The Relationships Between India and Pakistan


The Relationships Between India and Pakistan

This Essay on the Relationships Between India and Pakistan is written by Maher Shafique.

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The Relationships Between India and Pakistan have remained locked in constant hostility ever since independence. Although, both countries have tried many times to approach each other through back-door diplomacy, often failed.
The raison detre of contention between the two countries is the Kashmir issue. Pakistan has always been of the view that disputes be solved in compliance with the United Nations security council's resolutions and Kashmiri's will. However contrary to the UNSC resolutions, Modi's government on 5th of August 2019 unilaterally imposed the decision of integrating Kashmir with India by abrogating articles 370 and 35A.
The prolonged military takeovers in Pakistan and the excessive role of the military in state affairs have damaged the evolution of democratic ties between the two countries.
Global factors have also played their part in sharpening the divide between the two countries; US-China rivalry has brought India closer to the USA, while Pakistan prefers china for strategic ties. 
Consequently, Both countries are facing some serious repercussions. Proxy wars have been going on by supporting dissident groups of each other countries. Baloch liberation front in Pakistan and some rebel groups in India are the offshoots of it.
The introduction of jihadi culture in Pakistan mostly in madrasas is the result of the disputed Kashmir issue.
Moreover, most resources of both countries are spent on defense and security due to blatant aggressive designs against each other, which can otherwise be spent on the socio-economic welfare of the people of both countries.
Resumption of dialogue between two countries is the only way to find solutions to all problems between them. However, it can only be possible if India takes steps like easing repression on Kashmiris and respecting human rights in order to create an enabling environment of positive dialogue.
Another school of thought is of the view that trade, tourism, and economic activity between two countries would help to ease the tension between two countries. However, Pakistan has been skeptical and insisted that this should be followed after the resolution of disputes.
History witnesses those neighboring countries have suffered a lot and lacked progress when they were victims of prolonged hostile relations. Two countries have to engage sooner than later to restore their approach towards Kashmiris and towards each other as well.
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