biology, biology mcq, biology online test quiz,biology quiz


The catalytic activity is restricted to a small portion known as:
a) Substrate b) Coenzyme c) Active site d) All of them

2. The simplest of the animals belong to sub-kingdom:
a) Radiata b) Parazoa c) Eumetazoa d) None of them

3. Hunger pangs usually begin ____________ hours after the previous meal or in less time for some people.
a) 7- 12 b) 10-18 c) 12- 24 d) 18-38

4. Inner walls of Annular cells are:
a) Flattened b) Thick c) Thinner d) None of them

5. Non-protein part of the enzyme is:
a) Inhibitor b) Activator c) Co-factor d) Active site

6. Euglenoids are:
a) Unicellular b) Multicellular c) Both a & b d) None of them

7. Flagella in Phaeophyta is present on:
a) Epidermal cell b) Somatic cells c) Reproductive cells d) None of them

8.Raise in the level of CO :
a) Raise in the level of K ions
b) K ions kept constant
c) Halts the outward transport of K ions
d) Halts the inward transport of K ions

9. The nematodes are:
a) bilaterally symmetrical b) pseudocoelomate c) triploblastic d) All of them

10. Which of the following statements about ribosomes is correct?
a) They are structurally different from free ribosomes
b) They are enclosed in their own membrane
c) They are concentrated in the cisternal space of rough ER
d) They are attached to the cisternal surface.

11.Heart of amphibia has________chambers.
                   a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

12.__________is concerned with cell secretions:
a) Ribosomes b) Mitochondria c) Golgi Apparatus d) None of them

13.In sphenopsida, the sporangia appear on the ___________of the expanded disc.
a) Upperside b) Lower side c) Under side d) Left side

14. Lock and key model was proposed in:
a) 1790 b) 1880 c) 1890 d) 1899

15._______causes coagulation of bacterial proteins.
a) Moist heat b) Dry heat c) Sterilization d) All of them

16.The algae is ______like protists.
a) Animal b) Plant c) Fungi d) None of them

17. Non-reducing sugar is:
a) Sucrose b) Glucose c) Both a & b d) None of them

18. Which RNA carries the genetic message:
a) tRNA b) rRNA c) mRNA d) siRNA

19. The severe form of food poisoning is:
a) Dyspepsia b) Anorexia c) Botulism d) None of them

20.Fibrous protein has _________structure.
a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary

21.Scolymastra joubini is ________like glass sponge.
a) Oval b) Barrel c) Circular d) None of them

22.Laminaria is a ___________algae.
a) Red b) Brown c) Green algae d) None of them

23. Patterns of veins in the leaf of dicot plants are:
a) Parallel veins b) Net Veins c) Circular veins d) All of them

24.________is a kind of chemical link between catabolism and anabolism.

25. Spores of adiantum is dispersed by:
a) Water b) Insects c) Wind d) None of them

26.Inhaled amount of oxygen by humans is:
a) 12% b) 21% c) 31% d) 41%

27. Hydrogen produced by the splitting of water reduces NADP to:

28. Head of chlorophyll is called as:
a) Phytol b) Phyrinphytol c) Nitrophytol d) Porphyrin

29.On the basis of nutrition bacteria are divided into _______groups.
                            a) 1       b) 2           c) 3        d) 4
30. Which one is not a trace bio element?
a) Cu       b) Mg         c) Ca       d) S

31.Each cell of chimpanzee contains__________chromosomes.
        a) 44        b) 46          c) 48         d) None of them

32. Hirudo is commonly called as:
        a) Nereis       b) planarian         c) leech       d) Both a and b

33. Cicer arietinum is the biological name of:
       a) Peanut       b) Chickpea       c) Potato         d) Tomato

34.If division of cocci is in one plane, it produces __________arrangement
a) Diplococcus b) Streptococcus c) Staphylococcus d) Both a & b

Lorenz Oken was ________scientist.
       a) Greek       b) German        c) English        d) Persian

36. Choanoflagellates are:
a) Sessile b) Marine c) Freshwater d) All of them

37. The mood of locomotion in zooflagellates is:
a) Cilia b) Flagella c) Pseudopodia d) None of them

38.%Age composition of Nitrogen by mass of a human being is:
         a) 1             b) 2           c) 3            d) 4

39. The embryo of bryophyte develops into a sporophyte which is:
a) Haploid b) Diploid c) Triploid d) None of them

40. Most vitamins function as:
a) Catalyst b) High energy compound c) Gastrovascular cavity d) Mouth

41.In human, relative %age of Thymine is:
     a) 28.3     b) 19.8        c) 29.4         d) 30.9

42. Ciliates differ from other protozoans because of:
a) Being sessile b) Being motile c) Having two types of nuclei d) None of them

43. Example of a freshwater sponge is:
a) Sycon b) Leucoselenia c) Euplectcella d) Spongilla

44. The primary function of flagella is to help on:
a) Conjugation b) Reproduction c) Motility d) None of them

45. On the basis of their methods of nutrition, organisms are divided into________classes.
           a) 2         b) 3          c) 4           d) 5

46. Who develops the technique of gram stain?
a) Callie Gram b) Christopher Gram c) Christain Gram d) None of them

47. Digestion in hydra and planaria takes place within its:
a) Coelom b) Alimentary canal c) Gastrovascular cavity d) Transport molecule

48.Family Rosaceae has about _______species.
      a) 20      b) 200         c) 2000     d) 20000

49. Reindeer moss is a:
a) Moss b) Lichen c) Mycorrhizae d) None of them

50. The material present in the endoplasmic reticulum is separated from the cytoplasmic material
by________membranes called cisternae.
a) Spherical b) Tubular c) Cubical d) Both a & b







51.Mosses inhabit_____places.
a) Dry b) Damp c) Sandy d) None of them

52. In human, relative %age of adenine is:
a) 20.9 b) 25.9 c) 30.9 d) None of them

53. Example of foliose lichen is:
a) Bacidia b) Parmelia c) Lecanor d) None of them

54. Smut fungi belong to genus:
a) Puccinia b) Ustilago c) Yeast d) None of them

55. Embedded in the tentacles of hydra are numerous stinging cells called:
a) Gastrozooid b) Cnidocytes c) Gastrocytes d) None of them

56.The condition in which land plants produce one kind of spores is:
a) Monospory b) Heterospory c) Homospory d) None of them

57. Which is not the product of Cyclic phosphorylation?
a) Oxygen b) NADPH c) ATP d) Both a & b

58. The most important plant in the family of Solanaceae is:
a) Lycopersicum esculentum b) Capsicum frutescens c) Solanum tuberosum d) All of them

59. Ribosomes are composed of:
a) DNA b) RNA c) Protein d) Both b & c

60. The structure in the mouth that prevents food from entering the nasal cavities is the:
a) Epiglottis b) Soft palate c) Tongue  d) Pharynx

61. Cause of Irish potato famine is:
a) Physarum polycephalum b) Phytophthora infestans c) Both a & b d) None of them

62. Trypanosoma causes diseases:
a) Malaria b) Sleeping sickness c) Both a & b d) None of them

63.Nuclear region is visible in the __________.
a) Light microscope b) With naked eye c) Both a & b d) None of them

64. The digestive system of _______is of tubular type
a) Planarian b) Cockroach c)Hydra  d) All of them

65. A number of flagella on brown algae is:
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

66.Lipids are __________in nature.
a) Hydrophobic b) Hydrophilic c) Both a & b d) None of them

67. Haemoglobin has haem group carrying _____
a) Mg++ b) Ca++ c) Fe++ d) None of them

68.At least_________groups of mammal-like reptiles developed mammalian characters and were 50% mammals.
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20

69. Most of the time carbohydrates form _________structure when added in water.
a) Chain b) Ringed c) Both a & b d) None of them

70. In bacteria, the chromatic/nuclear body is present in:
a) Nucleus b) Ribosomes c) Cytoplasm d) None of them

71.Trichomes of nostoc are________and appear_________.
a) Branched & Beaded b) Unbranched & Unbeaded c) Branched & Unbeaded d) Unbranched & beaded

72.Super blue-green algae serves as complete whole food, which contain 60% ________________.
a) Carbohydrates b) Protein c) Lipids d) None of them

73. Mites and ticks belong to which class of phylum Arthropoda?
a) Crustacea b) Insecta c) Myriapoda d) Arachnida

74. Choline is:
a) Cholesterol b) Nitrogenous base c) Both a & b d) None of them

75. The feeding stage of slime mold is called as:
a) Mycelium b) Pseudopodium c) Hypae d) Plasmodium

76. Mechanism of enzyme action is called:
a) Chemical Reaction b) Catalysis c) Both a & b d) None of them

77. Irreversible inhibitors check the reaction rate by:
a) Occupying the active sites b) Destroying the globular structure c) Both a & b d) None of them

78. Glyceraldehyde has _____hydroxl group
                    a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7
79. Example of a freshwater annelid is:
a) Stylaria b) Nereis c) Both a & b d) None of them

80. The main achievements of Pasteur are the development of vaccines for:
a) Anthrax b) Fowl cholera c) Rabies d) All of them

81.The body of spirogyra is________
a) Unicellular b) Filamentous c) sheet-like d) None of them

82.A related group of related ORDER comprises ___________.
a) PHYLUM b) CLASS c)genus d) division

83. Solanum malengena is a botanical name of which plant:
a) Sheesham b) cotton c) potato d) brinjal

84.The cells of Dinoflagellates are often covered with shells of interlocking ____________plates impregnated
with _________.
a) Cellulose plates, Carbonates b) Pectin plates, silicates c) Cellulose plates, silicates d) None of them

85. Zea mays is the biological name of:
a) Wheat b) Corn c) Rice d) Apple

86.Arrangement of cellulose molecules are in_________manner.
a) Linear b) Random c) Crisscross d) Anti-Parallel

87.Rate of enzyme action is __________at optimum temperature.
a) Minimum b) Maximum c) Moderate d) None of them

88. Antibiotics are synthesized and secreted by:
a) Bacteria b) Actinomycetes c) Certain fungi d) All of them

89. Classification of algae into phyla is based upon:
a) Methods of nutrition b) Habitat c) Morphology d) Pigment composition

90. Loligo is commonly called as:
a) Squid b) Freshwater mussel c) Garden snail d) None of them

91. A rye plant less than one meter tall has some 14 million branch roots of a combined length of:
a) 6 Km b) 60 Km c) 600 Km d) None of them

92.The stomium occupies _________of the edge.
a) 1/4 th b) 2/4 th c) 3/4 th d) None of them

93. In hornworts, at the junction of foot and spore-producing region, there is a band of:
a) Ground tissues b) Epidermal tissues c) Meristematic tissue d) Vascular tissue

94. Which nutrient can not be able to provide energy to the body?
a) Fats b) Protein c) Carbohydrates d) None of them

95.Slime provides greater_______to bacteria.
a) Permeability b) Flexibility c) Pathogenicity d) None of them

96.________is unicellular non-motile green algae.
a) Spirogyra b) Ulva c) Chlorella d) None of them

97.Ascaris lumbricoides is a/an __________parasite in man.
a) Ectoparasite b) Skin c) Blood d) Intestine

98. Stroma is fluid in the chloroplast which surrounds:
a) Matrix b) Granum c) Thylakoids d) All of them

99. Which of the following is wrong about bryophytes?
a) Homosporous b) Non-vascular c) Sporophyte dominant d) Gametophyte dominant

100. A total number of species of Porifera is:
a) 50 b) 500 c) 5000 d) 50,000

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101. Which of the following is NOT true of guard cells?
a) They are present in the epidermis of the leaf
b) They are connected with plasmodesmata with other epidermal
c) They contain chloroplasts
d) They are kidney-shaped

102. Glycolysis takes place only in the:
a) Presence of Oxygen b) Absence of Oxygen c) Both a & b d) None of them

103.Kelps are the largest__________algae.
a) Red b) Brown c) Green d) None of them

104. Lycopersicum esculentum is the biological name of:
a) Potato b) Red pepper c) Tomato d) None of them

105. Most of the visible part of the lichen consists of:
a) Algae b) Fungi c) Bacteria d) All of them

106. Taking in of complex food is called:
a) Assimilation b) Ingestion c) Egestion d) Digestion

107.Cuticular transpiration is ___________% of total transpiration.
a) 1-2 b) 5-7 c) 7-9 d) 90

108. Citric acid is obtained from:
a) Amanita b) Aspergillus sp. c) Penicillium d) All of them

109. In wheat, relative %age of adenine is:
a) 29.3 b) 27.3 c) 31.3 d) 22.9

110. The gases that fill the swim bladder are:
a)co2 b) Nitrogen c) Secreted by swim bladder d) All of them

111._______come out through cell wall and originate from the basal body.
a) Pili b) Fimbriae c) Falgellla d) All of them

112. The largest group of fungi is:
a) Zygomycota b) Ascomycota c) Basidiomycota d) Deutromycota

113.______are non vascular plants.
a) Hornworts b) Liverworts c) Mosses d) Club mosses

114. Which of the following is dominant in the Cenozoic era:
a) Algae b) Fungi c) Gymnosperm d) Angiosperm

115. Which are the major producers in the aquatic ecosystem:
a) Green algae b) Diatoms c) Euglenoids d) None of them

116. The reptiles of today have been derived from dinosaurs of______period.
a) Jurassic b) Cretaceous c) Both a & b d) None of them

117. By Gram's staining technique gram-negative bacteria are stained:
a) Purple b) Blue c) Pink d) None of them

118. One of the early reptiles was:
a) Anope b) Varanope c) Amor d) None of them

119.Prokaryotic ribosomes sediments at:
a) 50 S b) 70 S c) 80 S d) None of them

120.Fresh air contains _______oxygen per liter.
a) two ml b) twenty ml c) two hundred ml d)two thousand ml

121. All seeds producing plants are called:
a) Spermatophytes b) Sporophytes c) Gametophytes d) None of them

122.Which is not an organic compound.
a) Carbohydrates b) Protein c) Water d) Lipids

123. The cell wall of epidermal cells of roots is___________permeable to water and other minerals.
a) Selectively b) Partially c) Freely d) None of them

124. In the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage, the host DNA is
a) Replicated b) Turned off by a protein coat
c) Digested into its nucleotides
d) Turned on by removal of a protein coat

125.In class Insecta, brain is formed of fused___________.
a) Body & head b) Ganglia & double nerve cord c) Ganglia & respiratory track d) None of them

126.Glycogen gives _____colour with iodine
a) Blue  b) Red  c) Purple  (d) No

127. Pick the odd one:
a) Carbohydrates b) Water c) Protein d) Lipids

128. Saliva is secreted by _____pairs glands.
a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five

129. An activated enzyme can also be called as:
a) Coenzyme b) Apoenzyme c) Holoenzyme d) All of them

130.500 M years ago, it was____period.
a) Permian b) Devonian c) Ordovician d) None of them

131. Lorenz Oken did his work about the cell in:
a) 1705 b) 1805 c) 1905 d) 1835

132. The protists are:
a) Unicellular b) Colonial c) Simple multicellular d) All of them

133. During aerobic respiration, glucose is oxidized to:
a) Carbon dioxide b) Water c) Energy d) All of them

134.In amphibians, the heart is_________chambaered.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

135.The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction:
a) Is constant under all conditions
b) Decrease as substrate concentration increase
c) Can not be measured
d) Can be reduced by inhibitors

136.The word "Skeleoris" meaning:
a) Softening b) Hardening c) Porridge d) Both a & c

137. Who determines the sequence of protein?
a) F. Masher b) F. Sanger c) F.King d) None of them

138.%Age of rRNA what is associated with ribosomes is:
a) 10-20 b) 20-40 c) 40-50 d) None of them

139. Which is not the reactant during the process of respiration?
a) Succinate b) glutamate c) Citrate d) Fumarate

140. How much percentage of water is used during the process of photosynthesis
 a) 100%   b) 20%        c)50%     d) 80%

141.___________are thick-walled , enlarged vegetative cells which accumulate and become resting cells:
a) Akinetes b) Hormogonia c) None of this d) None of them

142.Poaceae is _________of corn.
a) Class b) Order c) Family d) Kingdom

143. Glycolysis occurs in the:
a) Stroma b) Chloroplast c) Mitochondrial matrix d) Cytosol

144. Large quantities of water are carried at a speed up to ___________being recorded in tall trees.
a) 4 mh b) 8 mh c) 12 mh d) 16 mh

145. Large intestine harbours a large population of useful bacteria that synthesize some vitamins especially
a) A b) D c) C d) K

146.Penicillium species are used for given_________________to some cheese.
a) Flavour b) Aroma c) Characteristics colour d) All of them

147.What about gymnosperms is wrong:
a) Produce seed b) No fruit c) Heterosporouse d) Homosporous

148. Five kingdom classification was given in:
a) 1869 b) 1969 c) 1989 d) 1998

149.__________is the largest invertebrate animal.
a) Octopus b) Giant squid c) Elephant d) Whale

150. Stentor is the example of:
a) Zooflagellates b) Foraminifera c) Ciliates d) None of them

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151.Plants can be divided into____broad categories.
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8

152. The specific gravity of fats and oil is:
a) 0.2 b) 0.4 c) 0.6 d) 0.8

153.______% of white cells are eosinophils.
a) 59 b) 19 c) 9 d) 2

154.__________was formerly called as infectious hepatitis.
a) Hepatitis A b) Hepatitis B c) Hepatitis C d) Hepatitis E

155. The other names of nucleoid are:
a) Nuclear body b) Chromatin body c) Both a & b d) None of them

156.The citric acid cycle:
a) Takes place in mitochondria
b) Reduces two molecules of  for every glucose molecule processed
c) Is the same thing as fermentation
d) Has non-connection with the respiratory chain

157.Bronchioles are made up of_________ muscles:
a) Skeletal b) Smooth c) Elastic d) All of them

158._________are triangular, tubular or of some other shape
a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast c) Leucoplasts d) None of them

159. Chitin in the walls of fungi is more resistant to:
a) pH b) Moisture c) Temperature d) Decay

160. Example of ciliates is:
a) Radiolarians b) Euglena c) Plasmodium d) Vorticella

161.Hydrolysis of oligosaccharides yields __________monosachharides.
a) 1-5 b) 5-7 c) 2-10 d) 1-9

162.Animal species other than insects are________percent.
a) 16.9 b) 17.9 c) 19.9 d) 23.9

163.Coal was formed in ______era.
a) Cenozoic b) Mesozoic c) Palaeozoic d) None of them

164.Heartbeat involves ________distinct stages.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

165. Which statement about plastids is true?
a) They are surrounded by a single membrane
b) They are the powerhouse of the cell
c) They are found in all organisms
d) They contain DNA and ribosomes

166. The diastolic pressure in normal individuals ranges between:
a) 60-70mm Hg b) 75-85 m Hg c) 75-85 mm Hg d) 70-80 mm Hg

167.Most birds have ________ air sacs.
a) 3 b) 6 c) 9 d) 13

168.The _________receives deoxygenated blood via vena cavae from the body.
a) Right atrium b)Left Atrium  c)  Right ventricle d) Left ventricle

169.There are ______photosystem.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 7

170.Algae carry out___________% of all the photosynthesis on earth
a) 40-50 b) 50-60 c) 60-70 d) 70-80

171. Hormones secreting cells are:
a) Bone cells b) Gland cells c) Both a & b d) None of them

172. Many humans become ill from consuming milk and milk products because they lack:
a) Bacteria in their intestines b) Renin c) Lactase d) Hydrochloric acid

173. Lactase act upon on lactose, it produces
a) Glucose b) Fructose c) Galactose d) Both an &c

174. Zooflagelates may be:
a) Free-living b) Parasites c) Symbionts d) All of them

175. In most plants, photorespiration reduces the amount of carbon fixed into carbohydrates by:
a) 2.5% b) 5% c) 25% d) 35%

176. Phosphoric acid has the ability to develop________ with -OH group Sugar.
a) Covalent b) Ester c) Ionic d) None of them

177.Together the inorganic ions and salts make up ____________% of the
a) 0.5 b) 0.7 c) 0.9 d) None of them

178. Which statement about the nuclear envelope is not true?
a) It has pores b) It is a double membrane structure
c) Its inner membrane bears ribosomes
d) RNA and some proteins pass through it.

179. Asexual reproduction in fungi takes place by:
a) Budding b) Fragmentation c) Spores and conidia d) All of them

180. The name of young ones used in Jenner experiments was?
a) Lorens Oken b) Ling stanner c) James Phipps d) James Charles

181.Formation of constricting ring is the property of __________fungi.
a) Pleurotus ostreatus b) Arthrobotrys sp. c) Cyanobacterium d) None of them

182. Amount of DNA/nucleus in Liver cells of chicken is:
a) 1.4 picogram b) 2.4 picogram c) 1.3 picogram d) None of them

183. In cell fractionation, the separation is based upon:
a) Size of cells b) Density gradient Centirfugation c) Shape of the cells d) Shape of organelle

184.The wood of__________is used in cabinetwork and railway carriage.
a) Acacia nilotica b) Mimosa pudica c) Albizzia lebbek d) None of them

185. One of the commonest causes of food poisoning is the toxins produced by:
a) Salmonella b) Campylobacter c) Both a & b d) None of them

186. Age of amphibians is:
a) Cenozoic b) Mesozoic c) Palaeozoic d) None of them

187. Example of aerobic bacteria is:
a) Spirochete b) Pseudomonas c) E.Coli d) None of them

188.Macromolecule is_________
a) Glucose b) Amino acid c) Lipid d) Nucleotide

189.Sexual process of ciliates is because of______nuclei.
a) Small & haploid b) Small & diploid c) Large haploid d) None of them

190. Superficial fungal infections caused by certain imperfect fungi are:
a) Ringworm b) Athlete's foot c) Both a & b d) None of them

191.The annelids belong to______.
a) Diploblastic animals b) Triploblastic animals c) Monoblastic animals d) None of them

192.Thoracic lymph duct opens into_______veins:
a) Sciatic b) Subclavian c) Femoral d) None of them

193. Enzymes are very sensitive to a minor change in:
a) Water Concentration b) Product Concentration c) Substrate Concentration d) All of them

194.Family Solanaceae has_______species .
a) 20 b) 2000 c) 20000 d) None of them

195.The lenticular transpiration is________% of the total transpiration by a plant.
a) 1-2 b) 7-8 c) 90 d) 1

196.Schwann and Schleiden were_________scientists.
a) Greek b) Latin c) German d) Persian

197. Aurelia is the scientific name of:
a) Jellyfish b) sea anemone c) corals d) sponges

198. In glycolysis, Oxidative phase is also called as:
a) Preparatory phase b) Payoff phase c) Decarboxylation phase d) None of them

199.The egg cells has ________pores per nucleus.
a) 30 b) 300 c) 3000 d) 30000

200.DNA is present in:
a) Mitochondria b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Chloroplast d) Both a & c







201.Retroviruses are _______in shape.
a) Rods b) Spherical c) Cylindrical d) None of them

202. The number of known species of plant is more than:
a) 0.5 b) 1.5 c) 2.5 d) 3.5

203. Golgi apparatus was discovered in:
a) 1798 b) 1898 c) 1989 d) None of them

204._______feed on bacterial invaders or other foreign cells including cancer cells.
a) Neutrophils b) Macrophage c) Both a & b d) None of them

205. Anthoceros is found in ______areas of Pakistan.
a) Terrestrial b) Hilly c) Aquatic d) None of them

206. Pepsin can digest:
a) Lipid b) Carbohydrate c) Protein d) All of them

207.__________are made up nine microtubule triplets.
a) Centrosome b) Centrioles c) Cytoskeleton d) None of them

208.Taste less carbohydrates are:
a) Monosaccharides b) Oligosaccharides c) Polysaccharides d) All of them

209. Peroxisomes are present in:
a) Protozoa b) Yeast c) Higher Plants d) All of them

210. Mode of locomotion in Stentor is:
a) Cilia b) Flagella c) Pseudopodia d) None of them

211. The feeding stage of slime mold is a:
a) Blastostyle b) Plasmodium c) Sporozoites d) None of them

212. The other name of Bivalvia is:
a) Gastropoda b) Pelecypoda c) Cephalopoda d) None of them

213.Molluscs are________.
a) Coelomates b) Acoelomates c) Both a & b d) None of them

214. A flower is modified:
a) Root b) Shoot c) Bud d) Leaf

215. Presence of________in bryophytes reduce the loss of water by evaporation.
a) Cellulose layer b) Cuticle c) Both a & b d) None of them

216.____may lead to chronic liver disease.
a) Hepatitis A b) Hepatitis B c) Hepatitis C d) Hepatitis E

217.______is not a sub-division of tracheophytes.
a) Sphenopsida b) Bryopsida c) Pteropsida d) None of them

218. Raised fluid-filled vesicles are formed in:
a) Chickenpox b) Mumps c) Smallpox d) None of them

219._____________are self replicating organelles.
a) Vacuole b) Golgi apparatus c) Chloroplast d) All of them

220. Anodonta is commonly called:
a) Freshwater mussel b) Marine mussel c) Squid d) None of them

221. Source of Vitamin C is:
a) Capsicum annum b) Capsicum frutescens c) Both a & b d) None of them

222. The largest group of viruses is:
a) Retroviruses b) Poxviruses c) Paramyxoviruses d) None of them

223.The charge and _______of the active site is formed by amino acids.
a) Structure b) Polarity c) Shape d) Activity of the reaction

224.Lymph capillaries join to form larger and larger vessels and ultimately form_________duct۔
a) Subclavian lymph b) Sciatic lymph c) Thoracic lymph d) None of them

225. Chemically, cytosol is about _____% water.
a) 70 b) 80 c) 90 d) None of them

226.Puccinia is ___________.
a) Saprophytic fungus b) Parasitic fungus c) Symbiotic fungus d) None of them

227.In Plants, fatty acids are________
a) Straight chain b) Branched-chain c) Ringed d) Both a & c

228.Nucleus is only visible when the cell is in____________stage.
a) Dividing stage b) Non-dividing stage c) Active d) None of them

229.Antibodies are special type of:
a) Lipoprotein b) Protein c) Glycoproteins d) None of them

230. In cockroach, the food cut into small pieces with the help of:
a) Incisor b) Mandibles c) Maxilla d) None of them

231.Haemoglobin has ___________structure.
a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary

232.Jejunum is about________meter.
a) 3--7 b) 5.2 c) 2.4 d) None fo them

233. Seras can be sterilized by means of:
a) Sterilization b) Gamma rays c) Membrane filters d) All of them

234. Photosynthetic pigments are organized into clusters called:
a) Photosystem b) Phytosystem c) Protosystem d) None of them

235. Prions were discovered in:
a) 1783 b) 1883 c) 1983 d) 1999

236. Parietal cells secrete:
a) Mucus b) HCl c) Pepsinogen d) Chyme

237. The food of hydra is:
a) Daphnia b) Cyclops c) Both a & b d) None of them

238. Helical phages are mostly----------shaped
a) Spherical b) Rod c) Both a & b d) None of them

239._____is known as Vacca.
a) Vaccine b) Vaccination c) Cowpox d) None of them

240. In human, relative %age of Guanine is:
a) 9.9 b) 29.9 c) 19.9 d) None of them

241. The sac-like digestive system is present in:
a) Diploblastic animal b) Monoblastic animals c) Polyblastic animals d) None of them

242. The enzymes involved in viral replication are synthesized:
a) On the viral ribosomes
b,) On the interior surface of viral membrane
c) By the host cell
d) On the interior surface of viral coat

243. A marine coelenterate is:
a) Hydra b) Obelia c) Both a & b d) None of them

244.%Age of DNA in Mammalian cell is:
a) 0.05 b) 0.15 c) 0.25 d) 0.45

245. The size and the number of mitochondria varies and depends on the _________of the cell.
a) Structure b) Physiological activity c) Shape d) None of them

246.Pacemaker sends out electrical impulses to the __________.
a) Heart b) Aorta c) Aterial muscles d) All of them

247.Ribosomes exist in ___forms.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

248.Bacteria range in size from about__________over a single dimension.
a) 0.1-6.00 µm b) 0.1-60.0 µm c) 0.1-600 µm d) 0.1-0.600µm
249. Polysomes are:
a) tRNA b) mRNA c) rRNA d) None of them

250. Energy during ETC, is used by thylakoid membrane to produce:
a)FADH2 b)NADH2 c) ATP d) All of them







251. Which is responsible for the exchange of materials?
a) Capillary b) Artery c) Vein d) All of them

252. In sheep, relative %age of adenine in its DNA is:
a) 23.9 b) 21.0 c) 17.1 d) 31.3

253. The nucleotides are united with one another by the help of:
a) Hydrogen bond b) Phosphodiester bond c) Ionic bond d) Covalent bond

254.Blood contains _______oxygen, when haemoglobin is 98% saturated per 100ml of blood.
a)16.6ml  b)17.6ml  c) 18.6 ml d) 19.6 ml

255. The function of muscles cells is:
a) Contract b) Relax c) Homeostasis d) Both a & b

256. The diameter of peroxisome is approximately:
a) 0.5 µm b) 0.15 µm c) 0.25 µm d) 0.8 µm

257. Specific heat of vaporization of water is:
a) 570 Kcal/Kg b) 574 Kcal/Kg c) 578 Kcal/Kg d) None of them

258._______is not included in the composition of primary cell wall.
a) Cellulose b) Lignin c) Hemicellulose d) All are include

259.The fusion of nuclei is called as:
a) Plasmogamy b) Karyogamy c) Heterogamy d) None of them

260. Multicellular animals are also called as:
a) Protozoa b) Metazoa c) Multicellular d) None of them

261. Photosystem I absorbs maximum light of:
a) 600 nm b) 680 nm c) 700nm d) 760 nm

262.In Cyclic Phosphorylation, Which photosystem is involved only?
a) Photosystem I b) Photosystem II c) Both a & b d) None of them

263. The word "soma" meaning
a) Splitting b) Membranes c) Body d) None of them

264. Brush-like arrangement of its conidia is a characteristic of:
a) Rhizopus b) Puccinia c) Penicillium d) None of them

265. Pick the odd one:
a) Cellulose b) Paper c) Terpenoid d) Cotton

266. One-celled animals are called:
a) Metazoa b) Protozoa c) Multicellular d) None of them

267.Protochordate is the other name of:
a) Acrania b) Craniata c) Aves d) None of them

268. Cotton is a pure form of:
a) Starch b) Glycogen c) Cellulose d) All of them

269.An atom of_________is present in the center of porphyrin ring:
          a) Mg  b)Fe    c) ca     d) Li

270.The important chemical agents used for disinfection________agents.
a) Reducing b) Oxidizing c) Both a & b d) None of them

271. Black bread mold is a typical example of:
a) Ascomycota b) Zygomycota c) Basidiomycota d) None of them

272. Mode of locomotion in annelids are:
a) Circular muscles b) Longitudinal muscles c) Feet d) Both a & b

273. There are___types of starches.
                a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

274.In earthworm, the dorsal vessel collects blood from the _______segment backwards.
a) 7 b) 11 c) 14 d) 17

275. Which system is absent in Roundworms?
a) Circulatory b) Respiratory c) Sensory d) Both a & b

276.Adenine form bond with:
a) Guanine b) Thymine c) Cytosine d) None of them

277. In the absence of oxygen, yeast cells produce:
a) Lactic acid b) Ethyl alcohol c) Maleic acid d) All of them

278._______tuberculosis is a disease of lungs in which inside of lungs is damaged.
a) Lung b) Mycobacterium c) Respiratory d) Pulmonary

279.Huge bacteria is discovered in intestine of ____________
a) Crayfish b) Red golden fish c) Brown surgeonfish d) None of them

280.The water-splitting step of photosynthesis that releases oxygen is called:
a) Anabolism b) Photolysis c) Dark reaction d) None of them

281. Hyphae of Basidiomycota are:
a) Septate b) Lengthy and dikaryotic c) Varied d) Both a & b

282.%Age of water in Bacterial cell is:
a) 50 b) 60 c) 70 d) 80

283.Right sequence of taxa's of taxonomy is _____________.
a) Phylum, family, class, order
b) Kingdom, phylum, class, order
c) Phylum, class, family, order
d) Phylum, family, order, genus

284. The word virus-derived from____word Venom.
a) Greek b) Latin c) German d) Persian

285._______%of world's fruit is lost each year due to fungal attack.
a) 10-30 b) 15-35 c) 15-50 d) 15-75

286. The recovery from anorexia nervosa may take_______years.
a) 1-2 b) 2-3 c) 2-4 d) 4-5

287. Before entering a mitochondrion, the glucose molecule is split to form two molecules of:
a) Pyruvic acid b) Glucose c) RUBP d) None of them

288.The ________tissue has special pores called lenticels.
a) Cork b) Mesophyll c) Epidermal d)All of them

289. The pressure exerted by the protoplast against the cell wall is called:
a) Plasmolysis b) Pressure c) Turgidity d) Power

290. Which is an example of class crustacea?
a) Prawn b) Crabs c) Cyclops d) All of them

291. Number of flagella in red algae is:
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

292.Saprobes are decomposers that obtain their food directly from____________.
a) Inorganic matter b) Dead organic matter c) Living animals d) None of them

293. First microbes were reported in:
a) 1573 b) 1677 c) 1673 d) 1663

294. Coelenterates are characterized by:
a) Monomorphism b) Dimorphism c) Polymorphism d) None of them

295. In mature prothallus, archegonia occur near_____
a) Rhizoids b) Notch c) Both a & b d) None of them

296. Arabic gum is obtained from:
a) Acacia nilotica b) A.Senegal c) Both a & b d) None of them

297. Which of the following pair of structure-function is mismatched?
a) Ribosomes;Protein synthesis
b) Nucleolus; Ribosomes production
c) Golgi; muscle contraction
d) Lysosomes; Intracellular digestion

298.The cuticle of arthropod exoskeleton is light in weight and is formed chiefly of:
a) Silica b) Chitin c) caco3  d)lipids

299.At the base of the aorta, first pair of arteries, the coronary arteries, arse and supply blood to the:
a) Legs b) Liver c) Heart d) None of them

300. How many molecules of CO are required to produce one molecule of a triose?
a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 7







301. The tertiary structure of protein is maintained by:
a) Hydrogen Bond b) Ionic Bond c) Di-sulphide bond d) All of them

302. Waxes give protection to plants from:
a) Water loss b) Abrasive damage c) Both a & b d) None of them

303. Double fertilization is a special process found in:
a) Angiosperms b) Gymnosperms c) Ferns d) None of them

304.Some spirochetes occasionally reach _________in length.
a) 500 µm b) 500 nm c) 500 mm d) 500 cm

305. Which animals do not have locomotory organs?
a) Polychaeta b) Oligochaeta c) Hirudinea d) None of them

306.The word blackbird:
a) Crow b) Raven c) Both a & b d) None of them

307. Most abundant organic compound to be found in the cell is:
a) Protein b) Carbohydrate c) Lipids d) None of them

308.Mesoderm give rise to______system
d)All of them

309. Some bacteria are covered with a loose, soluble shield of macromolecules called:
a) Capsule b) Slime c) Mesosomes d) All of them

310. Shark liver oil is used in medicine as a source of vitamin.
         a) A      b)K       c) D         d) Both a &b

311.______of past have created vast limestone deposits.
a) Zooflagellates b) Actinopods c) Foraminifera d) Apicomplexans

312.Family Poaceae includes about_______genera in Pakistan.
a) 138 b) 148 c) 158 d) 168

313. All bryophytes share certain characteristics. These are:
a) A waxy cuticle, true leaves,and reproductive cells in protective chambers
b) Reproductive cells in protective chambers and a waxy cuticle.
c) Vascular tissues,true leaves and a waxy cuticle
d) Vascular tissues and a waxy cuticle.

314. In sponges, the fertilization takes place in:
a) Endochyme b) Ectochyme c) Mesenchyme d) None

315.Normally, at rest we inhale and exhale ________ times/min.
a) 5-10 b) 15-20 c) 25-35 d) 45-50

316. In Pakistan, there are about _____genera of family Fabaceae.
a) 42 b) 62 c) 72 d) 82

317. Which about the flowers of family Rosaceae is wrong:
a) Bisexual b) Zygomorphic c) Pergynous d) Actinomorphic

318. Which group has gametophyte highly lobed and irregular in the outline?
a) Bryopsida b) Hepaticopsida c) Anthoceropsida d) None of them

319. In animals, coordination is achieved by:
a) Nervous system b) Integumentary system c) Endocrine system d) Both a & c

320.______play important role in body's defenses against disease.
a) Immunoglobulins b) Keratin c) Fibrinogen d) All of them

321. Kelps have stem-like:
a) Blades b) Stipes c) Holdfast d) None of them

322. In lycopsida, the arrangement of leaves is:
a) Spiral b) Opposite c) Alternated) Both a & b

323. Bacteria without any flagella are called:
a) Lophtrichous b) Atrichous c) Peritrichous d) None of them

324. Algae are:
a) Unicellular b) Filamentous c) Multicellular d) All of them

325.In parasitic species of annelids, the digestive system is____________.
a) Well developed b) Poorly developed c) Highly developed d) None of them

326.Conidia are___________spores.
a) Motile b) Non-motile c) Both a & b d) None of them

327. Oral and vagainal thrush is caused by:
a) Aspergillus fumigatus b) Penicillium notatum c) Candida albicans d) None of them

328.Air sac consists of several microscopic single layered structures called:
a) Alveoli b) Bronchi c) Bronchioles d) None of them

329.The word "Athere" meaning:
a) Hardening b) Porridge c) Coexisting d) Both a & c

330. The partly digested food is stored in the:
a) Stomach b) Gizzard c) Crop d) Rectum

331. The oosphere forms the:
a) Gametophyte b) Sporophyte c) Both a & b d) None of them

332.If 'R' group of amino acid is replaced by -CH3
, the resultant product would be:
a) Glycine b) Alanine c) Valine d) None of them

333. The transportation of photosynthate or carbohydrates from mesophyll cells to phloem tissue involves:
a) Active transport b) Passive transport c) Diffusion d) All of them

334.______are mainly used in phage study.
a) T2 b) T4 c) Both a & b d) None of them

335. In germinating seedlings, the conversion of stored fatty acids to carbohydrates is done by the help of:
a) Peroxisomes b) Lysosomes c) Glyoxysomes d) Ribosomes

336. Who said,"Omnis cellula e cellula"?
a) Robert Hooke b) Lorenz Oken c) Rudolph Virchow d) Lamarck

337. The other name of Echinodermata is:
a) Segmented skin animals b) Spinny skinned animals c) Both a & b d) None of them

338. In Polychaeta, the organs of locomotion are:
a) Parapodia b) Medusae c) sycon d) None of them

339. Exposure to _______ light, which is also effective in photosynthesis has been shown to acidify the
environment of the guard cells.
a) Blue b) Red c) Green d) None of them

340.Blood flow speed in capillaries is less than _____per sec.
a) 0.1mm b) 1.0mm c) 0.1m d) 1.0m

341.Tracheophyta have_________plants.
a) Vascular b) Non-vascular c) Both a & b d) All of them

342.Under favorable conditions________germinate and form vegetative cells in bacteria.
a) Cysts b) Mesosomes c) Spores d) None of them

343.NADH in the respiratory chain is oxidized by:
a) NADP Reductase b) Cytochrome enzymes a  (c) Coenzymes Q d) None of them

344.%Age of inorganic ions in Bacterial cell is:
a) 1 b) 3 c) 7 d) 9

345. Fumarate is converted to malate when:
a) Water molecule is removed
b) Water molecule is added
c) Carbon dioxide is removed
d) Carbon dioxide is added

346. The products of anaerobic respiration in the yeast are carbon dioxide and:
a) Methyl alcohol b) Ethyl alcohol c) Pyruvate d) None of them

347 How much energy is released when one pi bond of ATP is broken
a) 7300 cal     b) 7300 k cal      c) 7.3 cal      d) 7300 KJ

348.The jelly-like substance between ectoderm and endoderm which in most cases is non-cellular is called:
a) Mesenchyme b) Mesoglea c) Mesoderm d) Both a & b

349.Haem group of Haemoglobin, a protein which transport ____________
a) Carbon dioxide b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) None of them

350. Which of these phyla does not belong to sub-kingdom Eumetazoa?
a) Cnidaria b) Animalia c) Parazoa d) All of them







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