Coronavirus WRITTEN BY 


Victor hails from the Italian city of Milan

Supplies garments to garment factories are 62 years old and live in a small village on the outskirts, 

Victor has been critically ill for two months, has had fever, nausea and colds. And his body also had 

pain, but he continued to work despite his illness.

Accustomed to forty years of exercise, the world of fever also kept jogging and swimming

the fever recovered and it started living according to the routine; reports of Coronavirus started 

coming from China in December 2019, the world was attracted to the virus, In Europe, when 

investigations were launched, it was found that Italy had the highest number of patients after China.

The Italian government has further investigated, found that most of the Coronavirus patients belong

 to the regions of Milan and Venice, the government immediately issued an alarm, you may be 

surprised to know that Mariano del Friuli is a small village, CORONA  means the crown (Crown). 

In Europe, in 1918, the outbreak of influenza was rampant, killing five million people.

In Europe, with the United States also 6 million 75 thousand people were killed, medical scientists 

believed that the virus had gone from the village of Corona, Italy and that it had arrived in Spain in 

horrific shape so that it was named CORONA. Over time, humans have become immune to the corona 

virus, so by December 2019, we were all prone to cocaine half a year.

We also had diarrhoea, sore throat and fever, but it was fine for a few days, although medical science

 declared CORONA non-hazardous but then a new one in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.

 The virus came out, it was an advanced type of virus, which scientists have named it the 
Novel Corona virus

 It was also deadly and destructive. The decision has not yet been made, but the fact has come to the 

fore that by March 2020, China is not the centre of the CORONA  virus and it is rapidly expanding 

from Italy to Europe and the Center. Life is spreading in Asia.

It is affecting more people in the northern parts of Italy, probably because of the old virus in their 

blood, the virus is flowing into their blood from Sosal, when Novol Corona was added to their blood

. It made the old virus powerful, and so did Italy's one million people sick, until the last reports that 

the government cut off half of northern Italy from the rest of the country, making it the largest 

quarantine region in the world. Yes, other countries in Europe have closed their borders with Italy, 

which completely destroyed Italy's economy, tourism and stock exchange is the biggest target of 

Corona. Hey, Tourism was the largest industry in the world with $ 1700 billion.

The industry has gone bankrupt in two months, airlines are going bankrupt, sunk at airports, hotels

 are vacant and museums and parks are open, for the first time in history the house has been 

evacuated to the Kaaba and the mosque. The usual worship in the Vatican was also closed while 

half of the world's wealth in stock exchanges was parked, including the park, so the world went to the

 brink of bankruptcy.
 Forgetting the story, we're back to Victor.

Milan doctors began examining the public, then found out Victor was the first victim of Corona in 

his entire village. Survived and recovered, why and how? Doctors shifted him to Central Hospital 

and resumed his interviews, these interviews continued for a week.

All the major virus exporters in the country participated in these interviews, the finding of the

the interview was very interesting, Victor told the Exporters "I did not read newspapers, did not 

watch television and I was not active on social media. Even though I didn't know the Corona virus 

had arrived in the world and I was suffering from it, so I considered it a normal cough and fever and 

recovered. "This discovery was astounding, as doctors did further research. All the patients who did 

not watch television or were not active on social media survived CORONA

They soon recovered, while people living with the media became victims of Corona skin and also 

had high mortality rates, it was the first finding of the Corona virus, the second finding was even 

more interesting, the world. At present, 103 countries are affected by Corona, 90% of them are cold 

while 10% in hot countries, CORONA has appeared, the number of patients in these countries is 

very low and no casualties were found. There is a virus in the areas, it can't do long surveys in hot areas;

 more research was done on hot countries suffering from Corona. Patients from the wells also brought 

the virus from the colder areas and the disease were limited to them. It did not affect other people, such as patients from Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, who came from Iran.


AffectsYoung people, women and children are safe, and as the weather gets warmer in March, the 

Coronavirus is also declining, as medical scientists think that CORONA will begin to die after

 March 15. And April

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