489 people have been infected with the virus and 235 people have died.

In Gilgit-Baltistan, 4,880 and 101 people have died of corona so far.

According to the portal, the total number of Corona patients in the federal capital Islamabad is 39242 and so far 441 patients have died.

Preparations for Trump's impeachment are in full swing

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked Democrats to return to Washington to review Trump's impeachment proceedings.

The US Congressional Information Cell reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked all Democrats to be ready to impeach current US President George W. Trump in Washington this week.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote in a letter to Democrats that "we are preparing for meetings with legal and constitutional experts, and all members are requested to return to Washington to discuss President Trump's impeachment." To be prepared by reviewing the clause related to

Senior Democrat Congressman Ted Liu also said in a tweet that Democrats in the US Congress would announce the impeachment of the current US President Trump on Monday under a law. He said that so far 180 members of the US Congress have announced their support for Trump's impeachment.

On the other hand, the mayor of New York has said that Trump is a dishonest president whose mental balance has deteriorated. Bill de Blasio has said that the attack on the US Congress by Trump supporters endangered the lives of members of Congress, while Trump has fully supported his extremist supporters. "Trump should step down immediately because he who has become a traitor, who has lost his sanity and who has attacked the US Congress building, has the power of US nuclear weapons," he said. It should not be in his hands. ”

He called for Trump's resignation and said that if Trump did not resign, then-Vice President Mike Pence should force Trump to resign and take power. The mayor of New York has similarly stressed the need to impeach Trump.

Meanwhile, CNN has announced that US Vice President Mike Pence has indicated that the 25th Amendment to the Constitution will be used to remove Trump. He says the amendment could be used if Trump's recklessness continues to grow.

Thousands of Trump supporters rallied in front of the US Congress last Wednesday during a congressional hearing to confirm Biden's victory in the US presidential election and then attacked the building. Five people have been killed and nine police officers injured in an attack on a US Congress building. Despite the crisis, the US Congress has confirmed Biden's victory in the presidential election.

Firing in Los Angeles and Chicago, killing and injuring several people

Fourteen people have been killed and several others injured in shootings in the US cities of Los Angeles and Chicago.

ABS Seven News quoted Chicago police as saying that two separate shootings targeted seven people, one of whom died on the spot and six were rushed to the hospital. ۔

A 32-year-old man involved in the incident was killed in an alleged police encounter, according to police.

In another incident in Los Angeles, a man opened fire, injuring at least seven people. According to police, six people were injured and one lost his life in the incident.

Police say the man involved in the incident has managed to escape from the scene, which is being searched.

 It is reported that there are no restrictions on the sale and purchase of weapons in the United States, which leads to hundreds of shootings across the United States on a daily basis.

Due to the influence of the arms mafia in the United States, Congress has been reluctant to legislate to limit gun culture.

The days of departure have come, but the mind has not come

Counting his last days, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once again hurled insults at Iran, saying that Iran had no right to enrich uranium, contrary to all international norms and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

According to the report, Mike Pompeo claimed that the recent bill passed by Iran's parliament, the Islamic Consultative Assembly, was in fact a violation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and that Iran had no right to enrich uranium at any level.

The US Secretary of State's statement comes at a time when all member states have the right to enrich uranium on the basis of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But this right is there and the said council has made this right an international document.

Expressing surprise at such baseless claims by US officials, the Russian envoy to the UN headquarters in Vienna said that all NPT member states have a definite right to uranium enrichment.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called on Iran to suspend its mission to inspect uranium enrichment after the announcement of a 20 percent uranium enrichment program. Can't be allowed

Mike Pompeo has accused Iran of nuclear blackmail, saying the threat to expel IAEA inspectors violates the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and that Iran cannot be allowed to enrich uranium.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has made the ridiculous claim in response to the passage of a bill to expel International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from Iran if sanctions are not lifted by the Islamic Republic's parliament.

Pompeo has previously claimed in a statement that the threat posed by Iran is a violation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and even more so. Pompeo claimed that Iran supports global terrorism, so it should not be allowed to enrich uranium at any level.

Pompeo's decision to expel International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors from Iran if uranium enrichment and sanctions are not lifted up to 20% is being called a violation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty by Pompeo at a time when the United States itself does not recognize the agreement and formally parted ways with it two years ago.

Analysts say Mike Pompeo's rhetoric against Iran forgets that Iran not only does not recognize US hegemony but is working to end American domination of the entire region.

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