Precise injury evaluation is essential to arranging suitable consideration and ought to receive a comprehensive methodology 

The appraisal is improved by comprehension of 
❑ Physiology of wound mending 
❑ Factors that influence this procedure
 ❑ Optimal conditions required at the injury site


Appraisal apparatuses 

Your Eyes... Information 

Your Nose... 

Your Ears... 

Your Mouth... 

Wound consideration 

It's not about the gap in the patient............ It's the entire of the patient...of any age! 

Dressing Selection 

Components affecting choice 

❑ Bacterial Profile 

❑ Wound sort 

❑ Depth ❑ Wound Characteristics 

❑ Aetiology/cause ❑ Dry ❑ Moist 

❑ Stage of recuperating ❑ Heavily Exuding ❑ Malodorous 

❑ Tissue type ❑ Excessively Painful 

❑ Necrotic ❑ Difficult to Dress 

❑ Sloughy ❑ Liable to Bleed Easily 

❑ Granulating ❑ Epithelialising 

Customer decision 

❑ Known sensitivities ❑ Fragile or effectively harmed skin ❑ Hygiene needs/wash or shower every now and again ❑ Mobility/expertise ❑ Compliance/concordance 

Wound recuperating 

Your duty is to learn 

Item Related Factors... 

❑ Conformability 

❑ Mass or volume 

❑ Fluid taking care of properties 

❑ Sensitisation 

❑ Odour retaining properties 

❑ Ease of utilization and evacuation 

❑ Antibacterial movement 

❑ Haemostatic properties 

❑ Ease of utilization 

❑ Permeability 

❑ Microclimate sway 

How would I pick a dressing...??? 

Ask 'what do I need the dressing to do...?' 

❑ Rehydrate? 

❑ Absorb exudate? 

❑ Deslough? 

❑ Reduce bacterial tainting? 

❑ Promote granulation? 

❑ Promote a sodden/dry injury bed 

Improve the injury bed 

Excessively wet 

• Remove dampness 

• Absorption/Retention/Sequestration 

• Debridement 

• Treat contamination 

Excessively dry 

• Add dampness Moisture balance 

• Maintain 

Occupy Dead Space 

❑ Dead space must be loaded up with dressing material to guarantee that injury conclusion is postponed until space has been supplanted with granulation tissue: 

❑ Cavity ❑ Undermined tissue ❑ Tracts 

Ensure you can get it out in one piece! 

In the event that there is no blood supply keep 

it dry 

Except if you are 100% certain 

there is reasonable tissue underneath or you have been exhorted by a tissue practicality pro or capable doctor. 



❑ Hydrogels ❑ Alginates ❑ Gelling fibre ❑ Hydrocolloid ❑ Foam ❑ Non-disciple wound contact layers ❑ Island dressings ❑ Antimicrobial ❑ Odor controlling ❑ Other...TNP or NPWT, worms, cell lattice and protease modulators 


▪ come in sheets and gel high water content encourages debridement by rehydration 

Wound Types: 

wound and spread 

Logical inconsistencies: 

▪ intensely oozing injuries 

▪ Maceration and abrasion of the peri-wound zone 

▪ tainted injuries 



permeable dressings, the primary motivation behind which is haemostasis 

▪ structures a gel which complies with the state of the injury 

▪ produced using ocean growth 

Wound sorts: 

moderate to vigorously radiating injuries of assorted types 

Step by step instructions to utilize, when to change: 

▪ evacuate by flooding 

▪ change dressing each 2 to 7 days. 

▪ utilize auxiliary dressing 

Logical inconsistencies: 

▪ dry injuries and necrotic injuries 




▪ occlusive soggy condition, waterproof, can hold fast to wet locales 
Wound sorts: 
▪ clean, pulverizing or necrotic injuries with low to direct exudate 

▪ essential dressing for epithelioid wounds 

Step by step instructions to utilize, when to change 

▪ change each 3 to 7 days (warm to make increasingly flexible and glue) 

▪ requires 1·5 to 2cm edge 

▪ caution quiet about trademark scent to expect when hydrocolloid blends in with exudates. Contraindications: 

▪ vigorously radiating injuries and tainted injuries 

What is an occlusive dressing? 

A sort of wound dressing that absolutely covers the injury bed, close it from the earth. It is impermeable or semi-impermeable to dampness (HCD or Film) 

(The Wound Program, 1993) 

▪ Promote a soggy injury condition 

▪ Stimulate angiogenesis through giving a hypoxic domain 

▪ Reduction in recurrence of dressing changes 

▪ Facilitation of fibrinolysis 

▪ Promotion of autolysis 

▪ Promotion of angiogenesis 

▪ Protection 



▪ permeable dressings, essential and optional 

Wound sorts: 

▪ light to vigorously oozing injuries 

Instructions to utilize, when to change: 

▪ exudate is ingested into the froth and gets obvious at the dressing edges when immersed 

▪ utilize optional dressing, for example, tape or fitting swathe if the item doesn't have a glue fringe don't cover with occlusive film, this may impact the fume porousness of the dressing 


▪ dry sloughy or necrotic injuries May cause peri twisted maceration in exceptionally radiating injuries 

Gelling fibre 


▪ made out of hydrocolloid strands. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose spun into a fibre that shapes a gel in contact with wound exudate 

▪ considers the assimilation and maintenance of exudates 

Wound sorts: 

▪ demonstrated as an essential dressing for the executives of medium to exceptionally radiating injuries, May be helpful for contaminated injuries as "holds" microscopic organisms 

The most effective method to utilize, when to change: 

▪ apply legitimately to the injury requires at any rate 1cm edge covering encompassing skin to guarantee bond/diminish spillage/seal wound outskirts 

▪ requires an optional dressing – some are inherent 


delicately radiating injuries 

WD. 9.9.94 

▪ High dampness fume transmission 

▪ utilized as both essential and optional dressings 

Wound sort: 

▪ low radiating injuries, as they don't retain exudate 

▪ just reasonable for moderately shallow injuries, for example dermabrasion, consumes and contributor destinations maintenance dressings, for example for cannulas. 

Instructions to utilize, when to change: 

▪ recurrence of progress relies upon the nature of the wound 

▪ skin encompassing injury must be spotless and dry Contraindications: 

▪ over the top exudate may gather underdressing 

▪ may cause cement injury on evacuation 

Wound contact layers 


essential dressing on dry or delicately oozing injuries 

▪ optional dressing required 

▪ most are a low follower 

Wound sorts: 

▪ Especially fit to epithelioid wounds 

Instructions to utilize, when to change: 

▪ Apply legitimately to wound bed 


▪ Moderate to profoundly exudating wounds 

Island dressings 

essential dressing on dry or daintily radiating injuries 

Hindrance and non-boundary accessible 

Wound sorts: 

Postop, low exudate 

The most effective method to utilize, when to change: 

PRN – relies upon wound and conventions postop 


Moderate to profoundly exudating wounds 

Cadexomer iodine 

Properties: cadexomer iodine glue, red-earthy colored in shading starch microbeads, iodine caught in 3D grid 

Wound sorts: oozing injuries. tainted, sloughy injuries 

The most effective method to utilize, when to change: apply legitimately to skin permitting a little edge of cover onto encompassing skin changing is demonstrated by loss of shading in the item 

Contraindications and contemplations: there are most extreme dosages/application every week each single course of treatment ought not keep going for over 3 months. Contraindicated in individuals with thyroid issues, lithium, pregnancy 


Properties: low groupings of hydrogen peroxide high sugar content draws lymph liquid from underneath the injuries surface. debrides swamp rehydrates rot 

Wound sorts: contaminated or fundamentally colonized sluggish/non-mending wounds 

Step by step instructions to utilize when to change: apply straightforwardly to wound ought to be changed when immersed with exudate dressings can be cut 

Contraindications and contemplations: Monitor glucose levels of patients with diabetes, torment 


 Antibacterial properties through silver particles impedance with bacterial electron transport authoritative to DNA of microorganisms and their spores, so debilitating cell replication cell layer connection – auxiliary and receptor work har

Wound Types: Infected or fundamentally colonized sluggish/non-mending wounds 

Step by step instructions to utilize, when to change: All totally different – focus 

Contraindications and contemplations: may give skin a general dark discolouration (argyria) – to a great extent a corrective issue. Just happens with long haul use 

PHMB – Polyhexamethylene Biguanide 

Properties: Antibacterial properties through silver particles Binds to cell film making openings structure, the cells hole, breakdown and bite the dust Often impregnated into froth or bandage or as a fluid or gel 

Wound Types: Infected or fundamentally colonized inactive/non-mending wounds 

Step by step instructions to utilize, when to change: All altogether different – focus 

Contraindications and contemplations: Different for every item 

Scent diminishing charcoals 

Properties: use charcoal to retain smell particles typically require to remain dry 

Wound sorts: Malodourous 

Instructions to utilize, when to change: All totally different – focus 

Contraindications and contemplations: Put high up your dressing layers and consider customer transforming it themselves 


Portrayal: Devitalised ischaemic tissue Black/earthy coloured eschar/bog 

Point of Treatment: 

Debride and expel 

(*NB Ischaemic injury) 

Method of reasoning: Host for contamination Impairs recuperating 



Blend of fibrin, protein, serous exudate, Leucocytes and microscopic organisms yellow/dim Glutinous covering 

Point of Treatment: 

Expel quagmire and give a clean base to granulation 

Method of reasoning: 

Host for contamination Impairs mending 



Made out of slim circles, collagen, proteins and polysaccharides. Red, granular appearance 

Point of Treatment: Protect and advance granulation 

Method of reasoning: Base for epithelialisation Fills wound bed 




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