



If the government and the economy were so easy to run, the establishment of direct and indirect

 rule over the country for 70 years would not have made Pakistan a superpower. The point is very 

clear that running the economy is not the bus of the establishment. This off-the-record conversation

 was held by a few journalists, a prominent figure in the PTI, on a major constitutional post. 

Although there is nothing new in it. Independent analysts have been saying for a long time that this is enough if the establishment does its original job well.

 In other cases, interfering with it can make matters worse. Now the people of the Kings Party( pti) 

have begun to say so. He believes that in the case of Advisor Finance Minister Hafiz Sheikh, 

Governor State Bank Raza Baqir, the IMF team has been completely unsuccessful and the 

government is facing all due to its poor performance. I am not overweight because if you make 

quality performance, then every department, every ministry is on the verge of decline.

 The founders of this government had laid the foundation for lying. Remember the sit-in of 2014 

when Imran Khan(pti) and Tahir-ul-Qadri(PAT) were trying to disrupt the government system by 

causing the whole country to suffer. Propaganda was made a part of this group. In such an 

environment, these two "great" leaders, while making threatening speeches, suddenly began to

 pull the pockets out of their pockets to tell them that it was done.

 These things did not exist right from the beginning. The sole purpose of lying was to maintain 

stability in the country in no way. This false propaganda was also under a (pti)doctrine. By the way, it is 

no secret that Interior Minister Brigadier (r) Ijaz Shah and Railway Minister Sheikh Rasheed

have also acknowledged in recent times that Nawaz Sharif was punished not for any corruption, but pure disobedience. The fourth time would have been the Prime Minister. 

The doctor continues to harass and discredit his opponents by lying. It is different that now the 

government, also known as the Selected Government(pti), needs practical support from its allies, due to the colour palette. ۔ Finance and foreign affairs are a long way away. To this day, they have been 

diligent in dealing with the media.

In the recent past, there was news that something was happening for political change. 

Then suddenly there were reports that nothing much was happening right now. A few events can be

 better analyzed and analyzed. Going out to treat Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz's silence, Asif Zardari's bail

these three incidents are enough to prove that something is going on somewhere. It is also interesting

 that former prime minister's Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Hasan Iqbal, Khwaja Saad, Khursheed

 Shah is still arrested. Hamza Shahbaz could not get bail. There are also reports that opposition

 leaders are coming to jail once again. It is certain that the Establishment has also come to the 

the conclusion that the PTI team has a dream of hoping for the desired results.

That is why in the first phase, changes were made to the Ministry of Finance, Information and 

Interior. If work is still not going on, it is thought that if an active government(pti) comes to Punjab, its

 effects will affect the politics of the entire country.

 Efforts were made to persuade Prime Minister Imran Khan (pti)in this regard, but Bani Gala rejected 

him for spiritual reasons. The Establishment thought it was time to tell Imran Khan(pti) that the "magic 

wand" was in fact, who had the slightest relief to the opposition and shouted to the coalition 

government. It is alleged that there is a conspiracy against us. 

Apparently, it seems that any change to the Establishment was intended to be brought about through 

these housing changes. Meanwhile, under the leadership of the opposition, the situation has come to 

realize that the situation in the country has become such that it is impossible to handle. That is, even 

if the sword is constantly hanging over it through these house changes. 

The parties demanded that the only solution to the crisis was the new transparent elections. When the 

establishment financially reviewed the demand, sixteen came to interest. At present, only the (PTI )

government is being criticized. In a jarring word, people are also criticizing the establishment for 

this experience. Obviously, in the present situation, rigging will not be impossible if there are new 

elections and the result will be a nightmare for a lesser, self-establishment for someone else.

It will be asked, who had the rare idea of ​​putting the country in the worst crisis when it comes to 

good governance? 

The options of the companies will be taken over and Pandora's Box will open. So it was decided that 
the requirement of the "broader national interest" was to maintain the existing system with it,

perhaps a miracle after six months.

 Under the same policy, the volume of relief to the opposition was reduced. The pti government is 

practically helping the media and all other fronts. With the IMF agreement and poor economic 

policies, there is no chance of a crisis going far. So it was decided that everything should be presented

 in a positive way. No one should be allowed to highlight real problems or create problems for the 

the  (pti)government in the field. It is a separate debate that such a hobby will find them? Currently, the major 

opposition parties have no interest in losing the government.

 They think that the Selected Government(pti) is gaining weight on the heads of selectors with each 

passing day. It is better if the two stick together. None of the constitutional bodies is playing an active 
a role which makes it difficult for the government to handle its affairs.

 In recent days, the Supreme Court has directed some action to speed up judicial activism. But now 

there are cases where the routine is on. No one wants the government's disqualification to fall on it.

 Even with the full support of all the institutions, this government opposition can not afford the big 

talk of free media.

They too, in an environment where the hands of the front are tied. Feel free to run, as happened to the

 "leopard" in the National Assembly in the past. Abdul Qadir Patel of the PPP forced him to flee

 the house with his feet.

Imran Khan is constantly denouncing 

everything he has said, renaming the old government's plans with new names, though in the past he 

has been critical of them. Corruption is on the rise. Stock exchanges, from dollar rates to flour

 sugar, are being set up. 

The funny thing is that when the FIA ​​of the famous JIT Wajid Razia sent the names of the people 

regarding the flour, sugar crisis, the Prime Minister declared the report as shoddy and sent it to be

 sent. The limit is that the PTI government, which criticized the previous government, 

sold $ 5 billion in the market for artificial stability in dollar prices. 

All that is left is now. There are constant failures on the diplomatic front, no longer even with 

Saudi Arabia. Relations between Turkey and Malaysia are sometimes formed and withdrawn. 

These two countries are true friends of Pakistan but it is also true that they need big markets for 

their products. 

We have industry, trade and agriculture too

 An attempt is being made to put the nation behind a truck light. Whether or not the opposition has 

come to the field is not their will, but the people are not tired. The IMF will comply with all its 

terms. Just in time, it can be a bit far-fetched and all its implications will have to be suffered by the 

common Pakistani. 

The relationship between the government and the IMF is like 

opposition and establishment. 

That is, the onions and onions will be eaten together. There was a time when only the less 

courageous and incompetent politicians fell in the eyes of the people. 
Now it seems that this 

the government will leave everyone dirty. What happens next? Allah knows but in the present case 

the whole system is operating under a fixed doctrine which has two points: 
(1) false claims of success. 

(2) baseless accusations against others; They have to remain silent, believing every lie a right. 

Large opposition parties have prostrated themselves before the powerful.

 People are, however, asking questions.
Imran KHAN Pakistan Found

Did Imran get a newborn from Pakistan in 1947?

Did Imran find a war in Pakistan in 1965?

Was 1971 a broken Pakistan?

Did Pakistan get injured by terror in 2010?

Did you find a Pakistan whose economic hub was held hostage by a man sitting in London?

On the contrary, Imran found Pakistan as one of the most peaceful, economic activities in the 

country's history. In which GDP was at the highest level in history, making stock exchange records, load shedding has come to an end. 

The backbone of terrorism was broken. Inflation was the lowest, people's businesses were running, 

jobs were getting, payments were increasing, agriculture was exporting. Public and private 

developments were taking place, the task of building the largest infrastructure in the history of the 

the country was in full swing.

Now how to wash the cry?

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