The pages of the history of Islam are enlightened by the virtues, virtues and deeds of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with him) from which the people who will come till the Day of Judgment will continue to receive guidance. The Holy Prophet (sws) said to Hazrat Ali (R.A) that you are on my side at the time when Hazrat Harun (sws) was on the side of Hazrat Musa (sws) but the thing is that there will be no prophet after me.
(Bukhari and Muslim)
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His name is Ali, his surname is Haider and Murtaza, his surname is Abu Al-Hassan and Abu Turab. Your lineage is very close to the Holy Prophet, your father Abu Talib and the Holy Prophet's father Majid Hazrat Abdullah are both real brothers.
His mother was Fatima bint Asad. You are Hashmi from both mother and father. All the features of the Hashmi chiefs were present in Hazrat Ali (RA) and were evident from his face.
Signs of worship and asceticism were also present on the face
... Double body, stepping, bright and radiant face, beard thick and round, nose high, flesh on cheeks, envelope and big eyes, forehead wide, shoulders heavy and wide, The arms and wrists were full of flesh, the chest was wide, the smile on the face and the marks of prostration on the forehead were modestly adorned, your robe and turban were also simple, the conversation was full of knowledge and wisdom. He lived with them and was brought up in the arms of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He treated them like a son and gave them the honor of his son-in-law. The youngest and dearest daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was Fatima al-Zahra. You got married and had children.
Among the Companions, among the people
who were considered to be the most eloquent and eloquent of the highest rank and the most exalted preacher and the most exalted in courage and bravery, your position and status was very prominent, the fourth Caliph, Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada Razi. Allah Almighty was awake on the battlefield with the sound of sword and Zahid in the mosque at night, Mufti and Qazi and the ocean of knowledge and gnosis, proverb in determination, unique in oratory and intelligence, cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet, virtues And the virtues were innumerable, generous and generous, those who shared the sorrows of others, the pious and the pious, the mujahids and the warriors were such that they neither forsaken the world nor forsaken the Hereafter.
Despite all these, they lived a very simple life.
Palms, milk and meat were popular, slaves were freed, crops were taken care of, water was drawn from wells, markets were monitored during the Khilafah era, and people were prevented from begging when the time for prayers came. Then your body would tremble and your face would turn yellow. Someone asked the reason for this and he said, “It is time to pay the trust which Allah Almighty has sent down. When he landed on the earth and in the mountains, he was unable to carry this burden. He was humble and humble. During his caliphate, he used to visit the bazaars and show the way to those who had lost their way. Helping, piety and fear of God was very much in you, once you were sitting in a graveyard that someone said! O Abu al-Hasan, why are you sitting here?
He said, "I find these people very good companions.
They do not slander anyone and remind me of the Hereafter." Once he visited the graveyard and when he reached there, he turned to the gravediggers and said, "O gravediggers! O rotten ones! O people of horror and loneliness! Say: What is the matter with you? Our news is that after your departure, they will divide the property and the children have become orphans and the wives have taken another husband.
This is our news, you also tell your news!
At that time a man named Kamil was with him. He narrates that after that Hazrat Ali (RA) said: O Kamil, if they (men) were allowed to speak, they would reply that the best thing in the Hereafter is abstinence. Then Hazrat Ali (RA) began to weep and said: O Kamil, the grave is the box of deeds and at the time of death It is known that once at the insistence of Hazrat Amir Mu'awiyah, the Companion of the Glorious Qadr, Zarar Asadi (may Allah have mercy on him) said while describing the attributes of the fourth Caliph, Hazrat Ali (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
By Allah, Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada (may Allah be pleased with him) was very powerful,
he spoke of judgment and ruled with justice, knowledge and wisdom flowed around him, he cried a lot and lived more in thought, his clothes were the same. He liked what was cheap and food was desirable. He lived a very equal life among us. He always respected the people of religion and kept the poor with him.
Upon hearing this, Hazrat Amir Mu'awiyah
(may Allah be pleased with him) began to weep and said,
"May Allah's mercy be upon Abu Al-Hasan (may Allah be pleased with him). By Allah, he was like that."
On one occasion, the Holy Prophet said: "Ali is the best judge." Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada took part in all the battles except the battle of Tabuk. In every battle, Hazrat Ali (RA) showed his courage, bravery and devotion. Iron Manawaya Badr and Uhud, Khandaq and Haneen and Khyber showed the essence of their courage and bravery.
At the last moment, he performed the duties of caring for the Holy Prophet (sws) and along with other Companions, he was blessed with the Ghusl of the Holy Prophet (sws).
In 9 AH, when the Holy Prophet sent the first caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, as the "Amir of Hajj" and after his departure, Surah Baraat was revealed. Assigned
He was a very devout worshiper.
Imam Hakim (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated from Zubair bin Saeed (may Allah be pleased with him) that he did not see any Hashmi who was more devout than Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Umm Al-Mu'minin It is narrated from Hazrat Syeda Ayesha Siddiqah that Hazrat Ali (RA) was very fast and devout.
You were very generous and no beggar would leave your door empty-handed.
He was a memorizer of the Qur'an and was familiar with the meaning and glory of each verse. You were blessed to accept Islam as a child and you were the first of the children to be enlightened with the wealth of faith. You also have a special place and status in "Al-Sabqoon Al-Awalun". Stay in
He is also one of the fortunate Companions like the
“Ten Evangelists” to whom the Holy Prophet (saw) gave the glad tidings of Paradise in this world. In Mickey's life, he endured all kinds of hardships and difficulties with the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet (sws) termed hatred of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada (ra) as the cause of deprivation. It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Zar bin Jaish (ra) that Hazrat Ali (ra) said: He took out a tree and created a soul. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to me: He who loves me will love me and he who hates me will love me (Saheeh Muslim).
After the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman Ghani,
the third caliph, Hazrat Ali (RA) remained in office for three months and less than five years. After being wounded by the hands of Abdul Rahman bin Muljam Kharji, he did not succumb to these wounds on the 21st of Ramadan and attained the highest degree of martyrdom and was buried at Naqf near Kufa.