Name------------------------------ Roll No. ------------------------
2. Attempt any five questions.
I )Define breathing and cellular respiration
(ii) What is the rate of breathing in human during exercise and rest?
(iii) what do you know about glottis and epiglottis
(iv) what are symptoms of pneumonia
(v) define metabolic waste with example?
(vi) what do you know about goosebumps
(vii) what is the effect of contraction and relaxation of ciliary muscles on the convex lens of the human eye?
(viii) what are ophthalmology and optics
3. Attempt any five questions.
I) Differentiate between ligament and tendon.
(ii) give the contribution of Andreas Vesalius in anatomy.
(iii) What do you know about hinge joints?
(iv) What is rheumatoid arthritis? Give symptoms. survival
(v) How reproduction is important for species.
(vi) what is micropropagation?
(vii) what do you know about Theophrastus?
(viii) NACP and STD,s stand for.
4. Attempt any five questions.
Define traits with example.
(ii) define transcription and translation.
(iii) what does true-breeding mean?
(iv) define gene flow and mutation.
(v) why the carbon cycle is called the perfect cycle.
(vi) what are the effects of excessive denitrification?
(vii) give an example of an endoparasite.
(viii) what do you know about IPCC and SCOPE?
NOTE: Attempt any two
5(a) What do you know about Abu- Nasr-Al farabi and albucasis.
(b) write a note on paralysis and epilepsy.
6(a) What do you know about components of the human skeleton.
(b) what is the condition of seed germination?
7(a) What is genetic engineering Explain its historical perspective and purposes
(b) write a note on mutualism.