The body was identified by shoes and clothes. The atmosphere of the black boot was still there. There was a picture of a crocodile in one corner of the sole and a golden nickel of a buckle. The company's claim came true. Thirty years later, the Swiss company still makes shoes for only a thousand families around the world.
The soles of the shoes were made of New Zealand cowhide.
It is a cow with golden skin and blue horns and is not found in any other region of New Delhi. The "toe" of the shoe is made from the skin of a Brazilian crocodile. The "crow" of the shoe was made of the skin of the ears of black African elephants and a soft layer of deer leather was glued to the inside of the shoe. The thread left behind was the thread used in the bulletproof jacket for these shoes.
The company claims that shoe polish does not deteriorate for fifty years, while shoe polish retains its lustre for a hundred years after being buried in the soil. King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan was a member of this company. When Zahir Shah was exiled, Sardar Dawood took membership of this company and after that, he always used the shoe of this company till 1978 when he was with his family. He was killed and after the murder, his body was tied to a jeep and dragged to Kabul, but he was still wearing the same shoe.
He was an unfortunate ruler. He had no bath, no shroud and no funeral after his death. People had dug two big graves and buried him in one of them with 30 members of his family. No funeral of any member of the family was read
He lay in the tomb for thirty years, but on June 26, 2008, during an accidental excavation, the two graves were discovered and his body was identified by the shoes. It was the first body in the world to be identified by shoes. The first bar juts said they were owned by General Sardar Muhammad Daud Khan. Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan belonged to the Mohammadzai royal family of Afghanistan. He was born on July 18, 1909. He received his primary education from Jalili School, Kabul, his secondary education from Aminia College and his higher education from France.
He was a graduate of the St. Cry Military Academy. He joined the Afghan army on his return and was promoted to major general at the age of 24. He became the GOC of Nangarhar province in 1932 at the tender age of 25. In 1935, he was transferred to Kandahar. GOC was formed and in the same year, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General. He was the youngest general in the world. In 1946, he was made Minister of Defense in uniform. He was also made ambassador to Paris, Bern and Brussels, and at the same time, King Muhammad Zahir Shah of Afghanistan gave him the relationship of his sister Princess Zainab.
He went to Moscow in 1952 as the Shah's personal envoy for the funeral of Soviet President Marshall Stalin, and from there the second phase of his life began. He was approved by the Russian rulers and the KGB, and he began to support it. In September 1953, Shah made him the Prime Minister of Afghanistan. He was the first Prime Minister in the world in uniform. He was also the Prime Minister. He was also the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Army Staff. As soon as he was sworn in as Prime Minister, he made his brother Sardar Mohammad Azeem the Foreign Minister of Afghanistan and gradually took over the power of the whole country.
He was an intellectual ally of the Soviet Union, so he started the Pashtunistan movement in Pakistan at the behest of Russia. Apparently, Shah Dawood's intentions and predictable nature were recognized. Dawood started conspiracies against the Shah. When the Shah was informed, he changed the constitution of Afghanistan on October 1, 1964, according to which no member of the Afghan royal family could participate in politics.
Shah managed to block the path of Sardar Dawood but he forgot that even the strongest constitution of the world cannot block the path of army. So on July 17, 1973, Zahir Shah went to Italy for treatment and from behind Sardar Dawood Shah. He overthrew the government and imposed martial law on the country. He repealed the 1964 constitution, renamed Afghanistan the Republic of Afghanistan, and at the same time became the President of Afghanistan, the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Central Committee.
He also dissolved parliament on July 28 and became the country's dictator. He was an enlightened and moderate man. As soon as he came to power, he banned veils and beards in the country. He made skirts compulsory in women's colleges and universities. Build houses and disco clubs: 'Kabul became a luxury destination for tourists from all over the world under Sardar Dawood'
At that time, "Europe" started from Kabul, after Kabul, Tehran was the second base of luxury, Istanbul was the third and then the whole of Eastern Europe was open to luxury. Sardar Dawood had also set up hundreds of penitentiaries across the country. Intelligence agents would pick up his opponents during the day and no one would know his name or address after that. In the time of Sardar Dawood, about thirty thousand people were called "Missing People" and their families did not even get the mark of their graves later.
There was a small uprising against him in January 1974, but he beheaded all the rebels.He established relations with Russia as well as with the West. On February 27, 1977, he gave the country a new constitution. He established a presidential system of government and a one-party system in the country, and this was the time when his confidence skyrocketed.
He formed a new cabinet in March 1977 and distributed all the posts in the cabinet to his family and friends. Gone are the riots in the country, political assassinations and demonstrations. He was a cruel man so he started killing his opponents as per his habit.
He assassinated his biggest anti-communist leader, Mir Akbar Khan, on April 17, 1978, and it was this assassination that brought the hatred against Sardar Dawood Khan to a point and on April 27, just ten days after Mir Akbar's assassination. There was a military coup against Sardar Dawood and the army shot him, his brothers, wives, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, in which 30 members of his family, including himself, were killed.
Dawood's body was tied with a pocket and dragged to Kabul city. People used to spit on Dawood's body and spit on him. He was buried in a mass grave with other family members. Thus the body of Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan remained to lie in an unmarked grave for 30 years but then on June 26, 2008, during excavations two mass graves were discovered in Kabul city. There were sixteen bodies in both graves. Was a leather shoe '
As soon as the dust on the shoe was swept away, its polish began to shine and thus the shoe revealed this secret and the body of Sardar Dawood came to light. When I read this news, I touched my ears and repented before Allah Almighty. How strange is the system of Allah Almighty? When he hates an oppressor, his grave is not forgiven and 30 years after the death of the oppressor. His punishment does not end later. Of course, the oppressors can force the whole country to bow before them, but these people cannot defeat time. They cannot deceive Allah and when Allah hates someone He makes shoes a reference to his body and a tombstone. He does not let her die even after death.
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Javed Chaudhry's column June 2014