

 WHAT ARE THE Signs and Consequences of Gossip 

* ثارThere are signs and consequences for gossip in the traditions, some of which are as follows: *
* * First: What is meant by gossip ?? *

* Gossiping means conveying one's message to others with the intention of spoiling friendly relations. However, gossiping is not only about speaking with the tongue, but also about writing or gesturing. Similarly, if a person does not want to show something of his to everyone, it is also gossip to cover up his thing. (1) *

 * When a person spreads a word to another to spoil friendly relations, the person is called a gossiper or namam. Gossip is accompanied by other sins such as revealing secrets, slander, hypocrisy, jealousy, lying and backbiting (2) *

1. 📘جامع السعادات, ج 3, ص 274.
2. Al-Muhajja Al-Bayda, vol. 5, p. 278.
* The torment of the grave *
* According to the narration of Ibn Abbas, the third part of the torment of the grave is due to gossip. *
📓 بحارالانوار ، ج 6 ، ص 254.

Losing Paradise *

* According to the narration of Imam Baqir (AS), the name of the slanderer is mentioned among the people who are deprived of entering Paradise. *
Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 369.

* * Prayer not answered *
* According to the request of Ka'b al-Ihbar, the children of Israel suffered from famine. Moses asked God for rain many times, but God did not answer Moses' request. Allah revealed to Moses that there is a slanderer among you and as long as he continues his slander I will not answer you. Moses said to God, "Tell me about this gossiper who he is." The Almighty said, "I forbid you to gossip, and how can I gossip myself?"
📙 المحجۃالبيضاء ، ج 5 ، ص 276.

* Humiliation and disgrace *
* It has been narrated that gossip is based on lies, jealousy and hypocrisy and there is a stove where humiliation and disgrace burn on its fire. *
📗 المحجۃ البيضاء ، ج 5 ، ص 279.
* * The invention of hatred and discord *
* It is narrated from Hazrat Ali (AS) that refrain from gossiping, because it increases resentment and widens the distance between God and people. *
رغررالحکم ، ص 167.

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 Importance of prayer 

How much honor and greatness man possesses, for whom the universe was created, in the whole universe he was made entitled to honor and respect. All creatures were created for his service and benefit. The purpose of creation was declared to be the knowledge and worship of Allah. Therefore, the most important task of man is communication and connection with God.

 In spite of all such greatness, there is only poverty and need in the sight of God, while the Lord of the Essence is only singing. Height is the height. While doing so, he seems to be expressing his negativity and instability. In this regard, an important means of man is prayer. Through prayer, he also expresses his need and also seeks help from Allah.

It is clear that a person trapped in a whirlpool of misery and difficulties needs support and cries. If he does not get any support and cries, he becomes frustrated with life and does not shy away from taking the last step. According to a famous psychologist; The lack of prayer and supplication in a nation is tantamount to the destruction of this nation.

 The last recourse of every nation, group and human being is the essence of God. When the need reaches its extreme and there is no way out of the difficulties and sufferings, then in such a case only prayer satisfies the heart. Anxiety, anxiety and The fixed chargi begins to disappear and the fixed hand raises the dua and addresses God and says, “Lord!” Does it alleviate his suffering?

 Therefore, at this stage of helplessness where power and strength respond, no solution is seen, no effort proves fruitful, the darkness of despair begins to spread, then prayer becomes a ray of hope. It comes to the fore. And in the state of du'a, when a person becomes a supplicant and tears start dripping in the proof of his sentence, then this state of acceptance is close to du'a. The owner feels close to the entity.

 This eliminates the feeling of loneliness. What if he does not have worldly temporary support, I have the support of the Almighty, who has all the powers and blessings in his possession, who is the remover of every trouble and difficulty. This connection with the Creator Gives new hope. As a result he finds peace, contentment and relief and he is seen saying

 Indeed, the remembrance of Allah alone satisfies the heart. 

 Not only do we not have the right to express our opinion about something we do not know, but we have a duty to remain silent 

It is narrated that Imam Baqir (as) was asked what is the right of Allah on his servants and he said:

They say what they do not know, and they do not know what they do not know.

Urdu translation:
Explain what they know and stop there.
 One of the main causes of many problems, differences, tribulations and quarrels in the society is illiterate people.
By educated ignorant we mean those who are apparently in the guise of religion but are in fact a collection of ignoramuses.
And the worst of these ignorant people are those who present their self-made ideas, superstitions and fantasies as a religion in comparison to the religious scholars, rabbinical scholars and mujtahids and do not feel the need to acquire knowledge in any madrassa. By making cassettes of preachers like Ki and Dochar Abu Jahl, they understand that there is no one greater than us
And it is a pity that those whose cassettes they listen to are themselves ignorant compounds like those who have never acquired knowledge of religion.
If such ignorant people restrain their tongues and remain silent, then strife and riots in the society will end.
Imam Jaw ad (as) says:

لَوك سَكَتَ الْجَاهِلُ مَا اخْتَلَفَ النَُاسُ
If the ignorant remain silent then the people.
 I will not have any differences and quarrels.


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