Antonym of EXPAND is _____________?

  1. Apathy
  2. Nerve


  1. Congest
  2. Conclude
  3. Convert
  4. Condense

Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is  ______________?

  1. Red
  2. Solid
  3. Truthful
  4. Natural

Antonym of ENORMOUS  is_____________?

  1. Fragile
  2. Weak
  3. Tiny
  4. Soft

Antonym of RECONDITE  is_____________?

  1. Hermetic
  2. Manifest
  3. Pedantic
  4. Occult

Antonym of GUMPTION is  _____________?


  1. Initiative
  2. Sagacity

Antonym of PIQUE is _____________?

  1. Hurt
  2. Irk
  3. Joy
  4. Huff

Antonym of SARTORIAL is 


  1. Homespun
  2. Cheerful
  3. Inelegant
  4. Sincere

Antonym of DOCILE is _____________?

  1. Pliable
  2. Pliant
  3. Quiet
  4. Unyielding

Antonym of DEXTEROUS is 


  1. Inexpert
  2. Acute
  3. Active
  4. Able




Antonym of CURTAIL is 


  1. Cramp
  2. Prolong
  3. Chop
  4. Clip

Antonym of DEVIANT is 


  1. Bent
  2. Devious
  3. Regular
  4. Atypical

Antonym of DUCTILE is 


  1. Docile
  2. Pliable
  3. Stiff
  4. Supple

Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is 



  1. Trivial
  2. Silly
  3. Petty
  4. Wise

Antonym of WEAN is _____________?

  1. Attach
  2. Detach
  3. Discourage
  4. Halt

Antonym of PRODIGAL is 


  1. Spendthrift
  2. Squandering
  3. Thrifty
  4. Wanton

Antonym of NEBULOUS is 


  1. Misty
  2. Apparent
  3. Murky
  4. Shadowy

Antonym of MITE is _____________?

  1. Bit
  2. Bug
  3. Insect
  4. Whole

Antonym of TACIT is _____________?

  1. Punish
  2. Dictated
  3. Grand
  4. Small

Antonym of DOLEFUL is 


  1. Vivacious
  2. Witty
  3. Empty
  4. Full

Antonym of PARSIMONY is  _____________?




  1. Verbosity
  2. Generosity
  3. Clan
  4. Tenderness

Antonym of FALLACIOUS is  _____________?

  1. Credit
  2. Clean
  3. Truthful
  4. Dishonest

Antonym of FOREMOST is  _____________?

  1. Unimportant
  2. Hindmost
  3. Disposed
  4. Mature

Antonym of QUIESCENT is  _____________?

  1. Asleep
  2. Active
  3. Deactivated
  4. Fallow

Antonym of PHILISTINE is  _____________?

  1. Smutty
  2. Uncultured
  3. Uncultured
  4. Cultured

Antonym of NIGGARDLY is  _____________?

  1. Generous
  2. Chintzy
  3. Closefisted
  4. Skimpy

Antonym of GARBLED is 


  1. Slant
  2. Unscramble
  3. Obscure
  4. Pervert

Antonym of SENILE is _____________?

  1. Doting
  2. Anile
  3. Alert
  4. Ancient

Antonym of INORDINATE is  _____________?

  1. Dizzying
  2. Wasteful
  3. Wanton
  4. Moderate

Antonym of LUCID is _____________?

  1. Evident
  2. Obvious
  3. Explicit
  4. Vague

Antonym of INGEST is _____________?

  1. Disgorge
  2. Disrupt
  3. Absorb
  4. Devour




Antonym of ELATED is _____________?

  1. Roused
  2. Blissful
  3. Sad
  4. Happy

Antonym of DENIGRATE is 


  1. Asperse
  2. Besmirch
  3. Boost
  4. Vilify

The antonyms of Stale is____________?

  1. Old
  2. Fresh
  3. Tale
  4. Break

The antonym of Mammoth 


  1. Big
  2. Giant
  3. Small
  4. Low

Antonym of Elastic is _____________?

  1. Yielding
  2. Rigid
  3. Mold-able
  4. Supple

Antonym of Harmonious is 


  1. Peaceful
  2. Hostile
  3. Dominant
  4. Tuneful

Antonym of Facetious is _____________?

  1. Teasing
  2. Serious
  3. Tongue-in-check
  4. Copy

“Profligate” Antonym _________? 3

  1. Wildly extravagant
  2. Dissolute
  3. Dissipated
  4. Thrifty

What are the antonyms of the word Restoration?

  1. Lexicon
  2. Balm
  3. Hoarding
  4. Depredation




Antonym of TACITURN is _____________?

  1. Judge
  2. Garrulous
  3. Immense
  4. Silent

Antonym of SINGULAR is _____________?

  1. Common
  2. Social
  3. Dull
  4. Ancient

Antonym of PACIFIC is _____________?

  1. Aggressive
  2. Peaceful
  3. Hawkish
  4. Discordant

Antonym of DWARF is _____________?

  1. Giant
  2. Tiny
  3. Huge
  4. Enormous

Antonym of “famous” is ___________.

  1. poor
  2. obscure


  1. untalented
  2. boring

Antonym of “labor” is ___________.

  1. amuse
  2. surrender
  3. rest
  4. strive

Antonym of “Revenge” is _____________.

  1. vengeance
  2. retribution
  3. pardon
  4. payback
  5. reprisal

Antonym of “spurious” is _______________.

  1. flexible
  2. thoughtless
  3. provident
  4. genuine

Antonym of “banal” is __________.

  1. sincere
  2. wealthy
  3. extraordinary
  4. trustworthy


Antonym of “kowtow” is ___________.

  1. snub
  2. pull
  3. fawn
  4. forage

Antonym of “recondite” is __________.

  1. give
  2. obscure
  3. patent
  4. hardy

Antonym of “brazen” is ________.

  1. bashful
  2. boisterous
  3. noisy
  4. heated

Antonym of “awe” is _______.

  1. borrow
  2. shallow
  3. low
  4. contempt

Antonym of “matutinal” is ________.

  1. paternal
  2. crepuscular
  3. maritime
  4. marsupial


Antonym of “impecunious” is _________.

  1. wealthy
  2. cautious
  3. hungry
  4. tardy

Antonym of “quiescent” is _________.

  1. lackadaisical
  2. active
  3. dull
  4. prescient

Antonym of “sartorial” is __________.

  1. cheerful
  2. sincere
  3. inelegant
  4. homespun

Antonym of “dearth” is ________.

  1. lack
  2. poverty
  3. abundance
  4. foreign

Antonym of “peaked” is _________.


  1. tired
  2. arrogant
  3. pointy
  4. ruddy

Antonym of “gainsay” is _______.

  1. regret
  2. own
  3. prudent
  4. prude

Antonym of “effluvium” is ________.

  1. land
  2. essential
  3. fragrance
  4. solid

Antonym of “conversant” is _______?

  1. inexperienced
  2. unprepared
  3. shy
  4. unpretentious

Antonym of “penurious” is _______?

  1. generous
  2. lenient
  3. injurious
  4. relaxed

Antonym of “impervious” is _______?


  1. kind
  2. disastrous
  3. prone
  4. perfect

Antonym of “bemuse” is _______?

  1. depress
  2. inspire
  3. clarify
  4. desire

Antonym of “accelerate” is _______?

  1. delay
  2. risk
  3. monitor
  4. deny

Antonym of “earnest” is _______?

  1. cheap
  2. frivolous
  3. release
  4. civilized

Antonym of “Serene” is _________?

  1. Tranquil
  2. Calm
  3. Placid
  4. Anxious


Antonym of ” Taciturn ” is _________?

  1. reticent
  2. introverted
  3. meek
  4. Loquacious

Antonym of ” Sloppy ” is _____________?

  1. Careful
  2. Slapdash
  3. Haphazard
  4. Slovenly
  5. Heedless

Antonym of ” Meticulous ” is _____________?

  1. Fussy
  2. Painstaking
  3. Scrupulous
  4. Sloppy
  5. Conscientious

Antonym of ” Heartfelt ” is _____________?

  1. Loving
  2. Insincere
  3. Unhealthy
  4. Humorous
  5. Heartly

Antonym of ” Perspicacious ” is _____________?


  1. Sagacious
  2. Discerning
  3. Astute
  4. Dull
  5. Canny

Antonym of ” Astute ” is _____________?

  1. Shrewd
  2. Discerning
  3. Canny
  4. Whirlwind
  5. Stupid

Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____________?

  1. Attract
  2. Invite
  3. Earn
  4. Avoid

Antonym of ” Provoke ” is _____________? 2

  1. Arouse
  2. Induce
  3. Evoke
  4. Allay

Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is _____________? 3

  1. Vie
  2. Raze
  3. Outclass


  1. Level
  2. Build

Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is _____________?

  1. Unconvinced
  2. Scoffing
  3. Certain
  4. Reticent
  5. Scapegoat

Antonym of ” Celibate ” is _____________?

  1. Chaste
  2. Ascetic
  3. Monastic
  4. Married
  5. Genious

Antonym of ” Chaste ” is _____________?

  1. Shrewd
  2. Talkative
  3. Aspirant
  4. Promiscuous
  5. Celibate

Antonym of FALLACY is _________?

  1. Abandon
  2. Blunder
  3. Truth
  4. Error

Antonym of ” Pessimistic ” is _____________?

  1. Devoted
  2. Cheat
  3. Despondent
  4. Hopeful
  5. Defeatist

Antonym of “Lenient” is _____________?

  1. easy-going
  2. long-suffering
  3. Strict
  4. Liberal
  5. Moderate

Antonym of ” Applicable ” is _____________?

  1. Irrelevant
  2. Minimifidian
  3. Incredulous
  4. Cynical
  5. Upset

Antonym of BRUSQUE is _____________?

  1. Corrupt
  2. Brash
  3. energetic
  4. Courteous

Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is _____________? 1

  1. Sick
  2. Healthy
  3. Chemicals
  4. Selective

Antonym of Abridge is _____________?

  1. Subdue
  2. Augment
  3. Encourage
  4. Elaborate

Antonym of ARCHETYPE is _____________?

  1. Origin
  2. Copy
  3. Generous
  4. Factory

Antonym of APATHY is _____________? 2

  1. Sleep
  2. Conclude
  3. Zeal
  4. None of these

Antonym of ADAPT is _____________? 1

  1. Applaud
  2. Unfit
  3. Approve
  4. None of these

Antonym of ATTRACT is _____________?


  1. Repel
  2. Demote
  3. Expel
  4. None of these

Antonym of Credulous is _____________?

  1. Respectful
  2. Hardworking
  3. Skeptical
  4. Frugal

Antonym of Felicity is _____________?

  1. Sadness
  2. Powerful
  3. Narrow
  4. Opaque

Antonym of Abate?

  1. Enhance
  2. Foster
  3. Augment
  4. All of above

Antonym of Aberrant?

  1. Steadfast
  2. Persistent
  3. Devious
  4. Both a&b

Antonym of Abject?

  1. Commendable
  2. Exalted
  3. Excellent
  4. All of above

Antonym of Abjure?

  1. Espouse
  2. Support
  3. Both a&b
  4. Disavow

Antonym of Abrogate?

  1. Enact
  2. Institute
  3. Both a&b
  4. Revoke

Antonym of Absolve?

  1. Execute
  2. Condemn
  3. Both a&b
  4. Exculpate

Antonym of Abstemious?

  1. Gluttonous
  2. Greedy
  3. Hungry
  4. All of these

Antonym of Abstruse?

  1. Obvious
  2. Lucid
  3. Plain
  4. All of these

Antonym of Accessible?

  1. Inaccessible
  2. Limited
  3. Restricted
  4. All of these

Antonym of Accost?

  1. Avoid
  2. Neglect
  3. Scorn
  4. All of these

Antonym of Acerbity?

  1. Sweetness
  2. Mellowness
  3. Mildness
  4. All of these

Antonym of Addendum?

  1. Detriment
  2. Lessening
  3. Subtraction
  4. All of above

Antonym of “Paucity” is____________?

  1. Scarcity
  2. Surplus
  3. Presence
  4. Shallow

Antonym of HYPOCRISY____________?

  1. Doubt
  2. Uprightness
  3. Burdensome
  4. Fluent

Antonym of ONEROUS is ____________?

  1. Light
  2. Difficult
  3. Burdensome
  4. Fluent

Antonym of GREGARIOUS is ____________?

  1. Talkative
  2. Lonesome
  3. Cheerful
  4. Boring

Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perpetrator ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Culprit
  2. felon
  3. Police
  4. miscreant

Which one of the following is an antonym of ” Mordant ” while others are synonyms?

  1. acerbic
  2. caustic
  3. corrosive
  4. pleasant

Which one of the following is the antonym of ” Perdition ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Heaven
  2. Doom
  3. Hell
  4. Infernal

Which one of the following is an antonym of ” Epitome ” while others are synonyms?

  1. antithesis
  2. abridgment
  3. abstract
  4. compendium


Which one of the following is an antonym of ” Flummox ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Baffle
  2. Confound
  3. Perplex
  4. Enlighten

 one of the following is an antonym of ” IMPOVERISHED ” while others are synonyms?

  1. broke
  2. destitute
  3. impecunious
  4. wealthy

 one of the following is an antonym of ” Minuscule ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Diminutive
  2. Lilliputian
  3. Miniature
  4. Majuscule

FORWARDING one of the following is an antonym of ” Eclat ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Eminence
  2. Esteem
  3. Plaudit
  4. Dullness

one of the following is an antonym of ” Welter ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Clutter
  2. Fuddle
  3. Jumble
  4. Order

THEREFORE, one of the following is an antonym of ” Flaunt ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Cover
  2. Brandish
  3. Display
  4. Exhibit

SIMILARLY, one of the following is the antonym of ” Picayune ” while others are synonyms? 1

  1. Piddling
  2. Trifling
  3. Colossal
  4. Trivial

NOW one of the following is an antonym of ” Raucous” while others are synonyms?

  1. Hoarse
  2. Subdued
  3. Strident
  4. Discordant

COMMONLY, one of the following is an antonym of ” Prosaic ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Pedestrian
  2. Prosy
  3. Tedious
  4. Interesting

 one of the following is the antonym of ” Apocryphal ” while others are synonyms?

  1. Genuine
  2. Mythical
  3. Obscure
  4. Unsubstantiated

Antonym of REVEALED is __________ ?

  1. Denied
  2. Concealed
  3. Ignored
  4. Overlooked

Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is___________? 3

  1. Healthy
  2. diseased
  3. morbid
  4. None of these


Antonym of Torture is__________?

  1. Third Degree
  2. Twinge
  3. Peace
  4. Stick

Antonym of Selfish is _____________?

  1. Helpful
  2. Altruistic
  3. Egocentric
  4. Acquisitive

Antonym of Euphony?

  1. Cacophony
  2. pithy


  1. Salophony
  2. Pitching

Antonym of “QUOTIDIAN” is_________?

  1. Extraordinary
  2. Certain
  3. Wishful
  4. Premature

Antonym of ”Malaise” is ___________?

  1. Despondency
  2. Dejection
  3. Restless
  4. Comfort

Antonym of “filthy” is_________?

  1. Clean
  2. Grimy
  3. Grubby
  4. Putrid


Antonym of Vagrant is _____________?

  1. Derelict
  2. Wayfarer
  3. Stable
  4. Vagabond

What’s the antonym of Amicable?

  1. Friendly
  2. Hostile
  3. Haughty
  4. Arrogant

Antonym of Friend is _____________?

  1. Enemy
  2. Brother
  3. companion
  4. None

Antonyms of “Apposite” is_____?

  1. Liable
  2. Connected
  3. Inappropriate
  4. None

Antonym of pardon is _____________?

  1. Punish
  2. forgive
  3. praise
  4. Reward

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