Corona: The War Of Technology Has Begun BY ARSHAD SHARIF

Monday, May 11, 2020, Daily News, We All  Ashraf Sharif

The whole story is divided into pieces. It all started with research on a virus in US laboratories. The virus was so biologically engineered that it could be controlled by any means. Understand that this was a microscopic soldier who was trained to create fear and disease in the enemy state. It could destroy the livelihood of any area by creating fear. China has more than ہزار 4 trillion in foreign exchange reserves.


China has also made its mark in US markets after Europe and Africa. Perhaps the issue escalated when the United States imposed sanctions on Huawei, a company that played a key role in popularizing FiveG technology. It also ordered that any US company working with Huawei be banned.

 Well, there is a connection between the American virus and FiveG that can be traced. The virus was shipped to China. Initially, it infected many people but the Chinese were already experimenting with such viruses. They found out which country's brand the virus is. They made some chemical changes to the virus and sent it back to where it came from.

Here is the character of Bill Gates. This character could be a link between five G and the virus. The biological technology developed by the United States to control the virus proved ineffective in the face of the mutated corona. The top decision-makers of both countries are aware of this situation of mutual squabbling but both are silent so that they can take advantage of the worsening situation.   
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China countered the US attack but retaliated, for which the US has no cure. Suppose China launches a laser strike in response to a US missile. One aspect of this situation is that Chinese companies have supplied ventilator safety clothing and testing kits to the rest of the world. He made more money than he lost in Wuhan. Chinese experts provided advisory services and led the world in an incurable crisis

۔ China bought a majority stake in 23,000 foreign companies operating in the stock market after dealing with Corona. These foreign companies and their affairs are no longer a secret for China. The United States has long had its multinationals in China. Circumstances have left these companies at the mercy of China. After buying shares of these companies, China made further progress in buying shares of companies in Europe and the United States that were losing money due to Corona.

۔ When the purchase of the famous Italian car companies Ferrari and Lambardney came to light, the plague-stricken Italian government realized that these companies were its national pride and identity. If they are sold, Italy will lose their pride. Due to government measures, China could not make this deal. Similarly, another well-informed player in the game, the United States, is watching to ensure that Chinese investors do not take advantage of America's poor financial situation during the epidemic to buy key companies. Some reports or conspiracy theories say that the United States wants to use FiveG technology to collect and control the personal data of every human being in the world.

۔ Humans are planning to make robots, a responsible friend of mine who is aware of the intricacies of technology thinks that just as there is a TV cable in every street neighbourhood, a small amount of FiveG data in every two or four streets. The box will be installed. At present, FiveG's tower covers an area of ​​up to 25 km. The United States has acquired the ability to manufacture data boxes and ultra-small volume chips at very low cost.

The plan is to bring a vaccine to prevent coronavirus. At the same time, everyone must be vaccinated against coronavirus. A certificate of when the corona vaccine was given will provide a chip inserted into the body. This chip will spew your data while scanning at airports, banks and police stations. Where are you going? What are your commitments? What do you think, what ability can benefit you, what dangerous force you have, everyone will come to the fore?

 Someone raised the question if someone doesn't shut up and get vaccinated? Answer: If this condition is imposed for international travel, identity card, job, etc., then everyone will have to become a slave to technology. For this purpose, the fear of Corona is being sold. Tom Hits, Madonna, Boris Johnson and our celebrities fell ill, all survived. Now let's assemble these pieces. It turned out that the smell of the American plan fell on China and China also started working on it

The United States has partnered with Bill Gates' Microsoft. China has added Huawei to the project. The United States used its weapons against China. China changed its power and sent it to the United States. If the American plan had succeeded, the whole world would have become America's slave. China has thwarted the US plan and created a situation where the direction of benefits and leadership seems to be shifting towards China



Reality And True History Of The Corona Virus

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