Some Famous Ignorant Phrases And Their Answers 

Prayers were offered, fasting was observed,

Answer: The hadith is in Mubarak-ah.
Who mocked something of the religion revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) or its reward and punishment
He committed disbelief.

(Even though he said it as a joke.)

Everything is permissible in love and war
the answer:
Absolutely wrong, for us as Muslims there are definite limits to both love and war in Islam,
Which it is not permissible to exceed.

* Sentence:

The cat went on Hajj after eating nine hundred rats.
What is the use of being good now that you have spent your whole life in sin? "
Answer: 100% wrong ...!
As a Muslim, even after eating millions, crores of rats, if the cat goes on Hajj, it will find the mercy of God near it, God willing.
As if no one has been so tainted with sin.
If one truly repents and wants to return, the door to forgiveness is open.

 Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

And if He forgives those who repent,

 And whoever repents and believes and does righteous deeds and is guided, then surely I am most Forgiving to him.
[Taha: 82]

 (Saying "Cat go to Hajj" is an insult to the tenets of Islam, so refrain from any statement that degrades Islam and Muslims.)

* Sentence:
According to today's times, change in religion needs time

the answer. Allah says.

`` `ْ ْ ْ ْ

“(1440 years ago)

Today I have completed your religion for you and completed My blessings upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
(Table 3)

* Sentence:
At last Allah remembered us

Answer: Allah says.

مَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ نَسِيّاّ

Your Lord is not forgetful
[Maryam: 64]

 Sentence: Where do you live?
Oh the ass of God?

the answer :
Nothing is missing for Allah
So think for yourself how it can be backwards
But what a great insult to the Lord of Glory

* Sentence:
 The times are very bad, the times are very treacherous

the answer:
حدیث القدسی
The Son of Man torments me. He curses the time when time is "I". Every command is in my hands and I return it day and night.
(Agreed upon)

* Sentence:
So-and-so is very sinister and so on.

the answer:
Absolutely wrong
These are the words of superstitious people.
There is no concept of bad luck in Islam,
This is just superstition.

The doctrine of omens has been refuted in the hadith.

The greatest misfortune is man's own evil deeds and immorality.

The Qur'an says:

The good that you get is from Allah Almighty and
 The evil that comes is from your own soul. ”
سورنس النساء (4) آيات (79).

Therefore, we need to examine ourselves to see which of these phrases we keep uttering and how heavy those phrases are that are causing the wrath of Allah Almighty.
 And our Hereafter is ruined and we have no knowledge

Think before you speak, then weigh, then speak, and whenever you speak, speak purposefully
Silence is a million times better than nonsense

Avoid yourself consciously and correct others as well

* جزاک اللہ خیرا واحسن الجزاء فی الدارین *

_ * Friends ... !!! While walking, as always, let's say one last thing that if anyone ever likes a statement, event, story or writing, etc., then after reading, take a little more trouble to your friends. And share it with your loved ones too, believe me it will be barely a moment for you but it may be a lesson for the people and your shared writing from this one moment of suffering! * _
_ * I wish this thing would sink into your heart * _
_ * The only desire is to write a few words that will stop someone from going astray and even if they don't stop, they will definitely start thinking * _

استاد کی عظمت امام حسین علیہ السلام کی نظر میں 

positive,&,negative,thinking,great,lesson,what negative thinking does to your brain,effects of negative thinking,negative thinking,paul jenkins,dr. paul,dr. paul jenk

📝حضرت عبد الرحمٰن سلعی فرماتے ہیں کہ میں نے حضرت امام حسین علیہ السلام کے ایک بچے کو سورۃ الفاتحہ یاد کروائی۔
️جب امام علیہ السلام نے سورۃ الفاتحہ سنی تو آپ نے مجھے ایک ہزار دینار اور ایک ہزار لباس عطا فرمائے اور یوں میرا منہ موتیوں سے بھر دیا۔
️کسی نے امام علیہ السلام سے پوچھا کہ فرزند رسول آپ نے صرف سورۃ الفاتحہ یاد کروانے پر اتنا زیادہ انعام دے دیا؟
تو امام حسین علیہ السلام نے اسے جواب دیا کہ جو کچھ اس نے میرے بچے کو دیا ہے اس کے مقابلے میں میری عطاء کی کوئی حیثیت ہی نہیں ہے۔تجھے معلوم نہیں کہ بخل کرنے سے دولت میں اصافہ نہیں ہوتا اور خرچ کرنے سے دولت میں کمی واقع نہیں ہوتی۔

الدمعۃ الساکبہ
جلد دوم

* The greatness of the teacher in the eyes of Imam Hussain (as) * 1

* Hazrat Abdul Rahman Salai says that I reminded a child of Hazrat Imam Hussain (as) of Surah Al-Fatiha.
When Imam (as) heard Surah Al-Fatihah, he gave me a thousand dinars and a thousand clothes and thus filled my mouth with pearls.
* Someone asked the Imam (as), "Son of the Prophet, did you give such a great reward just for memorizing Surah Al-Fatihah?"
So Imam Hussain (as) replied to him that my gift has no value in comparison to what he has given to my child. There is no shortage.

الدمعۃ الساکبہ
Volume II
Page No. 9️⃣3️⃣
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 Positive And Negative Thinking 

Positive & negative thinking is a great lesson for all of us.Now the question arise ,what negative thinking does to your brain and effects of negative thinking?
Negative thinking in the eyes of  Paul Jenkins, Dr. paul Jenkins and  motivational video,inspiration for success,motivation for success,motivational speeches,motivation to study,goal achiever,motivation for workout,from successful people,inspirational video,motivational videos for success in life,motivational video workout,motivational video never give up .these are all constituents AS WELL A ASPECTS of the positive and negative thinking. so always be positive in your life.

The husband is in the room.
Children are playing in front. The woman is asking questions at home
That the kitchen smells of burning milk.
The woman runs to the kitchen.
At that moment, a bell rang at the main gate.
Mian goes out to the main gate and
They stumble upon the bucket in front of them.
۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
* Two reactions are possible *.

* Positive feedback: *

The woman rushes in and asks: "Aren't you hurt? I hurriedly forgot to remove the bucket from the path."
Mian said: "No, it's not your fault. I should have seen and walked. I didn't pay attention in a hurry. "

Negative reaction: 

Mian shouted: "This is a place to keep a bucket. You have no sense? ”
Begum also shouts: "Let me see the kitchen here, let me ask, let me take care of the children and so on and so forth." And the quarrel begins.

Children are watching in both places.
In one place they will smile, in another place they will tremble.
At one point they learned to admit the mistake so that it would not be repeated.
Elsewhere, the children learned that if something went wrong, we would be punished.
۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
Such small and big incidents happen in our homes and in our daily life on a daily basis. It is now up to us to handle them in a positive way or in a negative way. Our positive attitude provides a pleasant atmosphere and peace and tranquility while our negative attitude leads to quarrels and environmental disturbances and disturbs our lives. We make our environment pleasant or smelly with our thinking and behavior. We are the creators of our own peace and tranquility.

"Admitting one's mistake or forgiving the mistake of others" is both a positive attitude and a believer's attribute.

As Allah (swt) says while describing the attributes of His believing servants:

" ۔ ۔ Those who drink anger and forgive people, such good people are very much pleasing to Allah. ”(134) Surah Al-Imran

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever forgives, Allaah will increase his honor.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 6592)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: (Sunan Abu Dawud - Volume 3 - Statement of Literature - Hadith 1396)

Conflict destroys peace. Therefore, the servant who forgives others or admits his own mistake or gives up his right even though he is on the right side just so that there is no quarrel, he makes the environment pleasant and peaceful in return for such a servant peace. A house in the vicinity of heaven is guaranteed instead.

🔹 * Therefore, it is important for us to learn, understand and practice these things of religion, only then we will be able to make our environment pleasant and our life easier with positive thinking and positive attitude. May Allah help us all. Amen. *

* Principle: "Positive Thinking" creates a pleasant atmosphere, a quiet life *


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