1. The function of Chlorenchymatous cells is:

a) Give support b) Translocate food c) Carry out photosynthesis d) All of them

Correct Answer
Carry out photosynthesis

2. The pancreas secretes granules containing enzymes that help in:

a) Respiration b) Digestion c) Translation d) None of them
Correct Answer

3. Who said,"Omnis cellula e cellula"?

a) Robert Hooke b) Lorenz Oken c) Rudolph Virchow d) Lamarck
Correct Answer
Rudolph Virchow

4. The shape of nucleus may be:

a) Triangular b) Regular c) Spherical d) None of them
Correct Answer

5. ______help in pollination and dispersal of seeds

a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast c) Leucoplasts d) None of them
Correct Answer

6. Types of endoplasmic reticulum are:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Correct Answer 2

7. Each cell of fruit fly contains__________ chromosomes.
a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) 32
Correct Answer 8

8. The movement of cyclosis and amoeboid movements are because of:

a) Intermediate filaments b) Microtubules c) Microfilaments d) All of them
Correct Answer

9. Microfilaments are made up of

a) Tubulin b) Keratin c) Actin d) None of them
Correct Answer

10. Animal cells contain ______centrioles.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Correct Answer

11. Micrographia is a book of:

a) Robert Brown b) Robert Hooke c) Dalton d) Lamarck
Correct Answer
Robert Hooke

12. Mainly enzymes are synthesize in_________

a) Nucleus b) Cytoplasm c) RER d) None of them
Correct Answer

13. Each cell of garden pea contains_________chromosomes.
a) 04 b) 14 c) 24 d) 34
Correct Answer

14. Which type of cell would probably be most appropriate to study lysosomes?

a) Phagocytic white blood cells b) Nerve cells c) Mesophyll cells of leaf d) Muscle cell
Correct Answer
Phagocytic white blood cells

15. Ribosomes are assembled in________

a) Nucleus b) Nucleolus c) Cytoplasm d) Cytosol
Correct Answer

16. Factory of protein synthesis is:

a) Nucleus b) Nucleolus c) Ribosomes d) Cytoplasm
Correct Answer

17. The powerhouse of the cell is:

a) Chloroplast b) Mitochondria c) Golgi Apparatus d) All of them
Correct Answer

18. The chromosomes are composed of____________

a) RNA b) DNA c) Protein d) Both b & c
Correct Answer
Both b & c

19. Hormones secreting cells are:

a) Bone cells b) Gland cells c) Both a & b d) None of them
Correct Answer
Gland cells

20. _________are triangular, tubular or of some other shape

a) Chloroplast b) Chromoplast c) Leucoplasts d) None of them
Correct Answer

21. Attachment between two subunits of ribosomes is control by:

a) Mg2+ b) O-2 c) Mg-3 d) None of them
Correct Answer

22. Ribosomes are also called as:

a) Ribo-ProteinParticles b) Ribonucleoprotein particles c) Proteingenous particles
d) None of them
Correct Answer
Ribonucleoprotein particles

23. Nuclear envelope composed of________membrane

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Correct Answer2

24. Which organelle does not have the membrane?

a) Golgi apparatus b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Ribosomes d) Mitochondria
Correct Answer

25. Golgi apparatus was discovered in:

a) 1798 b) 1898 c) 1989 d) None of them
Correct Answer


  1.  Who discovered cell theory?
  2.  Differentiate between diffusion and active transport?
  3.  How magnification power of a compound microscope is determined?
  4.  What are subunit in the ribosome and how their attachment is controlled?
  5.  Write a note on cytoskeleton?
  6. Who stated "Omnis cellula e cellula". What does it mean?
  7.  What is adipose tissue? What are its functions?
  8.  What is plasmolysis?
  9.  Differentiate between chromoplasts and leucoplasts?
  10.  Define the differentially permeable membrane?
  11.  What is a differentially permeable membrane?
  12. What is the chemical composition of the plasma membrane?
  13.  Differentiate between phagocytosis and pinocytosis?
  14.  What is glycogenosis type-II disease?
  15.  Define Diffusion?
  16.  Define resolution of the eye?
  17.  Define Nucleoid?
  18. What are cisternae?
  19.  What is meant by cell fractionation?
  20.  Write down salient features of cell theory?
  21. State various structural modification in a cell involved in secretions.
  22. What parts of the cell did Schleiden and Schwann find?
  23. State cell theory.
  24.  What do you know about Lorenz Oken?
  25.  What is abiogenesis? What do you know about Jean Baptist de-Lamarck?
  26.  What are the contributions of Rudolph Virchow in cell theory?
  27.  How does autophagy help in converting a tadpole larva into an adult amphibian?
  28.  What is a compound microscope?
  29.  What will happen if a chromosome loses its centromere?
  30.  What do you know about August Weismann?
  31.  How you define the magnification power of a microscope?
  32. How you can differentiate between resolution and magnification power of a microscope?
  33.  Is there any similarity between bacterial and plant cell wall?
  34.  Who proposed the cell theory?
  35.  How you define the resolution power of a microscope?
  36.  List the processes blocked by mitochondrial failure in a cell.
  37.  Describe various movements involved in the transport of materials across the cell membrane.
  38.  How you define a cell?
  39.  Write down the salient features of cell theory.
  40.  Define micrometres?


1. Write a comprehensive note on Lysosomes.

2. Draw a generalized diagram of a prokaryotic cell. Discuss its properties.

3. Give a detailed note on chloroplast. Sketch and label its diagram.
4. Give all possible differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
5. Write a note on the nucleus. Discuss its different components. Draw its structure and label its components.
6. Give a detailed note on the endoplasmic reticulum. Also, discuss its types and functions of this organelle.
7. Write a note on the nucleus.
8. Give a detailed note on the cytoplasm. Also, discuss its importance and function.
9. What is microscopy? Explain different terminologies with respect to electron and compound microscope.
10. What are congenital diseases? Give an explanation with the help of different examples.

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