How Corona Virus Affects The HUMAN body| SYMPTOMS

 what are the effects of coronavirus and how it affects human internal 

 Coronavirus AND  Human Body parts ITS TRANSMISSION

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The world Largest issue nowadays is a highly contagious and pandemic disease which shows different symptoms after its entry into the human body like flue, high fever, coughing etc. Everyone in the living world is afraid of and frightened to the deadly enemy .most of the people are psychologically feeling uneasiness and discomfort due to novel coronavirus .there is too much question daily people search about corona virus-like coronavirus, virus, corona, coronavirus, china virus, how coronavirus works,, Wuhan virus, coronavirus outbreak, world news, how to protect from coronavirus, novel coronavirus, how deadly is coronavirus? coronavirus symptoms, coronavirus news, what is the coronavirus virus, coronavirus update, what is a coronavirus, coronavirus outbreak, how serious is the coronavirus, novel coronavirus. now let's move towards the actual topic about the deadliest virus

The virus does not have its own biosynthetic machinery. Which means it can't eat food. It cannot get enough energy to break its diet and carry out its daily activities. It cannot increase its number by itself. It cannot replicate its nucleic acids. Can't move. The virus needs a host to perform all this work. That's why all viruses are called obligate endoparasites. That is, they can only grow inside the body of another living organism. Can produce the process. 

They cannot be grown on artistic media in the laboratory. Since the virus cannot even move by itself, it reaches a host passively. Reaching the host first, it engages in the cells of its body. Before the arrival of the virus, the host's body cells are working for the host. They are producing energy for ATP. Are fighting against diseases. In short, they are doing their best to keep the body in balance, ie homeostasis. As soon as the virus enters the host's cells, they first have complete control over it.

 The metabolism of the cells, which are the reactions that the host is doing to the host, they now start to do for the virus. The virus first generates copies of its nucleic acids from its host cells. One to two. The number of viruses increases from two to four and so on. A host cell that was initially hijacked by a virus has now become the host of thousands of viruses. At the same time this host cell burst which is called lysis. Thousands of viruses are recovered from a single cell, infiltrating thousands of new cells into the host's body.

 Once again they all start to increase the number of cell viruses. And millions of new bicycles begin. During all these stages the host still appears to be healthy. Because the host's own body is also made up of trillions of cells and millions of cells appear normal despite being destroyed. These stages are called the incubation period of the virus. This incubation period continues until the symptoms of the disease appear. When the host's body cells are destroyed to a certain number, the body begins to show symptoms of the disease because of its inability to function normally.

The purpose of all this information is to assure you that even if you are not yet in the coronavirus, you still save yourself and others.

Many people are asking how if a particular cure for the Coronavirus has not yet been discovered, how is a certain number of people suffering from Corona being discharged from hospitals? So the answer is that the sole purpose of setting up hospitals and quarantine centres is to keep people suffering from cornea from healthy people. 

So that sick people do not cause the transmission of the virus to healthy people around them. Patients enrolled in Isolation Centers are being given only simple PAN cleaners worldwide. Shifting is being done on ventilators. People who are recovering are due to their body's immune system. The immune system or immune system is a natural defence of our body against disease-causing pathogens. And this is the only natural protection that is protecting people from corona

Another question that people have is how does the coronavirus affect body parts? The coronavirus affects the respiratory tract and the lungs.

Initially, when the virus is injected into the cells of the respiratory tract walls, the respiratory tract produces mucus as a reaction, causing diarrhoea, colds, coughs and sneezing. The body increases the normal body temperature of the virus to 37 degrees Celsius to remove the virus. This is why the symptoms of fever appear. All of these factors either cause the virus to wane and the patient's corona tests begin to go negative. Or if all these factors do not show up, then we say that the patient's immune system is weak and then lung damage begins. After that every moment the patient becomes more and more difficult to save.

Use caution. May Allaah be the backer of us all. Ameen

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